Dictionary of Ichthyology  

stomach = the part of the digestive tract after the oesophagus, not differentiated as a distinct section of the intestine in all fishes. Where distinct having a straight fundic ventral portion ending as a blind sac and a short pyloric portion extending dorsally to the proximal end of the intestine.

Guts of Protopterus from Kingsley's "Textbook of Vertebrate Zoology, 1906. C = caecum, G = gall bladder, HV = hepatic vein, L = liver, O = oesophagus, OD = oviduct, PV = pyloric valve, R = rectum, RD = renal (mesonephric) duct, S = stomach, SP = spleen, SV = spiral valve, V = vent. Photograph by Brian W. Coad.

©Canadian Museum of Nature