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    Fishes of Canada: Annotated Checklist
Annotated Checklist of the Fishes of Canada

Fishes of Canada: An Annotated Checklist

Brian W. Coad

Revised: 05 February 2013

Introduction   Links to Families   Criteria for Inclusion   Sources   Abbreviations   Arrangement of Taxa   Comments   Higher Classification   Annotated Checklist   Rejected Records   Literature Cited


This work attempts a definitive listing of the scientific, English and French names of fishes for Canada. New species and species new to this ichthyofauna are still being discovered and the taxonomy changes over time. The list has over 279 taxa not given in McAllister (1990) and over 248 taxa not given in Coad et al. (1995), the last complete listings of this ichthyofauna. The list published by the American Fisheries Society (AFS) for North America (Nelson et al., 2004) encompasses Mexico, the U.S.A. and Canada but naturally contains many species not found in Canadian waters, does not extend to depths below 200 metres in the sea, and has French names only for species found in Québec.

Readers should note that this is a work in progress. Questions marks indicate areas still under study. Currently the list comprises 5 Classes, 50 Orders, 228 Families and 1430 species (25 January 2013).

Illustrations and descriptions on most of these species may be found in Coad et al. (1995) and at FishBase ( The taxa new to Canada listed here are, for the most part, deepsea or mesopelagic species captured by research vessels, and some species resurrected from synonymy.

Links to Families

The following alphabetical list of family names has links; for common and scientific names of species, a simple word search can be done.

Acanthuridae   Acipenseridae   Acropomatidae   Agonidae   Albulidae   Alepisauridae   Alepocephalidae   Alopiidae   Amiidae   Ammodytidae   Anarhichadidae   Anguillidae   Anoplogastridae   Anoplopomatidae   Anotopteridae   Antennariidae   Apogonidae   Argentinidae   Ariommatidae   Atherinidae   Aulorhynchidae

Balistidae   Barbourisiidae   Bathyclupeidae   Bathylagidae   Bathymasteridae   Batrachoididae   Berycidae   Blenniidae   Bothidae   Bramidae   Bregmacerotidae   Bythitidae

Callionymidae   Caproidae   Carangidae   Carapidae   Carcharhinidae   Caristiidae   Catostomidae   Caulophrynidae   Centrarchidae   Centriscidae   Centrolophidae   Ceratiidae   Cetomimidae   Cetorhinidae   Chaetodontidae   Channidae    Characidae   Chaunacidae   Chiasmodontidae   Chimaeridae   Chlorophthalmidae   Cichlidae   Clinidae   Clupeidae   Cobitidae   Congridae   Coryphaenidae   Cottidae   Cryptacanthodidae   Cyclopteridae   Cynoglossidae   Cyprinidae

Dactylopteridae   Dalatiidae   Dasyatidae   Derichthyidae   Diodontidae   Diretmidae   Draconettidae

Echeneidae   Elopidae   Embiotocidae   Engraulidae   Epigonidae   Esocidae   Eurypharyngidae   Evermannellidae   Exocoetidae

Fistulariidae   Fundulidae

Gadidae   Gasterosteidae   Gempylidae   Gigantactinidae   Gobiesocidae   Gobiidae   Gonostomatidae   Grammicolepididae

Halosauridae   Hemiramphidae   Hemitripteridae   Hexagrammidae   Hexanchidae   Himantolophidae   Hiodontidae   Holocentridae

Icosteidae   Ictaluridae   Ipnopidae   Istiophoridae


Labridae   Lamnidae   Lampridae   Lepisosteidae   Linophrynidae   Lobotidae   Lophiidae   Loricariidae   Lotidae   Lutjanidae   Luvaridae

Macrouridae    Macrurocyttidae   Malacanthidae   Megalopidae   Melamphaidae   Melanocetidae   Melanonidae   Merlucciidae   Microstomatidae   Mirapinnidae   Molidae   Monacanthidae   Moridae   Moringuidae   Moronidae   Mugilidae   Mullidae   Muraenidae   Myctophidae   Myliobatidae   Myxinidae

Nemichthyidae   Neoscopelidae   Nettastomatidae   Nomeidae   Notacanthidae   Notosudidae

Odontaspididae   Ogcocephalidae   Omosudidae   Oneirodidae   Ophichthidae   Ophidiidae   Opisthoproctidae   Oreosomatidae   Osmeridae   Osphronemidae   Ostraciidae

Paralepididae   Paralichthyidae   Pentacerotidae   Percichthyidae   Percidae   Percopsidae   Peristediidae   Petromyzontidae   Pholidae   Phosichthyidae   Phycidae   Platytroctidae   Pleuronectidae   Poeciliidae   Polymixiidae   Polyodontidae   Polyprionidae   Pomacanthidae   Pomacentridae   Pomatomidae   Priacanthidae   Pseudotriakidae   Psychrolutidae   Ptilichthyidae

Rachycentridae   Rajidae   Regalecidae   Rhamphocottidae   Rhincodontidae   Rhinochimaeridae   Rondeletiidae

Saccopharyngidae   Salmonidae   Sciaenidae   Scomberesocidae   Scombridae   Scombrolabracidae   Scopelarchidae   Scophthalmidae   Scorpaenidae   Scyliorhinidae   Scytalinidae   Sebastidae   Serranidae   Serrivomeridae   Setarchidae   Sparidae   Sphyraenidae   Sphyrnidae   Squalidae   Squatinidae   Stephanoberycidae   Sternoptychidae   Stichaeidae   Stomiidae   Stromateidae   Stylephoridae   Symphysanodontidae   Synaphobranchidae   Syngnathidae   Synodontidae

Tetragonuridae   Tetraodontidae   Thaumatichthyidae   Torpedinidae   Trachichthyidae   Trachipteridae   Triakidae   Trichiuridae   Trichodontidae   Triglidae



Zaproridae   Zeidae   Zoarcidae


Criteria for Inclusion

The criteria for inclusion within the list include presence in Canadian fresh and marine waters, in marine waters out to the border with neighbouring states or to the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and whatever depths are reached at that point, native taxa including subspecies, taxa regarded by some authors as synonyms but not by others, extinct or extirpated taxa, taxa as yet unnamed scientifically, exotic taxa including those not known to be maintaining reproducing populations, records of larvae, museum records not recently verified, taxa not identified to species but representing a genus not otherwise known in Canada (there are many museum records where only the genus is given – these are potentially new species records if the genus is not monotypic but usually they represent a specimen unidentifiable to a recorded species by virtue of missing anatomical characters, lack of expertise in the group, larval form, etc, and thus are not listed here), and poorly documented records that are not inherently unlikely (i.e. records having no voucher specimen deposited in a museum and/or no accurate locality data but mentioned in literature sources and occurring in neighbouring regions). An occasional record is of remains (a skeleton on a beach, gut contents) and these too are recorded even though it may be argued that some skeletons could be discards and gut contents could be from well travelled fish or birds having dined outside Canada. Records from the weathership Ocean Station Papa (50˚N, 145˚W) located west of the British Columbia coast were included in Jean et al. (1981), McAllister (1990), Gillespie (1993) and Coad et al. (1995) and are repeated here. Some fish recorded in the Canadian literature are not definitely known from Canadian waters as defined above but are included with a comment to that effect. The aim is to include an analysis of all records and thus be a complete treatment.

It is evident from extralimital literature and museum record sources that many species may be found eventually in Canadian waters as defined here. These will mostly be oceanic, deepsea and mesopelagic species caught from research vessels.



The chief sources for these records are the books Scott and Crossman (1973), Hart (1973), Scott and Scott (1988), McAllister (1990), Coad et al. (1995), and Collette and Klein-MacPhee (2002); research papers as listed under a particular species, notably Moore et al. (2003); records in museums as documented; and the internet sites the “East Coast of North America Strategic Assessment Project” ( and the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” (Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection of the Huntsman Marine Science Centre, St. Andrews, New Brunswick ( The latter work in particular added many new records from mesopelagic waters off Nova Scotia (see also Themelis (1996)). Note that links may change with time or be replaced. The ones listed here were active at the noted time of download.

The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada ( assesses the status of species considered to be at risk in Canada and is referred to in the text under its acronym COSEWIC. The last version examined for this work is that of May 2004 but taxa are both updated and new ones considered at regular intervals. Taxa may be Extinct, Extirpated, Endangered, Threatened, Special Concern, Not at Risk or Data Deficient. Extinct is a world-wide status but the others refer to Canadian populations only unless that taxon is only found in Canada.

Some museum records may eventually be published separately by other authors; the point of first discovery by me is the one recorded here.



Acronyms for museum records as are follows:-

MCZ = Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (, information downloaded September 2003.

USNM = United States National Museum (National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington (, downloaded September 2003.


Arrangement of Taxa

The arrangement is mostly self-explanatory. The higher classification generally follows the simple list in Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes", published in 1998 but available in an updated on-line version (, downloaded October 2004) as it covers all families of fishes. Further discussion on higher classification can be found in Nelson (1994), although this is now somewhat dated, and to a more limited extent in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) which does not cover all families recorded here. Occasional comment is made in the current list on higher classification as authors disagree on splitting and combining families.

The number in parentheses after a family, order or class is the number of species in that category. Subspecies are not included in this count. Species are alphabetical by scientific name within families. Subspecies are usually included within the Comments section under each species but certain subspecies have a long history of distinct usage in faunal accounts and have separate accounts.

Spellings of scientific names, authors and dates, synonymies, and references to conflicting opinions on species validity and generic placements may be found in Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes" as referenced above and are easily searched in the on-line version. Text Comments stating “by authors” or similar general, unreferenced statements can be taken as referring to this work where conflicting views are indicated with literature sources. This work should be consulted by anyone reading older literature and encountering genus and species combinations and scientific names that do not appear in this list. Complete synonymies and all genus/species combinations used in Canadian or other relevant literature are not cited in the current list although some selected comments are given. Taxa described from Canada but now regarded as synonymous are listed without extensive referencing – references can be found in Eschmeyer’s on-line Catalog. Type localities of valid species described from Canadian waters are listed for interest in brief; again Eschmeyer’s on-line work gives further details. The AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) also has comments on changes in scientific names from several earlier versions of the list and from recent literature usage.

Some species have numerous common names but one is recommended here for each species in English and French. Common names are taken mostly from the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) for reasons of harmony and communication. However, the AFS list does not contain some deepwater species as noted above nor are French names given for species outside Québec. Some AFS names are confusing in a Canadian list but have a history of use, e.g. Lycodes lavalaei has the AFS common names Newfoundland eelpout and lycode du Labrador, different in English and French. Additionally there is a Lycodes terraenovae in this list (but not the AFS list) that logically would be called Newfoundland eelpout. The mismatch between English and French common names extends across a suite of species and these are pointed out.

Common names for species not mentioned in the AFS list are from McAllister (1990). In a few cases the AFS list uses English common names at variance with those in McAllister. The French common name for species outside Québec may have been coined based on the English name (now changed) and may not match. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency ( also lists scientific and common names of fishes from a commercial standpoint. A secondary source for English and French common names is FishBase ( although it should be noted that these names are often Eurocentric. This source is used for fish that are recent records for Canada and so do not have local common names. See also Desroches (2009) and Brisson et al. (2009) for proposed French name changes. Note that there are some minor variations in orthography between lists - those in Québec capitalise Nord and Est in species names while other sources do not.

The arguments for capitalisation of common names are strong (Arctic sculpins can mean the Arctic Sculpin species or just sculpins in the Arctic in general). I have not capitalised them here as this is not a confirmed trend and French etymology is opposed.

It should be noted that some of the common names are in fact “book names”, composed by scientists to complement the scientific names and to ensure uniformity of presentation in lists. Rare and inaccessible species are only encountered by scientists and have no true, commonly-used name.

The Comments field discusses identification, naming and distributional problems as these apply to records from Canadian waters. Other common names are listed here as they may occur in older literature without a scientific name and can help identify species. Common names may be used for more than one species. Where common names for a species have numerous adjectives modifying a noun, the adjectives are separated by a comma and the noun by a semicolon from other names, e.g. “western, northern, silver, and brown lamprey;” are western lamprey, northern lamprey......

A suite of species not recorded in earlier lists required common names. These may exist in various English and French publications and their sources and reasons for choice are documented. Where new common names have been coined, the reasoning behind their construction is given in the Comments field.

Distribution of species in waters neighbouring Canada (and descriptions of species that may eventually be found in Canada) can be found in Robins and Ray (1986), Collette and Klein-MacPhee (2002) and Moore et al. (2003)(Atlantic), Mecklenburg et al. (2002)(western Arctic and Pacific), Eschmeyer and Herald (1983)(Pacific), Nielsen et al., (1992)(Greenland), Andriyashev (1954) and Andriyashev and Chernova (1995)(Arctic) and Lee et al. (1980) and Page and Burr (1991)(fresh waters).



Corrections and additions to this list can be addressed to the author at


Higher Classification

Figures in parentheses are number of confirmed species (including a few subspecies often treated separately in faunal works) for Canada in each taxon.

Class/Classe Myxini (3)
Order/Ordre Myxiniformes (3)
Family/Famille Myxinidae (3)
Class/Classe Cephlaspidomorphi (11)
Order/Ordre Petromyzontiformes (11)
Family/Famille Petromyzontidae (11)
Class/Classe Elasmobranchii (79)
Order/Ordre Hexanchiformes (2)
Family/Famille Hexanchidae (2)
Order/Ordre Orectolobiformes (1)
Family/Famille Rhincodontidae (1)
Order/Ordre Lamniformes (8)
Family/Famille Odontaspididae (1)
Family/Famille Lamnidae (5)
Family/Famille Cetorhinidae (1)
Family/Famille Alopiidae (1)
Order/Ordre Carcharhiniformes(20)
Family/Famille Scyliorhinidae (8)
Family/Famille Pseudotriakidae (1)
Family/Famille Triakidae (2)
Family/Famille Carcharhinidae (7)
Family/Famille Sphyrnidae (2)
Order/Ordre Squaliformes (10)
Family/Famille Dalatiidae (8)
Family/Famille Squalidae (2)
Order/Ordre Squatiniformes (2)
Family/Famille Squatinidae (2)
Order/Ordre Torpediformes (2)
Family/Famille Torpedinidae (2)
Order/Ordre Rajiformes (34)
Family/Famille Rajidae (30)
Family/Famille Dasyatidae (3)
Family/Famille Myliobatidae (1)
Class/Classe Holocephali (5)
Order/Ordre Chimaeriformes (5)
Family/Famille Chimaeridae (2)
Family/Famille Rhinochimaeridae (3)
Class/Classe Actinopterygii (1332)
Order/Ordre Acipenseriformes (6)
Family/Famille Acipenseridae (5)
Family/Famille Polyodontidae (1)
Order/Ordre Lepisosteiformes (3)
Family/Famille Lepisosteidae (3)
Order/Ordre Amiiformes (1)
Family/Famille Amiidae (1)
Order/Ordre Osteoglossiformes (2)
Family/Famille Hiodontidae (2)
Order/Ordre Elopiformes (2)
Family/Famille Elopidae (1)
Family/Famille Megalopidae (1)
Order/Ordre Albuliformes (1)
Family/Famille Albulidae (1)
Order/Ordre Notacanthiformes (10)
Family/Famille Halosauridae (5)
Family/Famille Notacanthidae (5)
Order/Ordre Anguilliformes (49)
incertae sedis (1)
Family/Famille Anguillidae (2)
Family/Famille Moringuidae (1)
Family/Famille Muraenidae (3)
Family/Famille Synaphobranchidae (4)
Family/Famille Ophichthidae (13)
Family/Famille Congridae (11)
Family/Famille Derichthyidae (2)
Family/Famille Nemichthyidae (3)
Family/Famille Serrivomeridae (4)
Family/Famille Nettastomatidae (5)
Order/Ordre Saccopharyngiformes (2)
Family/Famille Saccopharyngidae (1)
Family/Famille Eurypharyngidae (1)
Order/Ordre Clupeiformes (13)
Family/Famille Clupeidae (10)
Family/Famille Engraulidae (3)
Order/Ordre Cypriniformes (78)
Family/Famille Cyprinidae (58)
Family/Famille Catostomidae (19)
Family/Famille Cobitidae (1)
Order/Ordre Characiformes (1)
Family/Famille Characidae (1)
Order/Ordre Siluriformes (12)
Family/Famille Ictaluridae (10)
Family/Famille Loricariidae (2)
Order/Ordre Esociformes (7)
Family/Famille Esocidae (5)
Family/Famille Umbridae (2)
Order/Ordre Osmeriformes (53)
Family/Famille Argentinidae (3)
Family/Famille Microstomatidae (4)
Family/Famille Bathylagidae (9)
Family/Famille Opisthoproctidae (4)
Family/Famille Alepocephalidae (12)
Family/Famille Platytroctidae (11)
Family/Famille Osmeridae (10)
Order/Ordre Salmoniformes (48)
Family/Famille Salmonidae (48)
Order/Ordre Stomiiformes (93)
Family/Famille Gonostomatidae (16)
Family/Famille Sternoptychidae (12)
Family/Famille Phosichthyidae (7)
Family/Famille Stomiidae (58)
Order/Ordre Aulopiformes (46)
Family/Famille Chlorophthalmidae (2)
Family/Famille Ipnopidae (5)
Family/Famille Scopelarchidae (6)
Family/Famille Notosudidae (6)
Family/Famille Synodontidae (4)
Family/Famille Paralepididae (15)
Family/Famille Anotopteridae (2)
Family/Famille Evermannellidae (3)
Family/Famille Omosudidae (1)
Family/Famille Alepisauridae (2)
Order/Ordre Myctophiformes (84)
Family/Famille Neoscopelidae (1)
Family/Famille Myctophidae (83)
Order/Ordre Lampriformes (5)
Family/Famille Lampridae (1)
Family/Famille Trachipteridae (2)
Family/Famille Regalecidae (1)
Family/Famille Stylephoridae (1)
Order/Ordre Polymixiiformes (2)
Family/Famille Polymixiidae (2)
Order/Ordre Percopsiformes (1)
Family/Famille Percopsidae (1)
Order/Ordre Gadiformes (62)
Family/Famille Bregmacerotidae (2)
Family/Famille Macrouridae (20)
Family/Famille Moridae (10)
Family/Famille Melanonidae (1)
Family/Famille Gadidae (13)
Family/Famille Lotidae (8)
Family/Famille Phycidae (4)
Family/Famille Merlucciidae (4)
Ophidiiformes (10)
Family/Famille Ophidiidae (7)
Family/Famille Carapidae (1)
Family/Famille Bythitidae (2)
Order/Ordre Batrachoidiformes (1)
Family/Famille Batrachoididae (1)
Order/Ordre Lophiiformes (43)
Family/Famille Lophiidae (1)
Family/Famille Antennariidae (2)
Family/Famille Chaunacidae (2)
Family/Famille Ogcocephalidae (1)
Family/Famille Caulophrynidae (1)
Family/Famille Melanocetidae (2)
Family/Famille Himantolophidae (3)
Family/Famille Oneirodidae (17)
Family/Famille Thaumatichthyidae (2)
Family/Famille Ceratiidae (3)
Family/Famille Gigantactinidae (3)
Family/Famille Linophrynidae (6)
Order/Ordre Gobiesociformes (2)
Family/Famille Gobiesocidae (2)
Order/Ordre Atheriniformes (3)
Family/Famille Atherinidae (3)
Order/Ordre Cyprinodontiformes (15)
Family/Famille Fundulidae (3)
Family/Famille Poeciliidae (4)
Family/Famille Scomberesocidae (2)
Family/Famille Exocoetidae (4)
Family/Famille Hemiramphidae (2)
Order/Ordre Stephanoberyciformes (18)
Family/Famille Stephanoberycidae (1)
Family/Famille Melamphaidae (17)
Order/Ordre Beryciformes (9)
Family/Famille Trachichthyidae (4)
Family/Famille Diretmidae (1)
Family/Famille Anoplogastridae (1)
Family/Famille Berycidae (2)
Family/Famille Holocentridae (1)
Order/Ordre Cetomimiformes (5)
Family/Famille Mirapinnidae (1)
Family/Famille Rondeletiidae (1)
Family/Famille Barbourisiidae (1)
Family/Famille Cetomimidae (2)
Order/Ordre Zeiformes (10)
Family/Famille Macrurocyttidae (1)
Family/Famille Zeidae (2)
Family/Famille Oreosomatidae (3)
Family/Famille Grammicolepididae (2)
Family/Famille Caproidae (2)
Order/Ordre Gasterosteiformes (19)
Family/Famille Gasterosteidae (18)
Family/Famille Aulorhynchidae (1)
Order/Ordre Syngnathiformes (10)
Family/Famille Fistulariidae (2)
Family/Famille Centriscidae (1)
Family/Famille Syngnathidae (7)
Order/Ordre Scorpaeniformes (219)
Family/Famille Sebastidae (46)
Family/Famille Setarchidae (1)
Family/Famille Scorpaenidae (2)
Family/Famille Dactylopteridae (1)
Family/Famille Triglidae (2)
Family/Famille Peristediidae (2)
Family/Famille Anoplopomatidae (2)
Family/Famille Hexagrammidae (8)
Family/Famille Rhamphocottidae (1)
Family/Famille Cottidae (60)
Family/Famille Hemitripteridae (6)
Family/Famille Psychrolutidae (9)
Family/Famille Agonidae (21)
Family/Famille Cyclopteridae (58)
Perciformes (317)
Family/Famille Percichthyidae (2)
Family/Famille Acropomatidae (3)
Family/Famille Moronidae (3)
Family/Famille Polyprionidae (1)
Family/Famille Serranidae (6)
Family/Famille Symphysanodontidae (1)
Family/Famille Centrarchidae (12)
Family/Famille Percidae (16)
Family/Famille Priacanthidae (4)
Family/Famille Apogonidae (2)
Family/Famille Epigonidae (3)
Family/Famille Malacanthidae (2)
Family/Famille Pomatomidae (1)
Family/Famille Rachycentridae (1)
Family/Famille Echeneidae (5)
Family/Famille Carangidae (17)
Family/Famille Coryphaenidae (2)
Family/Famille Bramidae (5)
Family/Famille Caristiidae (4)
Family/Famille Lutjanidae (3)
Family/Famille Lobotidae (1)
Family/Famille Sparidae (2)
Family/Famille Sciaenidae (7)
Family/Famille Mullidae (1)
Family/Famille Bathyclupeidae (1)
Family/Famille Kyphosidae (2)
Family/Famille Chaetodontidae (1)
Family/Famille Pomacanthidae (2)
Family/Famille Pentacerotidae (1)
Family/Famille Mugilidae (2)
Family/Famille Cichlidae (5)
Family/Famille Embiotocidae (9)
Family/Famille Pomacentridae (2)
Family/Famille Labridae (5)
Family/Famille Bathymasteridae (3)
Family/Famille Zoarcidae (52)
Family/Famille Stichaeidae (23)
Family/Famille Cryptacanthodidae (3)
Family/Famille Pholidae (8)
Family/Famille Anarhichadidae (5)
Family/Famille Ptilichthyidae (1)
Family/Famille Zaproridae (1)
Family/Famille Scytalinidae (1)
Family/Famille Chiasmodontidae (5)
Family/Famille Trichodontidae (1)
Family/Famille Ammodytidae (4)
Family/Famille Clinidae (3)
Family/Famille Blenniidae (2)
Family/Famille Icosteidae (1)
Family/Famille Callionymidae (3)
Family/Famille Draconettidae (1)
Family/Famille Gobiidae (6)
Family/Famille Luvaridae (1)
Family/Famille Acanthuridae (1)
Family/Famille Scombrolabracidae (1)
Family/Famille Sphyraenidae (3)
Family/Famille Gempylidae (8)
Family/Famille Trichiuridae (10)
Family/Famille Xiphiidae (1)
Family/Famille Istiophoridae (2)
Family/Famille Scombridae (14)
Family/Famille Centrolophidae (4)
Family/Famille Nomeidae (6)
Family/Famille Ariommatidae (2)
Family/Famille Tetragonuridae (2)
Family/Famille Stromateidae (2)
Family/Famille Osphronemidae (2)
Family/Famille Channidae (1)
Order/Ordre Pleuronectiformes (54)
Family/Famille Scophthalmidae (1)
Family/Famille Paralichthyidae (12)
Family/Famille Bothidae (6)
Family/Famille Pleuronectidae (31)
Family/Famille Cynoglossidae (4)
Order/Ordre Tetraodontiformes (16)
Family/Famille Balistidae (3)
Family/Famille Monacanthidae (4)
Family/Famille Ostraciidae (2)
Family/Famille Tetraodontidae (3)
Family/Famille Diodontidae (2)
Family/Famille Molidae (2)


Annotated Checklist

Class/Classe Myxini (3)
Order/Ordre Myxiniformes
Family/Famille Myxinidae

Eptatretus deani
(Evermann & Goldsborough, 1907)

Common Name/Nom commun: black hagfish, myxine noire.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Eptatretus stoutii
(Lockington, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific hagfish, myxine brune.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Myxine glutinosa
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic hagfish, myxine du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names are hag, hagfish, northern hagfish, slime eel and myxine. Western Atlantic Ocean fish have been referred to Myxine limosa Girard, 1859 (described from Grand Manan Island, Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick) based on pigmentation of preserved specimens and larger size in the western Atlantic compared to specimens from the eastern Atlantic (Wisner and MacMillan, 1995). Martini et al. (1998) and Martini and Flescher in Collette and Klein-MacPhee (2002) show that, while Gulf of Maine fish differ from those in the eastern North Atlantic, those in northern Canadian waters are less distinctive and they recommend North American populations be referred to M. glutinosa.


Class/Classe Cephlaspidomorphi (11)
Order/Ordre Petromyzontiformes
Family/Famille Petromyzontidae

Entosphenus macrostomus
(Beamish, 1982)

Common Name/Nom commun: Vancouver lamprey, lamproie à grand disque.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lake lamprey, Vancouver Island lake lamprey and lamproie de l'île de Vancouver. Threatened (COSEWIC). Has been placed in the genus Lampetra. L. macrostomus in Eschmeyer (1998; website downloaded, 20 November 2002) is incorrect as Lampetra is feminine.  Described from Lake Cowichan, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Entosphenus tridentatus
Gairdner, 1836

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific lamprey, lamproie du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include three-toothed lamprey, tridentate lamprey and sea lamprey. May be placed in the genus Lampetra. The AFS list has arguments for Gairdner as the author rather than the more usual Richardson and it may be given as Gairdner in Richardson or Richardson (ex Gairdner).

Ichthyomyzon castaneus
Girard, 1858

Common Name/Nom commun: chestnut lamprey, lamproie brune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names are western, northern, silver, and brown lamprey; hitchhiker; seven-eyed cat; and bloodsucker. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Ichthyomyzon fossor
Reighard & Cummins, 1916

Common Name/Nom commun: northern brook lamprey, lamproie du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names are Michigan brook lamprey, blood sucker and lamproie de ruisseau septentrionale. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Ichthyomyzon unicuspis
Hubbs & Trautman, 1937

Common Name/Nom commun: silver lamprey, lamproie argentée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern lamprey and brook lamprey.

Lampetra ayresii
(Günther, 1870)

Common Name/Nom commun: river lamprey, lamproie de rivière de l'ouest.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include American river lamprey, western river lamprey and lamproie à queue noire..

Lampetra richardsoni
Vladykov & Follett, 1965

Common Name/Nom commun: western brook lamprey, lamproie de ruisseau occidentale.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lamproie de l'ouest. Described from Smith Creek, Cultus Lake, British Columbia. Endangered (COSEWIC). Lampetra richardsoni variety marifuga Beamish et al. (2002) from Morrison Creek, Vancouver Island is infrasubspecific and not available.

Lethenteron alaskense
Vladykov & Kott, 1978

Common Name/Nom commun: Alaskan brook lamprey, lamproie de ruisseau d'Alaska.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include darktail lamprey and lamproie d'Alaska. Possibly a synonym of Lethenteron japonicum (von Martens, 1868)(now recognised as a synonym of Lampetra camtschatica) or a synonym or subspecies of Lampetra appendix (DeKay, 1842). It is not listed in Nelson et al. (2004) but is recognised in Mecklenburg et al. (2002). May be placed in the genus Lampetra as L. alaskensis. Note change in suffix to trivial name. Data Deficient (COSEWIC).

Lethenteron appendix
(DeKay, 1842)

Common Name/Nom commun: American brook lamprey, lamproie de l'est.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include brook lamprey, small black brook lamprey and lamproie de ruisseau américaine. L. lamottei (Lesueur, 1827) or L. lamottenii may be the correct name according to authors.

Lethenteron camtschaticum
(Tilesius, 1811)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic lamprey, lamproie arctique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern lamprey and Pacific river lamprey. Generic placement (Entosphenus, Lethenteron) and distinction from other taxa (Lethenteron japonicum (von Martens, 1868) and Ichthyomyzon unicuspis Hubbs & Trautman, 1937) varies among authors.

Petromyzon marinus
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: sea lamprey, lamproie marine.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lamprey, lake lamprey (land-locked form), lamprey eel, lamper eel, stone sucker and grande lamproie marine.


Class/Classe Elasmobranchii (79)
Order/Ordre Hexanchiformes
Family/Famille Hexanchidae
(cow sharks/grisets)

Hexanchus griseus
(Bonnaterre, 1788)

Common Name/Nom commun: bluntnose sixgill shark, requin griset.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names are sixgill shark, shovelnose shark, mud shark, requin grisé.

Notorynchus cepedianus
(Péron, 1807)

Common Name/Nom commun: broadnose sevengill shark, requin à sept branchies.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names are sevengill shark and spotted cow shark.


Order/Ordre Orectolobiformes (1)
Family/Famille Rhincodontidae (1)
(whale sharks/requins-baleines)

Rhincodon typus
Smith, 1828

Common Name/Nom commun: whale shark, requin baleine.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Order/Ordre Lamniformes (8)
Family/Famille Odontaspididae (1)
(sand tigers/requins-taureaux)

Carcharias taurus
Rafinesque, 1810

Common Name/Nom commun: sand tiger, requin-taureau.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tiger, dogfish shark, ground shark, shovelnose shark, nurse shark, spotted ragged-tooth shark and requin sable tacheté. Also placed in the genera Odontaspis and Eugomphodus by authors.


Family/Famille Lamnidae (5)
(mackerel sharks/requins-taupes)

Carcharodon carcharias
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: great white shark, grand requin blanc.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include white shark, white pointer, blue pointer, white death, maneater shark and mangeur d'homme.

Isurus oxyrinchus
Rafinesque, 1810

Common Name/Nom commun: shortfin mako, mako à nageoires courtes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names mako, shortfin mako shark, include bonito shark, mako shark, blue pointer, mackerel shark, sharp-nosed mackerel shark, requin taupe bleu and taupe bleu.

Isurus paucus
Guitart Manday, 1966

Common Name/Nom commun: longfin mako, petit requin-taupe.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include taupe longue aile.

Lamna ditropis
Hubbs & Follett, 1947

Common Name/Nom commun: salmon shark, taupe du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mackerel shark and requin-taupe saumon.

Lamna nasus
(Bonnaterre, 1788)

Common Name/Nom commun: porbeagle, maraîche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mackerel shark, blue dog, salmon shark, herring shark, bonito shark, beaumaris shark and blue mako. Endangerd (COSEWIC).


Family/Famille Cetorhinidae (1)
(basking sharks/pèlerins)

Cetorhinus maximus
(Gunnerus, 1765)

Common Name/Nom commun: basking shark, pèlerin.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bone shark, nurse fish and sailfish.


Family/Famille Alopiidae (1)
(thresher sharks/requins-renards)

This family is also known as renards marins in French.

Alopias vulpinus
(Bonnaterre, 1788)

Common Name/Nom commun: thresher shark, renard marin.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common thresher, thrasher, swiveltail, swingletail, fox shark, renard and renard de mer.


Order/Ordre Carcharhiniformes (20)
Family/Famille Scyliorhinidae (8)
(cat sharks/roussettes)

Apristurus brunneus
(Gilbert, 1892)

Common Name/Nom commun: brown cat shark, roussette.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include brown shark and holbiche brune.

Apristurus laurussonii
(Saemundsson, 1922)

Common Name/Nom commun: Iceland cat shark, roussette d'Islande.
Comments/Commentaires: Moore et al. (2003) point out that material from the western North Atlantic identified as this species may represent a new species.

Apristurus manis
(Springer, 1979)

Common Name/Nom commun: ghost cat shark, holbiche fantôme.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Apristurus melanoasper
Iglésias, Nakaya & Stehmann, 2004

Common name/Nom commun: None.
Comments/Commentaires: Recorded from the slope off Nova Scotia at 42º50'N, 62º03'W in the original description.

Apristurus microps
(Gilchrist, 1922)

Common Name/Nom commun: smalleye cat shark, holbiche porc.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Apristurus profundorum
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: deepsea cat shark, roussette de profundeur.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include deepwater catshark and holbiche papoila.

Apristurus riveri
Bigelow & Schroeder, 1944

Common Name/Nom commun: broadgill cat shark, holbiche grandes oreilles.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Scyliorhinus retifer
(Garman, 1881)

Common Name/Nom commun: chain dogfish, roussette maille.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include chain cat shark. Documented by Moore et al. (2003) and Gilhen et al. (2004).


Family/Famille Pseudotriakidae (1)
(false catsharks/requins à longue dorsale)

Pseudotriakis microdon
de Brito Capello, 1868

Common Name/Nom commun: false cat shark, requin à longue dorsale.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Gilhen and Coad (1999). French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004). Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes" has simply Brito Capello as author.


Family/Famille Triakidae (2)
(hound sharks/émissoles)

Galeorhinus galeus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: tope, requin à grands ailerons.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include soupfin shark, tope, tope shark, vitamin shark, school shark, oil shark and requin-hâ.

Mustelus canis
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: smooth dogfish, émissole.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include dusky smooth-hound, smooth hound and émissole douce.


Family/Famille Carcharhinidae (7)
(requiem sharks/mangeurs d’hommes)

Carcharhinus falciformis
(Müller & Henle, 1839)

Common Name/Nom commun: silky shark, requin soyeux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include net-eater shark and grey reef shark.

Carcharhinus longimanus
(Poey, 1861)

Common Name/Nom commun: oceanic whitetip shark, rameur.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ocean whitetip shark, requin océanique, requin à longues nageoires and réquiem océanique.

Carcharhinus obscurus
(Lesueur, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: dusky shark, requin obscure.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shovelnose, bay shark, requin sombre and réquiem de sable.

Carcharhinus plumbeus
(Nardo, 1827)

Common Name/Nom commun: sandbar shark, requin gris.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include brown shark and réquiem plombe.

Galeocerdo cuvier
(Péron & Lesueur, 1822)

Common Name/Nom commun: tiger shark, requin tigre commun.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include leopard shark.

Prionace glauca
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: blue shark, requin bleu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blue dog, blue whaler, blue pointer, blue pointer shark, great blue shark and peau bleue.

Rhizoprionodon terraenovae
(Richardson, 1836)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic sharpnose shark, requin à nez pointu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sharpnosed shark and requin aiguille gussi. Described from Newfoundland.


Family/Famille Sphyrnidae (2)

Sphyrna mokarran
(Rüppell, 1837)

Common Name/Nom commun: great hammerhead, grand requin-marteau.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English and French common names from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004). Hammerschlag et al. (2011) consider Canadian records to be invalid.

Sphyrna zygaena
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: smooth hammerhead, requin-marteau commun.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shovelhead, shovelnose, common hammerhead and pantouflier.


Order/Ordre Squaliformes (10)
Family/Famille Dalatiidae (8)
(sleeper sharks/laimargues)

This family is divided into Etmopteridae (lantern sharks, requins-lanternes) for the genera Centroscyllium and Etmopterus, Somniosidae (sleeper sharks, somniosidés) for Centroscymnus and Somniosus and Dalatiidae (kitefin sharks, laimargues) for Dalatias (and Squaliolus) in the AFS list (Nelson et al. (2004).

Centroscyllium fabricii
(Reinhardt, 1825)

Common Name/Nom commun: black dogfish, aiguillat noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include dogfish and shark. Placed in Etmopteridae in the AFS list.

Centroscymnus coelolepis
Barboza du Bocage & de Brito Capello, 1864

Common Name/Nom commun: Portuguese shark, pailona.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Portuguese dogfish and pailona commun. Eschmeyer has spelling of Barbosa du Bocage & Brito Capello for authors. Placed in Somniosidae in the AFS list.

Dalatias licha
(Bonnaterre, 1788)

Common Name/Nom commun: kitefin shark, squale liche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include darkie charlie, black shark and black jack.

Etmopterus gracilispinis
Krefft, 1968

Common Name/Nom commun: broadband lantern shark, sagre rubané.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Placed in Etmopteridae in the AFS list. Other common names include broadband dogfish and broadbanded lanternshark. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Etmopterus princeps
Collett, 1904

Common Name/Nom commun: rough sagre, sagre rude.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include great lanternshark. Placed in Etmopteridae in the AFS list.

Somniosus microcephalus
(Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Common Name/Nom commun: Greenland shark, laimargue atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sleeper shark, ground shark, gurry shark, grey shark, large sleeper, requin dormeur, requin de Groenland, eqalukjuaq, iqalukuak, iqalujjuaq and eqaludjuaq. Laimargue is given as the French name in the AFS list but the adjective “atlantique” is added here for the Canadian list to separate this species from the Pacific sleeper shark. Placed in Somniosidae in the AFS list.

Somniosus pacificus
Bigelow & Schroeder, 1944

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific sleeper shark, laimargue du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include laimargue dormeur. Placed in Somniosidae in the AFS list.

Squaliolus laticaudus
Smith & Radcliffe, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: spined pygmy shark, squale nain.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include dwarf shark and midwater shark.


Family/Famille Squalidae (2)
(dogfish sharks/chiens de mer)

Squalus acanthias
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: spiny dogfish, aiguillat commun.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include dogfish, shark, northern shark, harbour halibut, piked or picked dogfish, spined dogfish, bone-dogs, spurdog, mudshark, spikey jack, salmon shark, horned dogfish, sand shark, requin, requin épineux, aiguillat, grey fish*, nursehound*, Folkestone beef*, flake*, rock-salmon* and huss* (* = commercial names). Pacific coast populations have been referred to Squalus acanthias suckleyi (Girard, 1855)(Gillespie, 1993) but see below.

Squalus suckleyi
(Girard, 1855)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?, ?,
Comments/Commentaires: Ebert et al. (2009) resurrect this species based on morphological and molecular evidence.


Order/Ordre Squatiniformes (2)
Family/Famille Squatinidae (2)
(angel sharks/anges de mer)

Squatina californica
Ayres, 1859

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific angel shark, ange de mer du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Gillespie (1993), Mecklenburg et al. (2002) and Peden (2002) note that none are reported from B.C. and an Alaskan record is not documented. However it is reported from Puget Sound and so may eventually be found in B.C.

Squatina dumeril
Lesueur 1818

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic angel shark, ange de l'Atlantique
Comments/Commentaires: Reported in the “East Coast of North America Strategic Assessment Project” by the Northern Gulf Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Mont Joli, Québec. Other common names include sand devil, monkfish and ange de mer de sable. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Order/Ordre Torpediformes (2)
Family/Famille Torpedinidae (2)
(electric rays/torpilles)

Torpedo californica
Ayres, 1855

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific electric ray, torpille du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Torpedo nobiliana
Bonaparte, 1835

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic torpedo, torpille noire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic electric ray, numbfish and crampfish.


Order/Ordre Rajiformes (34)
Family/Famille Rajidae

Amblyraja badia
(Garman, 1899)

Common Name/Nom commun: broad skate, raie large.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include grande raie.

Amblyraja hyperborea
(Collett, 1879)

Common Name/Nom commun: darkbelly skate, raie boréale.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Arctic skate, blackbelly skate and raie arctique.

Amblyraja jenseni
(Bigelow & Schroeder, 1950)

Common Name/Nom commun: shorttail skate, raie à queue courte.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Jensen's skate.

Amblyraja radiata
(Donovan, 1808)

Common Name/Nom commun: thorny skate, raie épineuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Arctic thorny skate, starry skate, Atlantic prickly skate, raie radiée and qarlêk.

Bathyraja abyssicola
(Gilbert, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: abyssal skate, raie abyssale.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include deepsea skate and raie de profondeur. Described from off the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia at 52°39'30"N, 132°38'00"W.

Bathyraja aleutica
(Gilbert, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: Aleutian skate, raie Aléutienne.
Comments/Commentaires: Confirmed for B.C by Peden (2003). French common name by analogy from English common name.

Bathyraja interrupta
(Gill & Townsend, 1897)

Common Name/Nom commun: sandpaper skate, raie rugueuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Bering skate and black skate.

Bathyraja minispinosa
Ishiyama & Ishihara, 1977

Common Name/Nom commun: whitebrow skate, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Peden (2003) for B.C. Other common names include smallthorn skate. FishBase has no common French name (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Bathyraja parmifera
(Bean, 1881)

Common Name/Nom commun: Alaska skate, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: No Canadian record (Peden, 2002) but often confused with Raja stellulata (Mecklenburg et al. (2002) so potentially occurring in B.C. Other common names include flathead skate. No French name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Bathyraja richardsoni
(Garrick, 1961)

Common Name/Nom commun: deepwater skate, raie de profondeurs.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Richardson's skate.

Bathyraja sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from Franklin Bay, Beaufort Sea in the Canadian Arctic as egg cases, specific identity not confirmed (Coad et al. 1995).

Bathyraja spinicauda
(Jensen, 1914)

Common Name/Nom commun: spinytail skate, raie à queue épineuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spinetail ray.

Bathyraja trachura
(Gilbert, 1892)

Common Name/Nom commun: roughtail skate, raie à queue rude.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black skate.

Breviraja marklei
McEachren & Miyaki, 1987

Common Name/Nom commun: Markle's ray, raie de Markle.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from off Nova Scotia at 44°45.1'N, 56°07.1'W.

Dipturus laevis
(Mitchill, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: barndoor skate, grande raie.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sharpnosed skate.

Dipturus linteus
(Fries, 1838)

Common Name/Nom commun: linen skate, raie linon.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include white skate, sailray and raie voile.

Leucoraja erinacea
(Mitchill, 1825)

Common Name/Nom commun: little skate, raie-hérisson.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tobacco box and hedgehog skate. Note hyphenation of French name.

Leucoraja lentiginosa
(Bigelow &Schroeder 1951)

Common Name/Nom commun: freckled skate, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported in the “East Coast of North America Strategic Assessment Project” by Scotia-Fundy Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Other common names include speckled skate. FishBase has no French name (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Leucoraja ocellata
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: winter skate, raie tachetée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include big skate, eyed skate and spotted skate.

Malacoraja senta
(Garman, 1885)

Common Name/Nom commun: smooth skate, raie à queue de velours.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include smooth-tailed skate, prickly skate and raie lisse. Described from Provincetown, Massachusetts, and Le Have Bank.

Malacoraja spinacidermis
(Barnard, 1923)

Common Name/Nom commun: soft skate, raie molle.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include prickled ray and raie profonde.

Raja binoculata
Girard, 1855

Common Name/Nom commun: big skate, raie biocellée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Pacific great skate and Pacific barndoor skate.

Raja eglanteria
Bosc, 1800

Common Name/Nom commun: clearnose skate, raie blanc nez.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported in the “East Coast of North America Strategic Assessment Project” by the Scotia-Fundy Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Other common names include clear-nosed brier skate and clear-nosed summer skate. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Raja inornata
Jordan & Gilbert, 1881

Common Name/Nom commun: California skate, raie californien.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from Juan de Fuca Strait by Eschmeyer and Herald (1983) and potentially occurring in Canadian waters (Gillespie, 1993).

Raja rhina
Jordan & Gilbert, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: longnose skate, pocheteau long-nez.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pocheteau noir.

Raja sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from near the Flemish Cap in Atlantic Canada but not yet described (Coad et al., 2004).

Raja stellulata
Jordan & Gilbert, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: starry skate, raie du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include prickly skate. Records of this species are probably mis-identified B. parmifera (Mecklenburg et al., 2002).

Rajella bathyphila
(Holt & Byrne, 1908)

Common Name/Nom commun: chocolate skate, raie chocolat.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include deepwater ray, abyssal skate, raie bathyale.

Rajella bigelowi
(Stehmann, 1978)

Common Name/Nom commun: Bigelow's skate, raie de Bigelow.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Rajella fyllae
(Lütken, 1887)

Common Name/Nom commun: round skate, raie ronde.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include round ray.


Family/Famille Dasyatidae (3)
(whiptail stingrays/pastenagues)

This family is also known simply as stingrays.

Dasyatis centroura
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: roughtail stingray, pastenague à queue épineuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include stingaree and clam cracker.

Dasyatis dipterura
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: diamond stingray, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: This species is possibly reported from Pacific Canada but requires specimens for confirmation (Hart, 1973; McAllister, 1990; Gillespie, 1993). It has priority over Dasyatis brevis (Garman, 1880) which is regarded as a synonym by some authors (Eschmeyer, 1998). Other common names include k'ak'ew (in Salish) and rat-tailed stingray. FishBase has no French name (downloaded October 2004).

Pteroplatytrygon violacea
(Bonaparte, 1832)

Common Name/Nom commun: pelagic stingray, pastenague violette.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include violet stingray.


Family/Famille Myliobatidae (1)
(eagle rays/aigles de mer)

Manta birostris
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: giant manta, mante géante.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic manta, giant devil ray and manta atlantique. French name with added adjective following expanded English common name after Nelson et al. (2004).


Class/Classe Holocephali (5)
Order/Ordre Chimaeriformes
Family/Famille Chimaeridae
(shortnose chimaeras/chimères)

Hydrolagus affinis
(Brito Capello, 1868)

Common Name/Nom commun: deepwater chimaera, chimère de profondeurs.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rabbitfish, ratfish, smalleyed rabbitfish, chimère à petits yeux.

Hydrolagus colliei
(Lay & Bennett, 1839)

Common Name/Nom commun: spotted ratfish, chimère d'Amérique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rabbitfish, spookfish, elephant-fish, goatfish and water hare.


Family/Famille Rhinochimaeridae (3)
(Longnose Chimaeras/Chimères à Long Nez)

Harriotta haeckeli
Karrer, 1972

Common Name/Nom commun: Haeckel's chimaera, chimère d'Haeckel.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Harriotta raleighana
Goode & Bean, 1895

Common Name/Nom commun: longnose chimaera, chimère-spatule.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bentnose rabbitfish and chimère à nez rigide.

Rhinochimaera atlantica
Holt & Byrne, 1909

Common Name/Nom commun: knifenose chimera, chimère-couteau.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include straightnose rabbitfish and chimère à nez mou.


Class/Classe Actinopterygii (1332)
Order/Ordre Acipenseriformes
Family/Famille Acipenseridae

Acipenser brevirostrum
Lesueur, 1818

Common Name/Nom commun: shortnose sturgeon, esturgeon à museau court.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pinkster, little sturgeon, roundnoser, bottlenose, mammose and soft shell sturgeon. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Acipenser fulvescens
Rafinesque, 1817

Common Name/Nom commun: lake sturgeon, esturgeon jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sturgeon; freshwater, common, Great Lakes, red, ruddy, black, rock, stone, dogface, shellback or bony sturgeon; smoothback, rubber nose, esturgeon, esturgeon de lac, camus; or for young - escargot maillé and charbonnier. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Acipenser medirostris
Ayres, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: green sturgeon, esturgeon vert.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sturgeon and esturgeon. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Acipenser oxyrinchus
Mitchill, 1815

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic sturgeon, esturgeon noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sturgeon, sea sturgeon, common sturgeon, esturgeon, esturgeon noir d'Amérique; and when young - sharpnose sturgeon, pelican, escargot or escaille. Spelled oxyrhynchus in older literature. Artyukhin and Vecsei (1999) consider this species to be a subspecies of Acipenser sturio Linnaeus, 1758 of Europe but this has not found general acceptance.

Acipenser transmontanus
Richardson, 1836

Common Name/Nom commun: white sturgeon, esturgeon blanc.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sturgeon, Pacific sturgeon, Oregon sturgeon, Columbia sturgeon, Sacramento sturgeon and esturgeon. Endangered (COSEWIC).


Family/Famille Polyodontidae (1)

Polyodon spathula
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: paddlefish, spatulaire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spoonbill cat, spadefish, duckbill cat, shovelfish and oarfish. Extirpated from Canada (COSEWIC).


Order/Ordre Lepisosteiformes (3)
Family/Famille Lepisosteidae

Lepisosteus oculatus
Winchell, 1864

Common Name/Nom commun: spotted gar, lépisosté tacheté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shortnose gar and billfish. Threatened (COSEWIC).

Lepisosteus osseus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: longnose gar, lépisosté osseux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include garpike, northern longnose gar, billy gar, billfish, needlenose, northern mailed fish, pin-nose gar, bonypike and scissorbill.

Lepisosteus platyrhincus
DeKay, 1842

Common Name/Nom commun: Florida gar, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Ontario but not established. FishBase has no French name (downloaded 5 October 2004).


Order/Ordre Amiiformes (1)
Family/Famille Amiidae

Amia calva
Linnaeus, 1766

Common Name/Nom commun: bowfin, poisson-castor.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include dogfish, mudfish, mud pike, grindle, grinnell, griddle, spot-tail, lawyer, cottonfish, blackfish, speckled cat, scaled ling, beaverfish, cypress trout, poisson de marais and choupique.


Order/Ordre Osteoglossiformes (2)
Hiodontidae (2)

Note the AFS list has the order Hiodontiformes for these taxa (Nelson et al., 2004).

Hiodon alosoides
(Rafinesque, 1819)

Common Name/Nom commun: goldeye, laquaiche aux yeux d'or.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include toothed herring, northern mooneye, Winnipeg goldeye, western goldeye, yellow herring and shad mooneye.

Hiodon tergisus
Lesueur, 1818

Common Name/Nom commun: mooneye, laquaiche argentée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include toothed herring, river whitefish, freshwater herring, cisco and white shad.


Order/Ordre Elopiformes (2)
Family/Famille Elopidae

Elops saurus
Linnaeus, 1766

Common Name/Nom commun: ladyfish, banane.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include bonefish, bonyfish, fiddler, john, long john, long cudja, mariggle, riverfish, skipjack, silverfish, tenpounder, saumon, guinée machète.


Family/Famille Megalopidae (1)

Megalops atlanticus
Valenciennes, 1847

Common Name/Nom commun: tarpon, tarpon.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic tarpon, bass, cuffum, silverfish, silverking tarpon, madzorfloe, tarpon argenté and grand-écaille. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Order/Ordre Albuliformes (1)
Family/Famille Albulidae
(bonefishes/bananes de mer)

Albula vulpes
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: bonefish, banane de mer.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ladyfish, grubber, bananafish, phantom and silver ghost.


Order/Ordre Notacanthiformes (10)
Family/Famille Halosauridae

Aldrovandria affinis
(Günther, 1877)

Common Name/Nom commun: Gilbert's halosaurid fish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Aldrovandia gracilis
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. FishBase has no common names (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Aldrovandia oleosa
Sulak, 1977

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. FishBase has no common names (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Aldrovandia phalacra
(Vaillant, 1888)

Common Name/Nom commun: bald halosaur, halosaure chauve.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Halosauropsis macrochir
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: longfin halosaur, halosaure à longues nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Notacanthidae (5)
(spiny eels/poissons-tapirs à épines)

Note that McAllister (1990) uses tapirfish as a common name for these species as the usual common name, spiny eel, also refers to a tropical freshwater family (Mastacembelidae).

Lipogenys gillii
Goode & Bean, 1895

Common Name/Nom commun: backfin tapirfish, tapir à dorsale.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Notacanthus bonaparte
Risso, 1840

Common Name/Nom commun: shortfin spiny eel, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004). Other common names include Bonapart's spiny eel.

Notacanthus chemnitzii
Bloch, 1788

Common Name/Nom commun: snubnosed spiny eel, tapir à grandes écailles.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spiny eel, largescale tapirfish and swordtail eel.

Polyacanthonotus challengeri
(Vaillant, 1888)

Common Name/Nom commun: longnose tapirfish, tapir à nez long.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spiny eel.

Polyacanthonotus rissoanus
(De Filippi & Vérany, 1857)

Common Name/Nom commun: shortspine tapirfish, tapir à petites épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spiny eel and smallmouth spiny eel.


Order/Ordre Anguilliformes (49)
incertae sedis (1)
(transparent eels/?)
Thalassenchelys coheni
Castle & Raju, 1975

Common Name/Nom commun: transparent eel, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: This species is known as a leptocephalus larva of uncertain family from off Vancouver Island, B.C. and is documented in Peden (2002) and Mecklenburg et al. (2002). Sometimes placed in the family Chlopsidae (false morays, fausses murènes). FishBase lists no common names (downloaded 5 October 2004).


Family/Famille Anguillidae (2)
(freshwater eels/anguilles d’eau douce)

Anguilla anguilla
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: European eel, anguille d'Europe.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004). Other common names include eel, common eel, river eel, silver eel, sing eel, weed eel, yellow eel, anguille, anguille argentée, anguille européenne, anguille jaune, angèle, anguielo, bomarinque, bouiron, civelle, coureuse, piballe, pimperneau, pougau, pounchurote, pounchuroto, resso, sili, thaoundella, thaudelo and verniau.

Anguilla rostrata
(Lesueur, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: American eel, anguille d'Amérique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include eel, common eel, Atlantic eel, Boston eel, snakefish; silver, yellow-bellied, bronze, black or green eel; anguille and anguille argentée.


Family/Famille Moringuidae (1)
(spaghetti eels/anguilles-spaghettis)

Neoconger mucronatus
Girard, 1858

Common Name/Nom commun: ridged eel, anguille enfaitée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Muraenidae (3)

Anarchias similis
(Lea, 1913)

Common Name/Nom commun: pygmy moray, murène pygmée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Gymnothorax funebris
Ranzani, 1839

Common Name/Nom commun: green moray, murène verte.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Gymnothorax sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. ?source


Family/Famille Synaphobranchidae (4)
(cutthroat eels/anguilles égorgées)

Ilyophis brunneus
Gilbert, 1891

Common Name/Nom commun: brown cutthroat eel, anguille égorgée brune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include muddy arrowtooth eel and ooze eel.

Simenchelys parasitica
Gill, 1879

Common Name/Nom commun: snubnose eel, anguille à nez court.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include slime-eel, snubnose parasitic eel and pugnose eel. Described from Banquereau, Canada (presumably Banquereau Bank off Nova Scotia).

Synaphobranchus affinis
Günther, 1877

Common Name/Nom commun: grey cutthroat, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from off Nova Scotia by Moore et al. (2003) based on MCZ 37764 at 42°44’N, 63°17’W. Other common names include Gilbert's synaphobranchid eel. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Synaphobranchus kaupii
Johnson, 1862

Common Name/Nom commun: northern cutthroat eel, anguille égorgée bécue.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Kaup's deepsea eel, Gray's cutthroat eel, longnose eel and slatjaw cutthroat eel.


Family/Famille Ophichthidae (13)
(snake eels/serpents de mer)

Ahlia egmontis
(Jordan, 1884)

Common Name/Nom commun: key worm eel, serpenton d'Egmont.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Apterichtus ansp
(Böhlke, 1968)

Common Name/Nom commun: academy eel, serpenton de l'Académie.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Bascanichthys bascanium
(Jordan, 1884)

Common Name/Nom commun: sooty eel, serpenton charbonneux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Callechelys muraena
Jordan & Evermann, 1887

Common Name/Nom commun: blotched snake eel, serpenton couperosé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Gordiichthys irretitus
Jordan & Davis, 1891

Common Name/Nom commun: horsehair eel, serpenton poil-de-cheval.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Gordiichthys leibyi
McCosker & Böhlke, 1984

Common Name/Nom commun: string eel, serpenton de Leiby.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sooty eel.

Letharchus aliculatus
McCosker, 1974

Common Name/Nom commun: striped sailfin eel, serpenton rayé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Myrichthys breviceps
(Richardson, 1848)

Common Name/Nom commun: sharptail eel, serpent de mer à queue pointue.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Myrophis platyrhynchus
Breder, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: broadnose worm eel, serpenton à nez plat.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Myrophis punctatus
Lütken, 1852

Common Name/Nom commun: speckled worm eel, serpenton tacheté.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Ophichthus cruentifer
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: margined snake eel, serpenton livré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include serpent de mer.

Ophichthus gomesii
(Castelnau, 1855)

Common Name/Nom commun: shrimp eel, serpenton chevrette.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Ophichthus puncticeps
(Kaup, 1860)

Common Name/Nom commun: palespotted eel, serpenton ocellé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Congridae (11)
(conger eels/congres)

Ariosoma anale
(Poey, 1860)

Common Name/Nom commun: longtrunk conger, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Listed from Atlantic Canada but no exact locality given. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Ariosoma balearicum
(Delaroche, 1809)

Common Name/Nom commun: bandtooth conger, congre des Baléares.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Balearic conger.

Bathyconger sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Appears there under the genus Rhechias Jordan, 1921, regarded as a synonym by some authors.

Conger oceanicus
(Mitchill, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: conger eel, congre à museau aigu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include American conger eel, sea eel and conger d'Amérique.

Heteroconger luteolus
Smith, 1989

Common Name/Nom commun: yellow garden eel, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Paraconger caudilimbatus
(Poey, 1867)

Common Name/Nom commun: margintail conger, congre de plage.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Pseudophichthys splendens
(Lea, 1913)

Common Name/Nom commun: purplemouthed conger, congre splendide.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Rhyncoconger flavus
(Goode& Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: yellow conger, congre jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Appeared there as Hildebrandia flava. Also placed in Heterocongerby some authors. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Uroconger syringinus
Ginsburg, 1954

Common Name/Nom commun: threadtail conger, congre à queue élancée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Xenomystax sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Appeared there under the synonym Paraxenomystax Reid, 1940.

Xenomystax atrarius
Gilbert, 1891

Common Name/Nom commun: twinpored eel, anguille à pores jumelées.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Derichthyidae (2)
(neckeels/anguilles à col)

Derichthys serpentinus
Gill 1884

Common Name/Nom commun: neckeel, anguille à col.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include narrownecked oceanic eel and narrowneck eel.

Nessorhamphus ingolfianus
(Schmidt, 1912)

Common Name/Nom commun: duckbill eel, nesso.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include duckbill oceanic eel and spoonbill eel.


Family/Famille Nemichthyidae (3)
(snipe eels/poissons-avocettes)

Avocettina infans
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: closespine snipe eel, avocette immature.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spaced snipe eel, blackline snipe eel and avocet snipe eel.

Labichthys carinatus
Gill & Ryder, 1883

Common Name/Nom commun: carinate snipe eel, avocette carênée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Nemichthys scolopaceus
Richardson, 1848

Common Name/Nom commun: slender snipe eel, avocette ruban.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic snipe eel, brown snipe eel and threadfish.


Family/Famille Serrivomeridae (4)

Serrivomer beanii
Gill & Ryder, 1883

Common Name/Nom commun: stout sawpalate, serrivomer trapu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Bean's sawtoothed eel, thread eel and shortnosed snipe eel.

Serrivomer jesperseni
Bauchot-Boutin, 1953

Common Name/Nom commun: crossthroat sawpalate, serrivomer à gorge croisée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Serrivomer lanceolatoides
(Schmidt, 1916)

Common Name/Nom commun: short-tooth sawpalate, serrivomer à dents courtes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black saw-toothed eel.

Serrivomer parabeani
Bertin, 1940

Common Name/Nom commun: longfin sawpalate, serrivomer à nageoire longue.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include thread eel. Probably a synonym of S. beanii.


Family/Famille Nettastomatidae (5)
(duckbill eels/anguilles à bec de canard)

Facciolella sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20.

Hoplunnis sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20.

Nettastoma melanurum
Rafinesque, 1810

Common Name/Nom commun: blackfin sorcerer, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Venefica ocella
Garman, 1899

Common Name/Nom commun: ?, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Recorded by Hanke and Roias (2013) from off British Columbia.

Venefica tentaculata
Garman, 1899

Common Name/Nom commun: ?, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Recorded by Hanke and Roias (2013) from off British Columbia.


Order/Ordre Saccopharyngiformes (2)
Family/Famille Saccopharyngidae (1)

Saccopharynx ampullaceus
(Harwood, 1827)

Common Name/Nom commun: taillight gulper, avaleur feu-arrière.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Eurypharyngidae (1)

Eurypharynx pelecanoides
Vaillant, 1882

Common Name/Nom commun: pelican gulper, grandgousier pelican.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include umbrellamouth gulper, pelican eel and pelican gulper eel.


Order/Ordre Clupeiformes (13)
Family/Famille Clupeidae (10)

Alosa aestivalis
(Mitchill, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: blueback herring, alose d'été.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blueback shad, river herring, glut herring, gaspereau, summer herring, blueback mulhaden, black belly and kyack. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Alosa mediocris
(Mitchill, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: hickory shad, alose matte.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include fall herring and shad herring. Recorded by Hildebrand (1963) (see gulf of mainebbok 1963c) from Campobello Island, New Brunswick but this record needs confirmation. Other common names include bonejack, fall herring, freshwater taylor, hickory jack, shad, shad fall herring, shad herring, hareng and matowacca. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Alosa pseudoharengus
(Wilson, 1811)

Common Name/Nom commun: alewife, gaspareau.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include gaspereau, mulhaden, sawbelly, spreau, kyack and golden shad; grey, glut, branch, spring and river herring; faux hareng, hareng de rivière and hareng fluvial.

Alosa sapidissima
(Wilson, 1811)

Common Name/Nom commun: American shad, alose savoureuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shad, Atlantic shad, white shad, common shad and gate. Found in British Columbia as a result of introductions in the U.S.A. (Crossman, 1984).

Brevoortia tyrannus
(Latrobe, 1802)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic menhaden, alose tyran.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pogy, mossbunker, old wife, fat back, bugfish, bughead and menhaden tyran.

Clupea harengus
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic herring, hareng atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include herring, sea herring, Labrador herring, Digby chick, bloater, kipper, skadlin, sperling, brit, yawling, mattie, sid and hareng; blueback herring and alose d'été (when fresh from the water and iridescent by the food industry); and sardine, Canadian sardine and sardine canadienne (when canned as young).

Clupea pallasii
Valenciennes, 1847

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific herring, hareng du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include herring, Easter herring, California herring, seld, hareng, pirkroartitak, krolleliprark, iituuq and kavisilâq.

Dorosoma cepedianum
(Lesueur, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: gizzard shad, alose à gésier.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include hickory shad, lake shad, jack shad, skipjack, mud shad, sawbelly, hairy back and stink shad.

Etrumeus teres
(DeKay, 1842)

Common Name/Nom commun: round herring, shadine.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic round herring, red-eye round herring and shadine rond.

Sardinops sagax
(Jenyns, 1842)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific sardine, sardine du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sardine, pilchard and California pilchard. Sardinops caeruleus (Girard, 1854) is recognised as a synonym or the subspecies in Canadian waters. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Family/Famille Engraulidae (3)

Anchoa hepsetus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: striped anchovy, piquitinga.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include anchois rayé and broad-striped anchovy.

Engraulis eurystole
(Swain & Meek, 1884)

Common Name/Nom commun: silver anchovy, anchois argenté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include anchovy, anchois and anchois gris.

Engraulis mordax
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: northern anchovy, anchois du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include anchovy, Californian anchoveta, California anchovy, ocean northern anchovy, plain anchovy, Pacific anchovy and anchois.


Order/Ordre Cypriniformes (77)
Family/Famille Cyprinidae (58)
(carps and minnows/carpes et ménés)

This family was formerly referred to simply as carps/carpes.

Acrocheilus alutaceus
Agassiz & Pickering, 1855

Common Name/Nom commun: chiselmouth, bouche coupante.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include hardmouth and squaremouth. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Campostoma anomalum
(Rafinesque, 1820)

Common Name/Nom commun: central stoneroller, roule-caillou.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Mississippi stoneroller, stone lugger, racehorse chub, greased chub, blue sucker, steel-backed chub, rotgut minnow, doughbelly, mammy and tallow-mouth minnow. The taxon Campostoma pullum (Agassiz, 1854) is regarded as a distinct species, a synonym or a subspecies by authors and is the species or subspecies in Canadian waters. If recognised as a species distinct from C. anomalum, then C. anomalum does not occur in Canada and C. pullum would have the common name central stoneroller (and C. anomalum would be the Ohio stoneroller) (Nelson et al., 2004). Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Carassius auratus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: goldfish, carassin.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include golden carp, carassin  doré, poisson doré and cyprin doré. Variably established in the wild across Canada as escapees from garden ponds and aquaria (Crossman, 1984).

Clinostomus elongatus
(Kirtland, 1840)

Common Name/Nom commun: redside dace, méné long.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include red-sided shiner. Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes" has 1840 while the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) has 1841 (q.v.). The date is open to interpretation. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Couesius plumbeus
(Agassiz, 1850)

Common Name/Nom commun: lake chub, méné de lac.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern chub, creek chub, chub minnow, Moose Lake minnow, bottlefish and mulet de lac. Couesius greeni Jordan, 1893 described from Stuarts Lake near Fort St. James (headwaters of Fraser River), British Columbia is regarded as a synonym or a subspecies.

Ctenopharyngodon idella
(Valenciennes, 1844)

Common Name/Nom commun: grass carp, carpe de roseau.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Alberta and Ontario.

Cyprinella spiloptera
(Cope, 1867)

Common Name/Nom commun: spotfin shiner, méné bleu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silver-finned minnow, satin-finned minnow, blue minnow, steelcoloured shiner and lemonfin minnow.

Cyprinus carpio
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: common carp, carpe.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include carp; German, European, king, mirror or leather carp; German bass, freshwater carp, buglemouth bass and carpe d'eau douce. Introduced or colonising from neighbouring jurisdictions and reproducing in Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia (Crossman, 1984).

Erimystax x-punctatus
(Hubbs & Crowe, 1956)

Common Name/Nom commun: gravel chub, gravellier.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spotted chub. Extirpated from Canada (COSEWIC; Nelson et al., 2004). E. x. trautmani (Hubbs and Crowe, 1956) (eastern gravel chub/?) was the subspecies form Canadian waters.

Exoglossum maxillingua
(Lesueur, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: cutlip minnow, bec-de-lièvre.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include cutlips minnow, eye-picker and little sucker. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Hybognathus argyritis
Girard, 1856

Common Name/Nom commun: western silvery minnow, méné d'argent de l'ouest.
Comments/Commentaires: Threatened (COSEWIC).

Hybognathus hankinsoni
Hubbs, 1929

Common Name/Nom commun: brassy minnow, méné laiton.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include grass minnow and Hankinson's minnow.

Hybognathus regius
Girard, 1856

Common Name/Nom commun: eastern silvery minnow, méné d'argent.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include méné bleu and méné d'argent de l'est. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Hybognathus placitus
Girard, 1856

Common Name/Nom commun: plains minnow, méné des plaines.
Comments/Commentaires: Recorded by Sylvetser et al. (2006) from Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan.

Luxilus chrysocephalus
Rafinesque, 1820

Common Name/Nom commun: striped shiner, méné rayé.
Comments/Commentaires: Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Luxilus cornutus
(Mitchill, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: common shiner, méné à nageoires rouges.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include eastern shiner, redfin shiner, silver shiner, silverside, rough-head, hornyhead, creek shiner, dace and skipjack. The subspecies in Canadian waters is L. c. frontalis  (Agassiz, 1850)(northern common shiner/?).

Lythrurus umbratilis
(Girard, 1856)

Common Name/Nom commun: redfin shiner, méné d'ombre.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include compressed redfin. Not at Risk (COSEWIC). The subspecies in Canadian waters is L. u. cyanocephalus (Copeland in Jordan  1877)(northern redfin shiner/?).

Macrhybopsis storeriana
(Kirtland, 1844)

Common Name/Nom commun: silver chub, méné à grandes écailles.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Storer's chub. Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes" has 1844 and the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) has 1845. (q.v.). The date is open to interpretation. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Margariscus nachtriebi
(Cox, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern pearl dace, mulet perlé du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include nachtrieb dace, northern minnow and northern dace. Margariscus margarita (Cope, 1867), the Allegheny pearl dace, was long recognised as the taxon in Canada but this name is now restricted to populations from Vermont and New York southward.

Mylocheilus caurinus
(Richardson, 1836)

Common Name/Nom commun: peamouth, méné deux-barres.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include peamouth chub and northern dace.

Nocomis biguttatus
(Kirtland, 1840)

Common Name/Nom commun: hornyhead chub, tête à taches rouges.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include river chub, jerker, horned chub, Indian chub and redtail chub. The publication date is given as 1841 in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) and both this work and Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes" (downloaded 29 September 2004) cite the same source for a date correction. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Nocomis micropogon
(Cope, 1865)

Common Name/Nom commun: river chub, méné baton.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include crested chub and eastern river chub. The name micropogon is based on a hybrid and is unavailable but was conserved by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (Nelson et al., 2004). Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Notemigonus crysoleucas
(Mitchill, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: golden shiner, méné jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include eastern golden shiner, roach, bream, American roach, American bream, butterfish, sunfish, windfish, goldfish, dace, chub, bitterhead, gudgeon, young shad, chatte de l'est, méné plat and petite laquaiche. N. c auratus (Rafinesque, 1819), the western golden shiner, is recorded from western Great Lakes drainages and southern Hudson Bay drainages and intergrades with N. c crysoleucas, the eastern golden shiner, from eastern Lake Ontario and Atlantic drainages.

Notropis anogenus
Forbes, 1885

Common Name/Nom commun: pugnose shiner, méné camus.
Comments/Commentaires: Endangered (COSEWIC).

Notropis atherinoides
Rafinesque, 1818

Common Name/Nom commun: emerald shiner, méné émeraude.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lake shiner, lake silverside, buckeye shiner, Milwaukee shiner, Lake Michigan shiner, grands yeux, vitreux and épingle.

Notropis bifrenatus
(Cope, 1867)

Common Name/Nom commun: bridle shiner, méné d'herbe.
Comments/Commentaires: Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Notropis blennius
(Girard, 1856)

Common Name/Nom commun: river shiner, méné de rivière.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include poor minnow and straw-coloured minnow.

Notropis buchanani
Meek, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: ghost shiner, méné fantôme.
Comments/Commentaires: Possibly introduced to Canada (Nelson et al., 2004). Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Notropis dorsalis
(Agassiz, 1854)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigmouth shiner, méné à grande bouche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Gilbert's minnow. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Notropis heterodon
(Cope, 1865)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackchin shiner, menton noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black-striped minnow and méné à menton noir. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Notropis heterolepis
Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1893

Common Name/Nom commun: blacknose shiner, museau noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern blacknose shiner, blacknose dace, black-sided minnow, Muskoka minnow, Cayuga minnow, blunt-nosed minnow, méné à nez noir du nord and méné à museau noir. Described from a tributary to the Qu'Appelle River at Fort Qu'Appelle (50°46'N, 103°48'W), ca 2 miles southwest of Melville, Saskatchewan.

Notropis hudsonius
(Clinton, 1824)

Common Name/Nom commun: spottail shiner, queue à tache noire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spawneater, sucking carp, baveux and méné à queue tachée.

Notropis percobromus
(Cope, 1871)

Common Name/Nom commun: carmine shiner, tête carminée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include méné carmin. The French common name was translated by C. B. Renaud (pers. comm., 7 April 2006). The occurrence of this species in Manitoba is documented by Wood et al. (2002). Threatened (COSEWIC).

Notropis photogenis
(Cope, 1865)

Common Name/Nom commun: silver shiner, méné-miroir.
Comments/Commentaires: Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Notropis rubellus
(Agassiz, 1850)

Common Name/Nom commun: rosyface shiner, tête rose.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include skipjack and méné à tête rose. Described from Lake Superior at Sault Sainte Marie in either Michigan or Ontario. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Notropis stramineus
(Cope 1865)

Common Name/Nom commun: sand shiner, méné paille.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shore minnow and straw-coloured minnow. Notropis ludibundus (Girard, 1856) has priority and has been used for this taxon but stramineus was conserved by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature.

Notropis texanus
(Girard, 1856)

Common Name/Nom commun: weed shiner, méné diamante.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Richardson shiner and northern weed shiner. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Notropis volucellus
(Cope, 1865)

Common Name/Nom commun: mimic shiner, méné pâle.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include channel mimic shiner.

Opsopoeodus emiliae
Hay, 1881

Common Name/Nom commun: pugnose minnow, petit-bec.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include small-mouthed minnow. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Phoxinus eos
(Cope, 1861)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern redbelly dace, ventre rouge du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include red-bellied dace, goujon à ventre rouge and méné ventre-rouge. The publication date is given as 1862 in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Phoxinus neogaeus
Cope, 1867

Common Name/Nom commun: finescale dace, ventre citron.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bronze minnow, New World minnow, rainbow chub, leatherback, goujon à fines écailles and méné ventre citron. 

Pimephales notatus
(Rafinesque, 1820)

Common Name/Nom commun: bluntnose minnow, ventre-pourri.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bluenosed chub, bullhead minnow, fat-head chub and méné à museau arrondi. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Pimephales promelas
Rafinesque, 1820

Common Name/Nom commun: fathead minnow, tête-de-boule.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern fathead minnow, blackhead minnow, Tuffy minnow and méné à grosse tête.

Platygobio gracilis
(Richardson, 1836)

Common Name/Nom commun: flathead chub, méné à tête plate.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Saskatchewan dace. Described from the Saskatchewan River at Carleton House, Saskatchewan.

Ptychocheilus oregonensis
(Richardson, 1836)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern pikeminnow, sauvagesse du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern squawfish, Columbia squawfish, Columbia River dace, gray sea trout, gray weakfish and seatrout.

Rhinichthys atratulus
(Hermann, 1804)

Common Name/Nom commun: eastern blacknose dace, naseux noir de l'est.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blacknose dace, striped dace, redfin dace, brook minnow, potbelly, pottlebelly and slicker. See under Rhinichthys obtusus below; found from eastern Lake Ontario eastwards.

Rhinichthys cataractae
(Valenciennes, 1842)

Common Name/Nom commun: longnose dace, naseux de rapides.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Great Lakes longnose dace and stream shooter. Described from the vicinity of Niagara Falls, North America. Rhinichthys dulcis (Girard, 1856) is a synonym or subspecies from Canada but this needs investigation. Rhinichthys cataractae smithi Nichols, 1916 (Banff longnose dace, naseux de rapides de Banff) from the Hot Spring at Cave and Basin, Banff, Alberta is a valid but Extinct subspecies (COSEWIC).

Rhinichthys falcatus
(Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1893)

Common Name/Nom commun: leopard dace, naseux leopard.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silvery grey minnow. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Rhinichthys obtusus
Agassiz, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: western blacknose dace, naseux noir de l'ouest.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported as the species in Manitoba and Ontario; formerly recognised there as Rhinichthys atratulus which is now the eastern species of Atlantic Slope drainages (Nelson et al., 2004).

Rhinichthys osculus
(Girard, 1856)

Common Name/Nom commun: speckled dace, naseux moucheté.
Comments/Commentaires: Endangered (COSEWIC).

Rhinichthys sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Nooksack dace, naseux Nooksack.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Nooky dace and Nooky longnose dace. Endangered (COSEWIC).

Rhinichthys umatilla
(Gilbert & Evermann, 1894)

Common Name/Nom commun: Umatilla dace, naseux d'Umatilla.
Comments/Commentaires: Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Rhodeus sericeus
(Pallas, 1776)

Common Name/Nom commun: bitterling, bouvière.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Ontario; uncertain whether established.

Richardsonius balteatus
(Richardson, 1836)

Common Name/Nom commun: redside shiner, méné rose.
Comments/Commentaires: Descibed from the Columbia River (or a tributary thereof) in British Columbia or Washington.

Scardinius erythrophthalmus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: rudd, gardon rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Semotilus atromaculatus
(Mitchill, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: creek chub, mulet à cornes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include horned dace, common chub, brook chub, tommycod, silvery chub, mud chub and blackspot chub.

Semotilus corporalis
(Mitchill, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: fallfish, ouitouche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include American chub, silver chub, mohawk, white chub, roughnosed chub, windfish, corporal, chivin, whiting and shining dace.

Tinca tinca
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: tench, tanche.
Comments/Commentaires: An exotic in British Columbia presumed to be from dispersal of introductions in neighbouring Washington (Crossman, 1984), and also in Québec (Pelletier et al., 2012).


Family/Famille Catostomidae (19)

This family was formerly called meuniers in French.

Carpiodes cyprinus
(Lesueur, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: quillback, couette.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include carpsucker, lake quillback, eastern quillback, long-finned sucker, broad mullet, white carp, silvery carp, drum, plains carpsucker and brème d'Amérique.

Catostomus catostomus
(Forster, 1773)

Common Name/Nom commun: longnose sucker, meunier rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sturgeon, northern, finescale, red, black or red-sided sucker; mullet, milugiak, nannilik, miluiak and miluqiaq. Described from the Severn River, tributary to Hudson Bay, Ontario. Catostomus catostomus lacustris Bajkov, 1927 (Jasper longnose sucker, meunier de Jasper) is described from Lake Annette, Lake Beauvert, Lake Patricia, and Lake Pyramid, Alberta.

Catostomus columbianus
(Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1893)

Common Name/Nom commun: bridgelip sucker, meunier de l'ouest.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Columbia small-scaled sucker.

Catostomus commersonii
(Lacepède, 1803)

Common Name/Nom commun: white sucker, meunier noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common, common brook, coarse scaled, fine scaled, June, eastern, mud, slender, grey or black sucker; black whitehorse, mullet, carp, carpe à cochon and catostome noir. The spelling commersonnii is correct but the above is in common usage and thus justified by the International Code on Zoological Nomenclature (Nelson et al., 2004).

Catostomus macrocheilus
Girard, 1856

Common Name/Nom commun: largescale sucker, meunier à grandes écailles.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Catostomus platyrhynchus
(Cope, 1874)

Common Name/Nom commun: mountain sucker, meunier des montagnes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern mountain sucker, plains mountain sucker and Jordan's sucker. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Catostomus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Salish sucker, meunier de Salish.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Campbell sucker and meunier de Campbell. Endangered (COSEWIC).

Erimyzon sucetta
(Lacepède, 1803)

Common Name/Nom commun: lake chubsucker, sucet de lac.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include western lake chubsucker, pin sucker and sweet sucker. Threatened (COSEWIC). E. s. kennerlii (Girard, 1856) (western lake chubsucker/?) is the subspecies in Canada.

Hypentelium nigricans
(Lesueur, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern hog sucker, meunier à tête carrée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include hognose sucker, mud sucker, black sucker, riffle sucker, bighead sucker, stoneroller, hogmolly, hammerhead, boxhead, hog mullet, stonetoter and stonelugger.

Ictiobus cyprinellus
(Valenciennes, 1844)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigmouth buffalo, buffalo à grande bouche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include buffalo, buffalofish, common buffalofish, gourdhead, gourdseed; redmouth, roundhead, bullhead, stubnose, brown, bullmouth, bullnose, pugnose, mud, white, lake, blue, slough and trumpet buffalo. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Ictiobus niger
(Rafinesque, 1819)

Common Name/Nom commun: black buffalo, buffalo noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mongrel, round, blue, prairie, pumpkinseed, deepwater, bastard and current buffalo, chopper, buglemouth, bugler, router, blue rooter, reefer, kicker, chucklehead and buoy tender. Possibly introduced to Canada (Nelson et al., 2004). Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Minytrema melanops
(Rafinesque, 1820)

Common Name/Nom commun: spotted sucker, meunier tacheté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include striped sucker, black sucker, sand sucker, speckled sucker, spotted redhorse, corncob sucker and winter sucker. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Moxostma anisurum
(Rafinesque, 1820)

Common Name/Nom commun: silver redhorse, chevalier blanc.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silver mullet, whitenose redhorse, white nose sucker and suceur blanc.

Moxostoma carinatum
(Cope, 1870)

Common Name/Nom commun: river redhorse, chevalier de rivière.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mullet, redhorse, redhorse sucker, river mullet, greater redhorse, redfin redhorse, pavement-toothed redhorse, big-jawed sucker, big-toothed redhorse and suceur ballot. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Moxostoma duquesnei
(Lesueur, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: black redhorse, suceur noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black mullet, finescale redhorse, finescale mullet, blue sucker, white sucker, bigjawed sucker and Pittsburgh sucker. Presumably the French name should be changed to chevalier noir to match other Moxostoma species. The spelling duquesni is correct but the above is in common usage (Nelson et al., 2004). Threatened (COSEWIC).

Moxostoma erythrurum
(Rafinesque, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: golden redhorse, suceur doré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include golden mullet, golden sucker, smallheaded sucker and white sucker. Presumably the French name should be changed to chevalier doré to match other Moxostoma species. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Moxostoma hubbsi
Legendre, 1952

Common Name/Nom commun: copper redhorse, chevalier cuivré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include suceur cuivré. Described from the St. Lawrence River at the west end of Montréal, Québec. Threatened (COSEWIC).

Moxostoma macrolepidotum
(Lesueur, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: shorthead redhorse, chevalier rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern redhorse, common redhorse, redfin, red sucker, common mullet, short-headed mullet, bigscale sucker, brook mullet, river sucker, eastern redhorse and suceur rouge.

Moxostoma valenciennesi
Jordan, 1885

Common Name/Nom commun: greater redhorse, chevalier jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common redhorse and suceur jaune.


Family/Famille Cobitidae (1)

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus
(Cantor 1842)

Common Name/Nom commun: Oriental weatherfish/loche d'étang.
Comments/Commentaires: Also called pond loach and weather loach. Recorded from the South Alouette River, British Columbia as an exotic (Cope, 2011).


Family/Famille Catostomidae (19)

Order/Ordre Characiformes (1)
Family/Famille Characidae (1)

Piaractus brachypomus
(Cuvier, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: pacu, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Myletes bidens Spix and Agassiz, 1829 is a synonym and has been mentioned in Canadian literature as Colossoma bidens. Introduced to Ontario but not established. Possibly introduced to Green Lake near Nanaimo, British Columbia (Hanke et al., 2008). Other common names include silver pacu, cachama, freshwater pompano and pirapitinga. No French name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).


Order/Ordre Siluriformes (12)
Family/Famille Ictaluridae
(North American catfishes/barbottes et barbues)

The family common names bullhead catfishes and barbottes have been used before; the names here are new from Nelson et al. (2004).

Ameiurus melas
(Rafinesque, 1820)

Common Name/Nom commun: black bullhead, barbotte noire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black catfish, yellow belly bullhead, horned pout, brown catfish, stinger, lowbelly bullhead, river snapper, mudcat, slick, polliwog and chucklehead. An exotic in British Columbia presumed to be from dispersal of introductions in neighbouring Washington (Crossman, 1984).

Ameiurus natalis
(Lesueur, 1819)

Common Name/Nom commun: yellow bullhead, barbotte jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bullhead, northern yellow bullhead, yellow catfish, creek cat, white whiskered bullhead, greaser, polliwog, yellowbelly bullhead, butterball, buttercat, paper skin, slick bullhead, Mississippi bullhead silure jaune and pimélode des marais.

Ameiurus nebulosus
(Lesueur, 1819)

Common Name/Nom commun: brown bullhead, barbotte brune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bullhead, northern brown bullhead, mudcat, horned pout, brown catfish, marbled bullhead, commn bullhead, speckled cat, bullpout, minister, mud cat, creek cat, red cat, wooly cat, Schuylkill cat, Sacramento cat and barbotte. An exotic in British Columbia presumed to be from dispersal of introductions in neighbouring Washington or an introduction (Crossman, 1984).

Ictalurus punctatus
(Rafinesque, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: channel catfish, barbue de rivière.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spotted catfish, Great Lake catfish, flathead, lake catfish, northern catfish, blue channel cat, lady cat, white cat, fiddler, willow cat, blue fulton, chucklehead and poisson chat.

Noturus flavus
Rafinesque, 1818

Common Name/Nom commun: stonecat, barbotte des rapides.
Cmments/Commentaire: Other common names include stone catfish, white cat, doogler, beetle-eye, mongrel bullhead, deepwater bullhead, little yellow cat and chat-fou des rapides.

Noturus gyrinus
(Mitchill, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: tadpole madtom, chat-fou brun.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tadpole stonecat and tadpole cat.

Noturus insignis
(Richardson, 1836)

Common Name/Nom commun: margined madtom, chat-fou liséré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include chat-fou livré. May be native or introduced but is now established (Rubec and Coad, 1974). Data Deficient (COSEWIC).

Noturus miurus
Jordan, 1877

Common Name/Nom commun: brindled madtom, chat-fou tacheté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include brindled stone cat. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Noturus stigmosus
Taylor, 1969

Common Name/Nom commun: northern madtom, chat-fou du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: Endangered (COSEWIC).

Pylodictis olivaris
(Rafinesque, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: flathead catfish, barbue à tête plate.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mud cat, yellow cat, shovelnose cat, shovelhead cat, Johnny cat, goujon, Appaluchion, Hoosier, granny cat, Opelousas cat, Morgan cat, flatbelly, Mississippi cat, bashaw, Russian cat and pieded cat. Data Deficient (COSEWIC).


Family/Famille Loricariidae (2)
(suckermouth armoured catfishes/loricariidés)

Panaque nigrolineatus
(Peters, 1877)

Common Name/Nom commun: royal panaque, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Ontario but not established. Other common names include panaque, royal catfish and royal plec. No French name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Panaque suttonorum
Schultz, 1944

Common Name/Nom commun: blue-eyed panaque, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to British Columbia in Shawnigan Lake basin on Vancouver Island, probably a single aquarium release (Hanke et al., 2008).


Order/Ordre Esociformes (7)
Family/Famille Esocidae (5)

Esox americanus americanus
Gmelin, 1789

Common Name/Nom commun: redfin pickerel, brochet d'Amérique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include banded, trout, grass, bulldog or mud pickerel and red-finned pike. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Esox americanus vermiculatus
Lesueur, 1846

Common Name/Nom commun: grass pickerel, brochet vermiculé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include western grass, mud, slough, little or central redfin pickerel, grass or mud pike. This subspecies is generally recognised and treated separately in faunal works.

Esox sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Bernard LeBeau "Historical ecology of pike Esox lucius, muskellenge Esox masquiningy and maskinonge, a new species of Esox (subgenus Mascalongus) from North America" (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, 1992) proposed the name Esox "lacustris" to differentiate the "riverine" muskellenge (E. masquinongy) from the lacustrine muskellenge. The name was proposed in an unpublished dissertation and is unavailable. There are varying views on its status as a distinct taxon.

Esox lucius
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: northern pike, grand brochet.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pike, great northern pike, pickerel, snake, wolf, gator, slinker, Great Lakes pike, Canada pike, shovelnose pike, channel pickerel, short pickerel, marsh pickerel, slough shark, snakefish, hammer handle, grass pike, or jack (young pike), brochet, brochet du nord, sjulik, ihok, siun, hiulik, siolik, kikiyuk and idlûlukak.

Esox masquinongy
Mitchill, 1824

Common Name/Nom commun: muskellunge, maskinongé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include musky, lunge, jack, chatauqua; tiger, spotted, barred, great, leopard, Great Lakes, Ohio or Wisconsin muskellunge, and maskinonge.

Esox niger
Lesueur, 1818

Common Name/Nom commun: chain pickerel, brochet maillé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include eastern, mud, grass, lake, reticulated or federation pickerel; green, black-chain, river, grass or duck-billed pike; jack, snake and, picquerelle. New Brunswick records may be dispersal from introductions in Maine (Crossman, 1984). Not at Risk (COSEWIC).


Family/Famille Umbridae (2)

Dallia pectoralis
Bean, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: Alaska blackfish, dallia.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Ontario but not established (Crossman, 1984).

Umbra limi
(Kirtland, 1840)

Common Name/Nom commun: central mudminnow, umbre de vase.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include western minnow, mudfish, mudpuppy, dogfish and Mississippi mudminnow.


Order/Ordre Osmeriformes (53)
Family/Famille Argentinidae

This family is placed in the Order Argentiniformes in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Argentina silus
(Ascanius, 1775)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic argentine, grande argentine.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include greater argentine, herring smelt, silver smelt, North Atlantic silver smelt and greater silver smelt.

Argentina striata
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: striated argentine, argentine striée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Glossanodon leioglossus
(Valenciennes, 1848)

Common Name/Nom commun: small-toothed argentine, argentine à petites dents.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include greater silver smelt. Common names from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family Microstomatidae (4)

Nansenia candida
Cohen, 1958

Common Name/Nom commun: bluethroat argentine, argentine à gorge bleue.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Nansenia crassa
Laveneberg, 1965

Common Name/Nom commun: stout argentine, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Peden (2002) tentatively records this species from B.C. although distinguishing it from N. candida was not possible. Other common names include giant argentine. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Nansenia groenlandica
(Reinhardt, 1840)

Common Name/Nom commun: large-eyed argentine, serpe de Groenland.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Greenland argentine.

Nansenia oblita
(Facciolà, 1887)

Common Name/Nom commun: forgotten argentine, argentine oubliée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Bathylagidae (9)
(deepsea smelts/garcettes)

This family is placed in the Order Argentiniformes in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Bathylagichthys greyae
(Cohen, 1958)

Common Name/Nom commun: Grey's smoothtongue, garcette de Grey.
Comments/Commentaires: Formerly in the genus Bathylagus.

Bathylagus euryops
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: goitre blacksmelt, garcette-goître.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Bathylagus pacificus
Gilbert, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: slender blacksmelt, garcette élancée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Pacific blacksmelt.

Bathylagus stilbius
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: southern smoothtongue, leuroglosse du sud.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include California smoothtongue. Also placed in the genus Leuroglossus.

Dolicholagus longirostris
(Maul, 1948)

Common Name/Nom commun: longsnout blacksmelt, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Bathylagus compsus Cohen, 1958 (starry blacksmelt, garcette étoilée) is a synonym. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Leuroglossus schmidti
Rass, 1955

Common Name/Nom commun: northern smoothtongue, leuroglosse luisant.
Comments/Commentaires: Also placed in the genus Bathylagus.

Lipolagus ochotensis
(Schmidt, 1938)

Common Name/Nom commun: popeye blacksmelt, garcette à oreilles.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include eared blacksmelt. Also placed in the genus Bathylagus.

Melanolagus bericoides
(Borodin, 1929)

Common Name/Nom commun: smalleye blacksmelt, garcette à petits yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: Also placed in the genusBathylagus by authors.

Pseudobathylagus milleri
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1898)

Common Name/Nom commun: stout blacksmelt, grosse garcette.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include big-scaled blacksmelt. Also placed in the genus Bathylagus.


Family/Famille Opisthoproctidae (4)

This family is placed in the Order Argentiniformes in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Bathylychnops exilis
Cohen, 1958

Common Name/Nom commun: javelin spookfish, revenant javeline.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Dolichopteryx binocularis
Beebe, 1932

Common Name/Nom commun: binocular spookfish, revenant à yeux télescopiques.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Dolichopteryx parini
Kobyliansky & Federov, 2001.

Common Name/Nom commun: winged spookfish, revenant ailé.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from Ocean Station Papa (Hart, 1973; Jean et al.,1981) as Dolichopteryx sp. and west of Vancouver Island (Mecklenburg et al., 2002).

Macropinna microstoma
Chapman, 1939

Common Name/Nom commun: barreleye, vise-en-l'air.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Alepocephalidae (12)

Alepocephalus agassizii
Goode & Bean, 1883

Common Name/Nom commun: dusky slickhead, alépocéphale obscure.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Agassiz' smoothhead.

Alepocephalus bairdii
Goode & Bean, 1879

Common Name/Nom commun: manyray smoothhead, alépocéphale multirai.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Baird's smooth-head. Described from the Grand Banks.

Alepocephalus tenebrosus
Gilbert, 1892

Common Name/Nom commun: California slickhead, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Peden (1997) cited in Mecklenburg et al. (2002) and Peden (2002). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Alepocephalus umbriceps
Jordan & Thompson, 1914

Common Name/Nom commun: manyray smoothhead, alépocéphale multirai.
Comments/Commentaires: Identified as Alepocephalus umbriceps cf. in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University under MCZ 37850 and reported from 42°39'N, 63°54'W off Nova Scotia.

Bajacalifornia megalops
(Lütken, 1898)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye smoothhead, alépocéphale à grands yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Bathytroctes michaelsarsi
Koefoed, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: oarjaw wingmax, maxailé aviron.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Michael Sars smooth-head. Also placed in the genus Bellocia.

Conocara salmoneum
(Gill &Townsend 1897)

Common Name/Nom commun: salmon smoothhead, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported in the “East Coast of North America Strategic Assessment Project” by the Scotia-Fundy Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Other common names include deepsea slickhead. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Photostylus pycnopterus
Beebe, 1933

Common Name/Nom commun: starry smoothhead, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Rouleina attrita
Vaillant, 1888

Common Name/Nom commun: softskin smoothhead, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Rouleina maderensis
Maul, 1948

Common Name/Nom commun: Madeiran smoothhead, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Talismania bifurcata
(Parr, 1951)

Common Name/Nom commun: threadfin slickhead, alépocéphale filamenteux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Xenodermichthys copei
(Gill, 1884)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic gymnast, gymnaste atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bluntsnout smoothhead.


Family/Famille Platytroctidae (11)

Holtbyrnia anomala
Krefft, 1980

Common Name/Nom commun: bighead searsid, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include slickhead. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Holtbyrnia innesi
(Fowler, 1934)

Common Name/Nom commun: Innes' tubeshoulder, circé d'Innès.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Holtbyrnia latifrons
Sazanov, 1976

Common Name/Nom commun: streaklight tubeshoulder, circé à branchies longue.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Holtbyrnia macrops
Maul, 1957

Common Name/Nom commun: teardrop tubeshoulder, circé-larme.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bigeye searsiid.

Maulisia argipalla
Matsui & Rosenblatt, 1979

Common Name/Nom commun: pitted tubeshoulder, circé troué.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include palegold searsiid.

Mentodus facilis
(Parr, 1951)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 200).

Mentodus rostratus
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: hippo combchin, menton-peigne tocson.
Comments/Commentaires: Also placed in the genus Holtbyrnia.

Normichthys operosus
Parr, 1951

Common Name/Nom commun: longsnout manypitshoulder, épaule-criblée long nez.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include multipore searsiid.

Platytroctes apus
Günther, 1878

Common Name/Nom commun: legless searsid, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Sagamichthys abei
Parr, 1953

Common Name/Nom commun: shining tubeshoulder, circé luisant.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Searsia koefoedi
Parr, 1937

Common Name/Nom commun: Koefoed's searsid, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Osmeridae (10)

This family is placed in the Salmoniformes in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Allosmerus elongatus
(Ayres, 1854)

Common Name/Nom commun: whitebait smelt, éperlan blanchaille.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Hypomesus olidus
(Pallas, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: pond smelt, éperlan à petite bouche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include smallmouth smelt.

Hypomesus pretiosus
(Girard, 1854)

Common Name/Nom commun: surf smelt, éperlan argenté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silver smelt and day smelt.

Mallotus villosus
(Müller, 1776)

Common Name/Nom commun: capelin, capelan.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include caplin, whitefish, Pacific capelin, moiva, lodde, capelan atlantique, amagiak, qulilirraq, nulilighuk, holili-gah and ko le le kuk. The subspecies Mallotus villosus catervarius (Pennant, 1784) described from Kamchatka, Russia is not recognised by most North American authors. Russian authors report it from the Arctic coast of Alaska east to Queen Maude Gulf with the type subspecies Mallotus villosus villosus from the islands of the western Arctic and Hudson Bay.Mallotus villosus catervarius natio schulzi Rumyantsev, 1947 has been used for Canadian capelin in the original description but is an infrasubspecific taxon and is not available for nomenclatural purposes, nor has it been used in North America.

Osmerus mordax
(Mitchill, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: rainbow smelt, éperlan arc-en-ciel.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include American, Atlantic, Atlantic rainbow, Arctic rainbow, freshwater, lake, sea and saltwater smelt; smelt, frostfish, icefish, leefish, spirling, éperlan de lac, and éperlan du nord. Osmerus mordax dentex Steindachner & Kner, 1870 is regarded as a valid subspecies or species by authors in the Pacific and Arctic oceans. Curry et al. (2004) examined the Lake Utopia, New Brunswick smelt and found not only the normal (rainbow smelt) and dwarf (pygmy smelt below) morphotypes but also a third one, the giant morphotype. Gene flow occurs between the three groups but genetic divergence was high.

Osmerus spectrum
Cope, 1870

Common Name/Nom commun: pygmy smelt, éperlan nain.
Comments/Commentaires: Variously regarded as a distinct species, or as a subspecies or a synonym of Osmerus mordax. See Osmerus mordax above. The AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) does not recognise this species because of multiple independent origins. The Lake Utopia dwarf smelt of New Brunswick is regarded as Threatened (COSEWIC).

Spirinchus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: pygmy longfin smelt, éperlan ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Landlocked populations in Harrison and Pitt lakes, B.C. called pygmy longfin smelt have been considered as a separate species although this requires study (Gillespie, 1993; Peden, 2002).

Spirinchus starksi
(Fisk, 1913)

Common Name/Nom commun: night smelt, éperlan nocturne.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Spirinchus thaleichthys
(Ayres, 1860)

Common Name/Nom commun: longfin smelt, éperlan d'hiver
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Sacramento smelt, Pacific smelt and Puget Sound smelt. Landlocked populations in Harrison and Pitt lakes, B.C. called pygmy longfin smelt have been considered as a separate species although this requires study (Gillespie, 1993).

Thaleichthys pacificus
(Richardson, 1836)

Common Name/Nom commun: eulachon, eulakane.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ooligan, candlefish, oilfish, salvation fish, fathom fish and Columbia River smelt.


Order/Ordre Salmoniformes (48)
Family/Famille Salmonidae
(trouts and salmons/truites et saumons)

Formerly referred to simply as salmons/saumons but changed in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Salmonid hybrids are not uncommon and have been bred and released across Canada. The most notable one is the splake (truite moulac, omble moulac), Salvelinus fontinalis x Salvelinus namaycush (Crossman, 1984).

Coregonus alpenae
(Koelz, 1924)

Common Name/Nom commun: longjaw cisco, cisco à grande bouche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include longjaw chub. Regarded as a synonym of Coregonus zenithicus by some authors.

Coregonus artedi
Lesueur, 1818

Common Name/Nom commun: cisco, cisco de lac
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lake cisco, lake herring, tullibee, freshwater herring, blueback, sand herring, shallowwater cisco, grayback tullibee, Bear Lake herring, blueback tullibee, herring salmon, cisco de l'est, arnaqsleq, kapisilik and kaviselik. C. a. albus Lesueur, 1818 has been used for a deep-bodied form from lakes Erie, Ontario and Superior.

Coregonus autumnalis
(Pallas, 1776)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic cisco, cisco arctique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include salmon-herring, kaktak, kraaktak and kapisilik.

Coregonus clupeaformis
(Mitchill, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: lake whitefish, grand corégone.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include whitefish, common whitefish, Sault whitefish, eastern whitefish, Great Lakes whitefish, inland whitefish, gizzard fish, lake herring, Labrador whitefish, sead, humpback, buffalo back, whitebait, corégone, poisson blanc, pi-kok-tok, jikuktok, anahik, kapihilik, pikuktuuq, kakiviatktok, kavisilik, anâdlerk, kakiviartût, keki-yuak-tuk, anadleq and qelaluqaq. The Lake Simcoe, Ontario population is Threatened and the Mira River population is Data Deficient (COSEWIC).

Coregonus hoyi
(Milner, 1874)

Common Name/Nom commun: bloater, cisco de fumage.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bloat and Hoy's cisco. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Coregonus huntsmani
Scott, 1987

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic whitefish, corégone d'Atlantique,
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Acadian whitefish, Sault whitefish, round whitefish, common whitefish and corégone d'Acadie. Described from the Tusket River system, Yarmouth County and Millipsigate Lake, Nova Scotia. A replacement name for Coregonus canadensis Scott, 1967. Endangered (COSEWIC).

Coregonus johannae
(Wagner, 1910)

Common Name/Nom commun: deepwater cisco, cisco de profondeur.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include chub, cisco and deepwater chub. Extinct (COSEWIC).

Coregonus kiyi
(Koelz, 1921)

Common Name/Nom commun: kiyi, cisco kiyi.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include chub, waterbelly and mooneye. Special Concern (COSEWIC). C. k. orientalis (Kolez, 1929), the Ontario kiyi, is an extinct taxon from Lake Ontario.

Coregonus laurettae
Bean, 1881

Common Name/Nom commun: Bering cisco, cisco de Béring.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lauretta, freshwater or lake herring; and tullibee. Data Deficient (COSEWIC).

Coregonus lavaretus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: houting, lavaret.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Québec but not established.

Coregonus nasus
(Pallas, 1776)

Common Name/Nom commun: broad whitefish, corégone tschir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include whitefish, round-nosed whitefish, sheep-nosed whitefish, poisson blanc, corégone, tezra, tizareh, anaklek, an-ark-hlirk, anah'lih' and aanaaksiiq.

Coregonus nelsonii
Bean, 1884

Common Name/Nom commun: Alaska whitefish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Previously confused with C. clupeaformis (Mecklenburg et al., 2002). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Coregonus nigripinnis
(Milner, 1874)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackfin cisco, cisco à nageoires noires.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Michigan blackfin cisco, cisco, chub, black-fin tullibee, black-back tullibee, mooneye cisco and bluefin. Threatened (COSEWIC). Coregonus nigripinnis regalis (Koelz, 1929)(Nipigon blackfin cisco/?) described from Lake Nipigon, Ontario is a synonym or a subspecies.

Coregonus nipigon
(Koelz, 1925)

Common Name/Nom commun: Nipigon tullibee, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Recognised as a valid species by Etnier and Skelton (2003). Not in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Coregonus pidschian
(Gmelin, 1789)

Common Name/Nom commun: humpback whitefish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Previously confused with C. clupeaformis (Mecklenburg et al., 2002). Other common names include bottom whitefish, Ob' whitefish and Siberian whitefish. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Coregonus reighardi
(Koelz, 1924)

Common Name/Nom commun: shortnose cisco, cisco à museau court.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include chub, cisco, Reighard's chub or cisco, shortnose chub and greaser. Extinct (COSEWIC).

Coregonus sardinella
Valenciennes, 1848

Common Name/Nom commun: least cisco, cisco sardinelle.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lake herring, big-eye, Mackenzie herring, kraaktak and kapahilik.

Coregonus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Dragon Lake whitefish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: A taxon from Dragon lake near Quesnel, B.C. thought to be distinct but exterminated during lake rehabilitation (Gillespie, 1993).

Coregonus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Opeongo whitefish, corégone de l'Opéongo.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Coregonus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: spring cisco, cisco de printemps.
Comments/Commentaires: Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Coregonus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Squanga whitefish, corégone de Squanga.
Comments/Commentaires: An undescribed species from four small lakes in the Yukon and Alsek drainages of southwestern Yukon. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Coregonus zenithicus
(Jordan & Evermann, 1909)

Common Name/Nom commun: shortjaw cisco, cisco à mâchoires égales.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include chub, cisco, shortjaw chub, longjaw, light-back tullibee, Lake Superior longjaw, pale-back tullibee and bluefin. Threatened (COSEWIC).

Hucho hucho
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: huchen, huchon.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Québec but not established (Crossman, 1984).

Oncorhynchus aguabonita
(Jordan, 1892)

Common Name/Nom commun: golden trout, truite dorée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Kern River trout and California golden trout. Introduced to Alberta and British Columbia and reproducing in the former (Crossman, 1984). Behnke (2002) places this taxon as a subspecies of O. mykiss while other authors give it specific status.

Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri
(Bendire, 1883)

Common Name/Nom commun: Yellowstone cutthroat trout, truite fardée ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black-spotted trout. Introduced to Taylor Lake in the Bow River drainage of Alberta.

Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii
(Richardson, 1836)

Common Name/Nom commun: coastal cutthroat trout, truite fardée côtière.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include speckled trout (stream-resident form); harvest trout, sea trout, salter, blueback trout (sea-run form); red-throated trout, Clark's trout, short-tailed trout and black-spotted trout.

Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi
Girard, 1856

Common Name/Nom commun: west-slope cutthroat trout, truite fardée du flanc de l'ouest.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include red-throated trout, lake trout, mountain trout, common cutthroat trout, short tailed trout, native trout, black-spotted trout and Montana blackspot. Introduced to western Alberta and southeastern British Columbia, and also to Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Québec but perhaps not established. Regarded as a valid subspecies and treated separately in faunal works.

Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: pink salmon, saumon rose.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include humpback, humpy, Pacific pink salmon, autumn salmon, dog salmon, saumon rose du pacifique, haddo and holia.

Oncorhynchus keta
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: chum salmon, saumon kéta.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include dog salmon, keta, keta salmon, calico salmon, autumn salmon and qualla; and silverbrite salmon (bright appearing fish in the food industry).

Oncorhynchus kisutch
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: coho salmon, saumon coho
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silver salmon, sea trout, blueback, hooknose, silversides, white salmon, medium red salmon, medium red coho salmon, hoopid salmon, saumon coho rouge moyen; and blueback salmon (for immature fish in the food industry). The interior Fraser population is Endangered (COSEWIC). Strays from U.S.A. introductions are reported from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec and Ontario (Crossman, 1984).

Oncorhynchus masou
(Brevoort, 1856)

Common Name/Nom commun: cherry salmon, saumon masou.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Ontario but not established (Crossman, 1984). Other common names include Japanese salmon, masu salmon, salmon trout, saumon japonais and saumon du Danube. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Oncorhynchus mykiss
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: rainbow trout, truite arc-en-ciel.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include steelhead trout, steelhead salmon, deep sea trout, Kamloops trout, coast or coastal rainbow trout, silver trout, half-pounder, redband trout, inland redband trout, redsides, redband steelhead, Pacific trout, omble de mer, truite de mer profonde, truite steelhead and saumon arc-en-ciel. Long known as Salmo gairdnerii Richardson, 1836. Behnke (2002) has the coastal rainbow trout (anadromous steelhead and permanent stream-resident forms) as O. m. irideus (Gibbons, 1855) and the redband trout (anadromous redband steelheads, the lake-resident Kamloops trout in British Columbia, redsides in the Columbia River) of the mid- and upper Columbia and Fraser River basins as O. m. gairdnerii (Richardson, 1836).

Oncorhynchus nerka
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: sockeye salmon, saumon rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include kokanee, kickininee, koke, little redfish, land-locked sockeye, Kennerly's salmon, silver trout, blueback, yank, and kokani (French) for the land-locked form; sockeye salmon, big redfish, red salmon, red sockeye salmon, blueback salmon, saumon sockeye and saumon nerka for the sea-run form. The Cultus and Sakinaw populations in British Columbia are Endangered (COSEWIC).

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: Chinook salmon, saumon chinook.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include chinook, spring salmon, king salmon, tyee, quinnat, blackmouth, blackjaw, hookbill, winter salmon, chub salmon, saumon quinnat, saumon roi,saumon royal and saumon de printemps; pink chinook, red chinook and white chinook (used for canned fish).

Prosopium coulterii
(Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1892)

Common Name/Nom commun: pygmy whitefish, ménomini pygmée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Coulter's whitefish and brownback whitefish. Described from the Kicking Horse River at Field, British Columbia. The "popcorn" form may be a distinct taxon in the Yukon.

Prosopium cylindraceum
(Pennant, 1784)

Common Name/Nom commun: round whitefish, ménomini rond
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include whitefish, pilot fish, frost fish, Menominee whitefish, cross whitefish, lake minnow, menomini, poisson blanc, osungnak, okeugnak and kapisilik.

Prosopium sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: giant pygmy whitefish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Populations from McCleese and McClure lakes, B.C. have been regarded as a distinct taxon (Gillespie, 1993).

Prosopium williamsoni
(Girard, 1856)

Common Name/Nom commun: mountain whitefish, ménomini de montagnes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Rocky Mountain whitefish, Williamson's whitefish and grayling. The "pinocchio" form may be a distinct taxon in B.C. (Peden, 2002).

Salmo salar
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic salmon, saumon atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ouananiche, landlocked salmon, lake Atlantic salmon, lake salmon, sebago, Kennebec salmon, black salmon, grayling, bratan, saumon d'eau douce, saumon de l'Atlantique, sâma, saama, saamakutaak and kavisilik. Introduced to British Columbia from eastern Canada and Scotland (Crossman, 1984). Inner Bay of Fundy populations Endangered (COSEWIC).

Salmo trutta
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: brown trout, truite brune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include German brown trout, European brown trout, brownie, Loch Leven trout, von Behr trout, spotted trout and liberty trout; salters and sea trout (sea-run form). Introduced to all provinces except P.E.I. and the territories and reproducing (Crossman, 1984).

Salvelinus alpinus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic char, omble chevalier.
Comments/Commentaires: The term char may be spelled charr. Other common names include alpine char, silver char, Hearne's salmon, sea trout, Coppermine River salmon, European char, Hudson Bay salmon, mountain char, Arctic salmon, Greenland char, ekaluk, ilkalupik, kaloarpok, ivatarak, iloraq, aniaq, nutidilik, and many others. Behnke (2002) recognises three subspecies in North American waters, the Taranets char, S. a. taranetzi Kaganowsky 1955, for the form found in medium to large rivers, in lakes and possibly as sea-run populations in northwest Alaska but apparently not Canada; Sunapee trout, blueback trout, Québec red trout, golden trout, silver trout or omble chevalier oquassa, S. a. oquassa (Girard, 1854), mostly resident in lakes of southeastern Canada and northern New England; and the lake-resident and anadromous S. a. erythrinus (Georgi, 1775) of the Canadian Arctic south to Labrador. Note that S. a. taranetzi is regarded as a distinct species by authors while S. a. oquassa is not recognised as distinct by authors. European stocks of Arctic char were introduced to Ontario and Saskatchewan but none are believed to survive (Crossman, 1984).

Salvelinus confluentus
(Suckley, 1859)

Common Name/Nom commun: bull trout, omble à tête plate.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mountain char(r), western brook char(r) and inland char(r).

Salvelinus fontinalis
(Mitchill, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: brook trout, omble de fontaine.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include trout, char, brook char(r), brookie, slob, coaster, salter, speck, whitefin and square-tail; speckled, eastern brook, sea, redspotted, mud, harness, native and mountain trout; truite mouchetée, truite de mer, iqaluk tasirsiutik, anokik, anuk, aanak, anakleq, aanaatlik, a na, i ha luk and âna.

Salvelinus fontinalis timagamiensis
Henn & Rinckenbach, 1925

Common Name/Nom commun: aurora trout, omble de fontaine aurora.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include aurora char(r). Regarded as a valid subspecies by authors and treated separately in some faunal works. Described from White Pine Lake, Gamble Township, Timagami Forest Reserve, Ontario. Endangered (COSEWIC).

Salvelinus malma
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: Dolly Varden, Dolly Varden
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Dolly Varden char(r), Dolly Varden trout, red-spotted Rocky Mountain trout, Pacific brook char(r), bull char(r), western brook char(r), sea-trout and salmon-trout. Northern Dolly Varden in arctic Canada are S. m. malma while the southern British Columbia form may be subspecifically distinct as S. a. lordii (Günther, 1866).

Salvelinus namaycush
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: lake trout, touladi.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lake char(r); Great Lakes, forktail, mackinaw, salmon, fat lake, grey or mountain trout; laker, landlocked salmon, siscowet, taque, togue, truite grise, namaycush, isok, ihok, nauktoq, näluarryuk, isuuq, isuuraaryok, isuuqiq, siuktuuk, sigguayaq, ilortoq, ivitaruk, iqluq and others. Described from Hudson Bay lakes, Canada. S. n. siscowet (Agassiz, 1850) the siscowet or humper, is the taxon from deepwater reefs ("humps") of Lake Superior.

Stenodus leucichthys
(Güldenstädt, 1772)

Common Name/Nom commun: inconnu, inconnu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sheefish, coney, connie, conny, shovelnose whitefish, Eskimo tarpon, si-airryuk, sierak, tierak and tiktalerk. The Canadian subspecies is S. l. nelma (Pallas, 1773).

Thymallus arcticus
(Pallas, 1776)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic grayling, ombre arctique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include American grayling, bluefish, Back's grayling, arctic trout, sailfin arctic grayling, Montana grayling, Michigan grayling, tittimeg, poisson bleu, tchulupa, kewlook powak, sulukpaugaq and sulukpauvak. T. a. signifer (Richardson, 1823) is the subspecies in Canada.


Order/Ordre Stomiiformes (93)
Family/Famille Gonostomatidae

Bonapartia pedaliota
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: bonaparte, bonaparte.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Cyclothone acclinidens
Garman, 1899

Common Name/Nom commun: benttooth bristlemouth, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from LaHave Bank, Nova Scotia by Moore et al. (2003), e.g. based on MCZ 53807 at 40°55’N, 65°27’W, among others. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Cyclothone alba
Brauer, 1906

Common Name/Nom commun: white bristlemouth, cyclothone blanche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include albino anglemouth.

Cyclothone atraria
Gilbert, 1905

Common Name/Nom commun: black bristlemouth, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Cyclothone pacifica Mukhacheva, 1964 (yellow bristlemouth, cyclothone jaune, or veiled anglemouth) is regarded as a synonym. Other common names include deepwater bristlemouth. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Cyclothone braueri
Jespersen & Tåning, 1926

Common Name/Nom commun: spottail anglemouth, cyclothone à queue tachetée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Cyclothone microdon
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: veiled anglemouth, cyclothone à petites dents.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include small-eyed lantern fish.

Cyclothone pallida
Brauer, 1902

Common Name/Nom commun: tan bristlemouth, cyclothone pale.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Cyclothone pseudopallida
Mukhacheva, 1964

Common Name/Nom commun: slender bristlemouth, cyclthone mince.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include phantom bristlemouth.

Cyclothone signata
Garman, 1899

Common Name/Nom commun: showy bristlemouth, cyclothone prétentieuse.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Diplophos taenia
Günther, 1873

Common Name/Nom commun: ribbon bristlemouth, cyclothone ruban.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Gonostoma denudatum
Rafinesque, 1810

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Manducus maderensis
(Johnson, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Listed in the genus Diplophos. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Margrethia obtusirostra
Jespersen & Tåning, 1919

Common Name/Nom commun: bluntnose bristlemouth, cyclothone camuse.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Sigmops bathyphilus
(Vaillant, 1884)

Common Name/Nom commun: spark anglemouth, gonostome étincelé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Sigmops gracile
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: slender fangjaw, gonostome élancé.
Comments/Commentaires: Described as Gonostoma gracile but usually spelled gracilis. Reported from Ocean Station Papa (Jean et al., 1981).

Sigmops elongatum
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: longtooth anglemouth, gonostome à grandes dents.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include gonostome nu. Formerly placed in the genus Gonostoma.


Family/Famille Sternoptychidae (12)
(marine hatchetfishes/haches d’argent)

Formerly called silver hatchetfishes but changed in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Argyropelecus aculeatus
Valenciennes, 1850

Common Name/Nom commun: longspine silver hatchetfish, hache d'argent à grandes épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic silver hatchetfish and silver hatchetfish.

Argyropelecus affinis
Garman, 1899

Common Name/Nom commun: slender hatchetfish, hache d'argent élancée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Argyropelecus gigas
Norman, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: greater silver hatchetfish, grande hache d'argent.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Argyropelecus hemigymnus
Cocco, 1829

Common Name/Nom commun: short silver hatchetfish, hache d'argent courte.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Argyropelecus lychnus
Garman, 1899

Common Name/Nom commun: silvery hatchetfish, hache d'argent à quatre gaffes.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Argyropelecus sladeni
Regan, 1908

Common Name/Nom commun: lowcrest hatchetfish, hache d'argent mince.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Danaphos oculatus
(Garman, 1899)

Common Name/Nom commun: bottlelight, danaphe.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Maurolicus weitzmani
Parin & Kobyliansky, 1993

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic pearlside, marguerite perlée de Weitzman.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Weitzman’s pearlside, pearlsides, and Müller's pearlsides (under the older scientific name). Revisions by Parin and Kobyliansky (1993, 1999) of the monotypic genus Maurolicus revealed 15 species. The western North Atlantic fishes, formerly known as Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin, 1789), are now referred to this species.

Polyipnus clarus
Harold, 1994

Common Name/Nom commun: stareye hatchetfish, ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include slope hatchetfish, and shortspine tenplate and dix-bards à épines courtes under the scientific name Polyipnus asteroides Schultz, 1938 but this name (and presumably the common names too) are now restricted to a Caribbean species (Harold, 1994). No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Sternoptyx diaphana
Hermann, 1781

Common Name/Nom commun: transparent hatchetfish, hache d'argent diaphane.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Sternoptyx pseudobscura
Baird, 1971

Common Name/Nom commun: highlight hatchetfish, hache d'argent à haute épine.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Valenciennellus tripunctulatus
(Esmark, 1871)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic constellation fish, poisson constellation atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Phosichthyidae (7)
(lightfishes/poissons étoilés)

Ichthyococcus elongatus
Imai, 1941

Common Name/Nom commun: slim lightfish, poisson étoilé élancé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Ichthyococcus ovatus
(Cocco, 1838)

Common Name/Nom commun: ovate lightfish, poisson étoilé oval.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Pollichthys mauli
(Poll, 1953)

Common Name/Nom commun: stareye lightfish, cyclothone étoilée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Polymetme thaeocoryla
Parin & Borodulina, 1990

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names are sailor lightfish and cyclothone matelot, used for Polymetme corythaeola (Alcock, 1898). This scientific name has been used for this species in the western North Atlantic Ocean but is now restricted to Indo-Pacific fishes (Parin and Borodulina, 1990). No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Vinciguerria attenuata
(Cocco, 1838)

Common Name/Nom commun: slender lightfish, poisson étoilé svelte.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Vinciguerria nimbaria
(Jordan & Williams, 1895)

Common Name/Nom commun: oceanic lightfish, poisson étoilé océanique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Vinciguerria poweriae
(Cocco, 1838)

Common Name/Nom commun: highseas lightfish, poisson étoilé de Power.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Stomiidae (58)
(dragonfishes/dragons à écailles)

Earlier works divide this family into the Chauliodontidae, Stomiidae, Astronesthidae, Melanostomiidae, Malacosteidae and Idiacanthidae. Formerly called barbeled dragonfishes.

Aristostomias grimaldii
Zugmayer, 1913

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Aristostomias lunifer
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: crescent loosejaw, drague lunée.
Comments/Commentaires: Aristostomias photodactylus Beebe, 1933 (tenrayed loosejaw, drague à dix rayons) is regarded as a synonym by authors.

Aristostomias polydactylus
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: Pleiades loosejaw, drague Pléiades.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Aristostomias scintillans
(Gilbert, 1915)

Common Name/Nom commun: shining loosejaw, drague scintillante.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shiny loosejaw.

Aristostomias tittmanni
Welsh, 1923

Common Name/Nom commun: Tittmann's loosejaw, drague de Tittmann.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Astronesthes cyanea
(Brauer, 1902)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Recorded from the Scotian Shelf off Nova Scotia (ARC 21511) without more accurate locality data. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Astronesthes gemmifer
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: gem snaggletooth, dragon-saumon précieux.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from the North Atlantic at 44°25'N, 53°12'W on the southern edge of the Grand Bank.

Astronesthes leucopogon
Regan & Trewavas, 1929

Common Name/Nom commun: whitebearded snaggletooth, dragon-saumons à barbe blanche.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Astronesthes micropogon
Goodyear & Gibbs, 1970

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) other than simply snaggletooth.

Astronesthes niger
Richardson, 1845

Common Name/Nom commun: black snaggletooth, dragon-saumon noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black star-eater.

Astronesthes similus
Parr, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Bathophilus brevis
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Bathophilus flemingi
Aron & McCrery, 1958

Common Name/Nom commun: highfin dragonfish, dragon à haute nageoire.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Bathophilus pawneei
Parr, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Appeared there as Bathophilus chironmea Regan & Trewavas, 1930, a synonym. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Bathophilus vaillanti
(Zugmayer, 1911)

Common Name/Nom commun: bronze-green flagfin, étendard vert-bronzé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Borostomias antarcticus
(Lönnberg, 1905)

Common Name/Nom commun: large-eye snaggletooth, dragon-saumon à grands yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include straightline dragonfish.

Borostomias elucens
(Brauer, 1906)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by specimens from Funk Island and the eastern Grand Banks (ARC 22016 and 22011) although the former locality listed at 51°11’N, 49°53’W does not agree with gazetteers and the latter at 45°17’30”N, 48°09’W is just outside the Exclusive Economic Zone. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Chauliodus danae
Regan & Trewavas, 1929

Common Name/Nom commun: Dana viperfish, chauliode de Dana.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Chauliodus macouni
Bean, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific viperfish, chauliode féroce.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include fanged viperfish. Described from off Cape St. James, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 51°23'N, 130°34'W.

Chauliodus sloani
Bloch & Schneider, 1801

Common Name/Nom commun: manylight viperfish, chauliode très-lumineux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Sloane's viperfish.

Chirostomias pliopterus
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: flexfin dragonfish, dragon à nageoires ployées.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Echiostoma barbatum
Lowe, 1843

Common Name/Nom commun: bearded dragonfish, dragon barbu.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Eustomias acinosus
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Eustomias bibulbosus
Parr, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Eustomias dubius
Parr, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Eustomias filifer
(Gilchrist, 1906)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Eustomias fissibarbis
(Pappenheim, 1914)

Common Name/Nom commun: tripletwig smoothgill, triorné.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Eustomias obscurus
Vaillant, 1884

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase, except the general name scaleless dragonfish (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Eustomias polyaster
Parr, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Eustomias schmidti
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in Fishbase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Eustomias silvescens
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Flagellostomias boureei
(Zugmayer, 1913)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) except for the general name scaleless dragonfish.

Grammatostomias dentatus
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported in the “East Coast of North America Strategic Assessment Project” by the Scotia-Fundy Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and in Themelis (1996). No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Grammatostomias flagellibarba
Holt & Byrne, 1910

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Idiacanthus antrostomus
Gilbert, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific dragonfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Peden (2002) for B.C. Also called Pacific black dragon.

Idiacanthus fasciola
Peters, 1877

Common Name/Nom commun: ribbon sawtailfish, idiacanthe ruban.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black dragonfish.

Leptostomias gladiator
(Zugmayer, 1911)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) other than the general name scaleless dragonfish.

Leptostomias haplocaulus
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Leptostomias longibarba
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Malacosteus danae
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: shortnose loosejaw, drague à nez court.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Malacosteus niger
Ayres, 1848

Common Name/Nom commun: stoplight loosejaw, drague rouge-verte.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lightless loosejaw, black loosejaw and drague sans lampe. Described from Southeast of Nova Scotia at 42°N, 50°W.

Melanostomias bartonbeani
Parr, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: bluenose rearfin, nageoires-reculées nez-bleu.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from 44°10'N, 52°35'W off Newfoundland.

Melanostomias biseriatus
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from Canadian waters by Moore et al. (2003) based on MCZ 132263 at 40°42’N, 65°00’W off Nova Scotia. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Melanostomias tentaculatus
(Regan & Trewavas, 1930)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Melanostomias valdiviae
Brauer, 1902

Common Name/Nom commun: flatbarbel rearfin, nageoires-reculées à barbillon aplati.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Neonesthes capensis
(Gilchrist & von Bonde, 1924)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Opostomias mitsuii
Imai, 1941

Common Name/Nom commun: pitgum lanternfish, dragon japonais.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pitgum dragonfish.

Pachystomias microdon
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: largeye, drague grands-yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Photonectes margarita
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: sooty dragonfish, dragon fuligineux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Photostomias guernei
Collett, 1889

Common Name/Nom commun: bigmouth loosejaw, drague à grande gueule.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Photostomias mirabilis
(Beebe, 1933)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Rhadinesthes decimus
(Zugmayer, 1911)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Stomias affinis
Günther, 1887

Common Name/Nom commun: Günther's boafish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include scaly dragonfish. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Stomias boa
(Risso, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: boa dragonfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Stomias boa ferox Reinhardt, 1842 (boa dragonfish, dragon-boa) is the subspecies in Canadian waters. Other common names include scaly dragonfish. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Stomias brevibarbatus
Ege, 1918

Common Name/Nom commun: shortbarbel dragonfish, dragon vert.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Stomias longibarbatus
(Brauer, 1902)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Appeared there as Macrostomias longibarbatus. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Tactostoma macropus
Bolin, 1939

Common Name/Nom commun: longfin dragonfish, dragon à longues nageoire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include arrowfish, arrow dragonfish.

Trigonolampa miriceps
Regan & Trewavas, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: triangle-light dragon, dragon à lampe triangulaire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include threelight dragonfish and dragon trois-lampes.


Order/Ordre Aulopiformes (46)
Family/Famille Chlorophthalmidae

Chlorophthalmus agassizi
Bonaparte, 1840

Common Name/Nom commun: shortnose greeneye, oeil-vert camus.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Parasudis truculenta
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: longnose greeneye, oeil-vert à long nez.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Ipnopidae (5)

Bathypterois dubius
Vaillant, 1888

Common Name/Nom commun: snoutlet crotchfeeler, cran-tactile à muselet.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spiderfish and notch feelerfish.

Bathypterois longifilis
Günther, 1878

Common Name/Nom commun: ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) other than the general name feelerfish.

Bathypterois phenax
Parr, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: blackfin spiderfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Bathypterois quadrifilis
Günther, 1878

Common Name/Nom commun: roughscale wirewing, cran-tactile losange.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Bathypterois viridensis
(Roule, 1916)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Scopelarchidae (6)

Benthalbella dentata
(Chapman, 1939)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern pearleye, oeil-perlé du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Benthalbella infans
Zugmayer, 1911

Common Name/Nom commun: Zugmayer's pearleye, oeil-perlé de Zugmayer.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Benthalbella linguidens
(Mead & Böhlke, 1953)

Common Name/Nom commun: longfin pearleye, oeil-perlé à longues nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from Ocean Station Papa (Jean et al.,1981) and B.C. (Peden, 2003) .

Scopelarchoides danae
Johnson, 1974

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported by off Nova Scotia by Moore et al. (2003) based on MCZ 70369 at 40°45’N, 65°03’W. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Scopelarchus analis
(Brauer, 1902)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackbelly pearleye, oeil-perlé à ventre noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shortfin pearleye.

Scopelarchus michaelsarsi
Koefoed, 1955

Common Name/Nom commun: bigfin pearleye, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).


Family/Famille Notosudidae (6)

Ahliesaurus berryi
Bertelsen, Krefft & Marshall, 1976

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Scopelosaurus argenteus
(Maul, 1954)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) except the general name waryfish.

Scopelosaurus harryi
(Mead, 1953)

Common Name/Nom commun: scaly waryfish, lanterne-lézard écaillée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include scaly paperbone.

Scopelosaurus lepidus
(Krefft & Maul, 1955)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackfin waryfish, guetteur à nageoire noire.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Scopelosaurus mauli
Bertelsen, Krefft & Marshall, 1976

Common Name/Nom commun: Maul's waryfish, guetteur de Maul.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Scopelosaurus smithii
Bean, 1925

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Synodontidae (4)

Bathysaurus ferox
Günther, 1878

Common Name/Nom commun: ferocious lizardfish, poisson-lézard féroce.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include deep-sea lizardfish.

Synodus lucioceps
(Ayres, 1855)

Common Name/Nom commun: California lizardfish, ?poisson-lézard à petites écailles.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include smallscale lizardfish.

Synodus synodus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: red lizardfish, poisson-lézard rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockspear.

Trachinocephalus myops
(Forster, 1801)

Common Name/Nom commun: snakefish, poisson-lézard paille.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ground spearing.


Family/Famille Paralepididae (15)

Arctozenus risso
(Bonaparte, 1840)

Common Name/Nom commun: white barracudina, lussion blanc.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ribbon barracudina. Arctozenus risso kroyeri (Lütken, 1892) is the subspecies in Canadian waters.

Lestidiops affinis
(Ege, 1930)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) except the general name waryfish.

Lestidiops jayakari
(Boulenger, 1889)

Common Name/Nom commun: pale lathfish, poisson-latte pale.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lestidiops ringens
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: slender barracudina, lussion long.
Comments/Commentaires: Lestidium elongatum Ege, 1953 is a synonym.

Lestidium atlanticum
Borodin, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic barracudina, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Lestrolepis intermedia
(Poey, 1868)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Macroparalepis affinis
Ege, 1933

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Macroparalepis brevis
Ege, 1933

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Magnisudis atlantica
(Krøyer, 1868)

Common Name/Nom commun: duckbill barracudina, lussion à bec de canard.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Krøyer's barracudina.

Paralepis brevirostris
(Parr, 1928)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Paralepis coregonides
Risso, 1820

Common Name/Nom commun: sharpchin barracudina, lussion à menton.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include scaled lancet fish. Paralepis coregonides borealis Reinhardt, 1837 is the Canadian subspecies.

Paralepis elongata
(Brauer, 1906)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) except the general name barracudina.

Stemonosudis intermedia
(Ege, 1933)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Sudis hyalina
Rafinesque, 1810

Common Name/Nom commun: winged barracudina, lussion ailé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Uncisudis longirostra
Maul, 1956

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Anotopteridae (2)

Anotopterus nikparini
Kukuev, 1998

Common Name/Nom commun: North Pacific daggertooth, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Records from Ocean Station Papa are this species. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Anotopterus pharao
Zugmayer, 1911

Common Name/Nom commun: daggertooth, pharaon.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include javelinfish.


Family/Famille Evermannellidae (3)
(sabertooth fishes/poissons dents-de-sabre)

Coccorella atlantica
(Parr, 1928)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic sabretooth, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Evermannella balbo
(Risso, 1820)

Common Name/Nom commun: pink sabertooth, dents-de-sabre rose.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include balbo sabertooth.

Evermannella indica
Brauer, 1906

Common Name/Nom commun: Indian sabretooth, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).


Family/Famille Omosudidae (1)
(halterfishes/poissons à licou)

Omosudis lowii
Günther, 1887

Common Name/Nom commun: halterfish, poisson à licou.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include hammerjaw.


Family/Famille Alepisauridae (2)

Alepisaurus brevirostris
Gibbs, 1960

Common Name/Nom commun: shortnose lancetfish, cavalo ocellé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shortsnout lancetfish.

Alepisaurus ferox
Lowe, 1833

Common Name/Nom commun: longnose lancetfish, cavalo féroce.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic lancet fish, handsawfish and longsnout lancetfish.


Order/Ordre Myctophiformes (84)
Family/Famille Neoscopelidae
(blackchins/mentons noir)

Neoscopelus macrolepidotus
Johnson, 1863

Common Name/Nom commun: glowingfish, lanterne à grandes écailles.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Myctophidae (83)

Benthosema glaciale
(Reinhardt, 1837)

Common Name/Nom commun: glacier lanternfish, lanterne glaciaire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mikiapic kapisilik.

Benthosema suborbitale
(Gilbert, 1913)

Common Name/Nom commun: eyelight lanternfish, lanterne feu-avant.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Bolinichthys indicus
(Nafpaktitis & Nafpaktitis, 1969)

Common Name/Nom commun: smoothcheek lanternfish, lampe à joue lisse.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Bolinichthys photothorax
(Parr, 1928)

Common Name/Nom commun: spinecheek lanternfish, lampe à joue épinée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Bolinichthys supralateralis
(Parr, 1928)

Common Name/Nom commun: sidelight lanternfish, lampe à feux latéraux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Centrobranchus nigroocellatus
(Günther, 1873)

Common Name/Nom commun: sickle-ear slimlantern, lanterne-fine oreille-faucille.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Ceratoscopelus maderensis
(Lowe, 1839)

Common Name/Nom commun: horned lampfish, lampe cornée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include horned lanternfish.

Ceratoscopelus townsendi
(Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889)

Common Name/Nom commun: dogtooth lampfish, lampe à sourcils lumineux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include fangtooth lanternfish.

Ceratoscopelus warmingii
(Lütken, 1892)

Common Name/Nom commun: southseas lampfish, lampe d'apparat des mers du sud.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Diaphus bertelseni
Nafpaktitis, 1966

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Diaphus brachycephalus
Tåning, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: short-headed lanternfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Diaphus dumerilii
(Bleeker, 1856)

Common Name/Nom commun: flashlight headlightfish, lampe-de-tête lampion.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Diaphus effulgens
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: square headlightfish, lampe-de-tête carrée.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from Brown’s Bank in the north Atlantic Ocean off Nova Scotia.

Diaphus fragilis
Tåning, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: fragile lanternfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Diaphus garmani
Gilbert, 1906

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Diaphus holti
Tåning, 1918

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) except the general name lanternfish.

Diaphus lucidus
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Diaphus luetkeni
(Brauer, 1904)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented in Moore et al. (2003) based on MCZ 120100 at 41°05’N, 63°33’W and MCZ 120101 at 40°57’N, 63°35’W. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Diaphus metopoclampus
(Cocco, 1829)

Common Name/Nom commun: bouncer headlightfish, lampe-de-tête de casseur.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Diaphus mollis
Tåning, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: straightcheek headlightfish, lampe-de-tête joue-droite.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Diaphus perspicillatus
(Ogilby, 1898)

Common Name/Nom commun: eventooth headlightfish, lampe-de-tête unidentée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Diaphus rafinesquii
(Cocco, 1838)

Common Name/Nom commun: doormat parkinglightfish, lampe-veilleuse paillasson.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Diaphus roei
Nafpaktitis, 1974

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) as from Nova Scotian waters at 40.9167ºN, 61.4833ºW (ARC24351). No common names in FishBase (downloaded 5 October 2004).

Diaphus splendidus
(Brauer, 1904)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) except for the general name lanternfish.

Diaphus taaningi
Norman, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: Taaning's headlightfish, lampe-de-tête de Taaning.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Diaphus termophilus
Tåning, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: slanteye parkinglightfish, lampe-veilleuse oeil-penché.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Diaphus theta
Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: California headlightfish, lampe-de-tête à taches blanches.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include theta lanternfish and white-spotted lanternfish.

Diogenichthys atlanticus
(Tåning, 1928)

Common Name/Nom commun: longfin lanternfish, lanterne à longues nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Electrona risso
(Cocco, 1829)

Common Name/Nom commun: sun flashlightfish, lampion-soleil.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Gonichthys cocco
(Cocco, 1829)

Common Name/Nom commun: linestop lanternfish, lantern boute-ligne.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Hygophum benoiti
(Cocco, 1838)

Common Name/Nom commun: longnose hugo, hugo à long nez.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Hygophum hygomii
(Lütken, 1892)

Common Name/Nom commun: highvelo hugo, hugo haut-velo.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Hygophum macrochir

Common Name/Nom commun: large-finned lanternfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Hygophum reinhardtii

Common Name/Nom commun: Reinhardt's lanternfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include broadhead lanternfish and slender lanternfish. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Hygophum taaningi
Bekker, 1965

Common Name/Nom commun: upmouth hugo, hugo bécot.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lampadena anomala
Parr, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) except the general name lanternfish.

Lampadena chavesi
Collett, 1905

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) except the general name lanternfish.

Lampadena luminosa
(Garman, 1899)

Common Name/Nom commun: highfourthpo lampfish, lampe à haut-po-quatre.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lampadena speculigera
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: mirror lampfish, ?lampe à nez denté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include toothnose lanternfish.

Lampadena urophaos
Paxton, 1963

Common Name/Nom commun: sunbeam lampfish, lampe à rayon de soleil.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include brightlight lanternfish, torchlight lanternfish and taillight lanternfish. Lampadena urophaos atlantica Maul, 1969 is the subspecies in Atlantic Canadian waters with the type subspecies in B.C.

Lampanyctus alatus
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: lesser beaconlamp, petite lampe-bouée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lampanyctus crocodilus
(Risso, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: jewel lanternfish, lanterne-joyau.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lampanyctus festivus
Tåning, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: seven-aoa platelamp, lampe-platine à sept-aoa.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lampanyctus intricarius
Tåning, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: diamondcheek, lanterne à joue pailletée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lampanyctus jordani
Gilbert, 1913

Common Name/Nom commun: brokenline lanternfish, lanterne à ligne brisée.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from Ocean Station Papa (Jean et al.,1981).

Lampanyctus macdonaldi
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: rakery lanternfish, lanterne-bouée râtelière.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lampanyctus nobilis
Tåning, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: noble lampfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Lampanyctus photonotus
Parr, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: toplights lanternfish, lanterne de Noël.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lampanyctus pusillus
(Johnson, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: shortplate will-o'-the-wisp, feu-follet à platine courte.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lampanyctus tenuiformis
(Brauer, 1906)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) except the general name lanternfish.

Lepidophanes gaussi
(Brauer, 1906)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) except the general name lanternfish.

Lepidophanes guentheri
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: shortcheek tail-light, feu-arrière à joue courte.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from the Newfoundland Banks, northwest Atlantic Ocean.

Lobianchia dofleini
(Zugmayer, 1911)

Common Name/Nom commun: Mediterranean divinglamp, lampe-de-plongée de la Méditerranée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lobianchia gemellarii
(Cocco, 1838)

Common Name/Nom commun: Caribbean divinglamp, lampe-de-plongée des Caraïbes.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Loweina rara
(Lütken, 1892)

Common Name/Nom commun: Laura's lanternfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Myctophum affine
(Lütken, 1892)

Common Name/Nom commun: metallic lanternfish, lanterne rude du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Myctophum asperum
Richardson, 1845

Common Name/Nom commun: roughscale lanternfish, lanterne rugueuse.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Myctophum nitidulum
Garman, 1899

Common Name/Nom commun: pearly lanternfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include spotted lanternfish. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Myctophum obtusirostre
Tåning, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Myctophum punctatum
Rafinesque, 1810

Common Name/Nom commun: spotted lanternfish, lanterne ponctuée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Myctophum selenops
Tåning, 1928

Common Name/Nom commun: lunar lanternfish, lanterne lunaire.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Nannobrachium atrum
(Tåning, 1928)

Common Name/Nom commun: shortwing lanternfish, lanterne à pectorale courte.
Comments/Commentaires: Formerly reported as Lampanyctus ater Tåning, 1928.

Nannobrachium cuprarium
(Tåning, 1928)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Nannobrachium lineatum
(Tåning, 1928)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Nannobrachium regale
(Gilbert, 1892)

Common Name/Nom commun: pinpoint lanternfish, lampe royale.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include small-eyed lanternfish and pinpoint lampfish. Also appeared in older literature as Lampanyctus regalis.

Nannobrachium ritteri
(Gilbert, 1915)

Common Name/Nom commun: broadfin lanternfish, lampe à grandes nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: Also placed in the genus Lampanyctus in older literature.

Notolychnus valdiviae
(Brauer, 1904)

Common Name/Nom commun: fourtoplamps, quatre-lampes-hautes.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Notoscopelus bolini
Nafpaktitis, 1975

Common Name/Nom commun: Bolin's lanternfish, lanterne de Bolin.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Notoscopelus caudispinosus
(Johnson, 1863)

Common Name/Nom commun: spinetail lanternfish, lanterne à queue épineuse.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Notoscopelus japonicus
(Tanaka, 1908)

Common Name/Nom commun: Japanese lanternfish, lanterne japonaise.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Notoscopelus kroeyeri
(Malm, 1861)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern saillamp, lampe-voilière du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Krøyer's lanternfish. Sometimes listed as a subspecies of Notoscopelus elongatus (Costa, 1844).

Notoscopelus resplendens
(Richardson, 1845)

Common Name/Nom commun: patchwork lanternfish, lampe-voilière sao-en-coin.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include patchwork lampfish.

Protomyctophum arcticum
(Lütken, 1892)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic telescope, télescope arctique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Protomyctophum crockeri
(Bolin, 1939)

Common Name/Nom commun: California flashlightfish, télescope californien.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include penlight flashlightfish and southern flashlightfish.

Protomyctophum thompsoni
(Chapman, 1944)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye flashlightfish, télescope à grands yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bigeye lanternfish and northern flashlightfish.

Stenobrachius leucopsarus
(Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern lampfish, lanterne du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include smallfin lanternfish and northern lanternfish.

Stenobrachius nannochir
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: garnet lanternfish, lanterne grenat.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Symbolophorus californiensis
(Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigfin lanternfish, lanterne à grandes nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Symbolophorus veranyi
(Moreau, 1888)

Common Name/Nom commun: North Atlantic cornerlantern, lanterne-de-coin nord-atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include largescale lanternfish.

Taaningichthys bathyphilus
(Tåning, 1928)

Common Name/Nom commun: smoothbrow lampfish, lampe à front lisse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spinelessbrow lampfish and lampe sans épine sourcilière.

Taaningichthys minimus
(Tåning, 1928)

Common Name/Nom commun: lesser lampfish, petit poisson-lampe.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Tarletonbeania crenularis
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: blue lanternfish, lanterne bleue.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include southern blue lanternfish.

Tarletonbeania taylori
Mead, 1953

Common Name/Nom commun: tail-light lanternfish, lanterne feu-arrière.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern blue lanternfish.


Order/Ordre Lampriformes (5)
Family/Famille Lampridae

Lampris guttatus
(Brünnich, 1788)

Common Name/Nom commun: opah, opah.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spotted opah, moonfish, Jerusalem haddock, kingfish, poisson lune, lampris and opa.


Family/Famille Trachipteridae (2)

Trachipterus altivelus
Kner, 1859

Common Name/Nom commun: king-of-the-salmon, roi-des-saumons.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Zu cristatus
(Bonelli, 1819)

Common Name/Nom commun: scalloped ribbonfish, trachiptère ventru and trachyptère ventru.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Regalecidae (1)

Regalecus glesne
Ascanius, 1772

Common Name/Nom commun: oarfish, roi des harengs.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include king of herrings, giant oarfish and ribbonfish. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Stylephoridae (1)
(tube-eyes, stylephoridés)

Stylephorus chordatus
Shaw, 1791

Common Name/Nom commun: tube-eye, ?stylephoridé.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include threadtail and pillar-eyed thread-tail. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).


Order/Ordre Polymixiiformes (2)
Family/Famille Polymixiidae (2)
(beardfishes/poissons à barbe)

This family was formerly known as barbudos in French.

Polymixia lowei
Günther, 1859

Common Name/Nom commun: beardfish, ?barbudo des Caraïbes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Caribbean beardfish.

Polymixia nobilis
Lowe, 1836

Common Name/Nom commun: stout beardfish, gros barbudo.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic beardfish, barbudo and poisson à barbe.


Order/Ordre Percopsiformes (1)
Family/Famille Percopsidae

This family was formerly known as perches-truites in French.

Percopsis omiscomaycus
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: trout-perch, omisco.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silver chub and sand roller. Described from the Albany River, Hudson Bay, Ontario.


Order/Ordre Gadiformes (62)
Family/Famille Bregmacerotidae

Bregmaceros atlanticus
Goode & Bean, 1886

Common Name/Nom commun: antenna codlet, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Moore et al. (2003) based on MCZ 109100 at 41°05’N, 63°33’W south of LaHave Basin, Nova Scotia. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Bregmaceros sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Note that records of Bregmaceros mcclellandii Thompson, 1840 from the western North Atlantic are this undescribed species (Moore et al., 2003).


Family/Famille Macrouridae (20)

Albatrossia pectoralis
(Gilbert, 1892)

Common Name/Nom commun: giant grenadier, ?grenadier pectoral.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pectoral grenadier and pectoral rattail.

Caelorinchus caelorhincus
(Risso, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: saddled grenadier, ?grenadier à long nez.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include longnose grenadier, blackspot grenadier, hollowsnout grenadier and grenadier raton. Caelorinchus caelorhinchus carminatus (Goode, 1880) is the subspecies in Canadian waters.

Coryphaenoides acrolepis
(Bean, 1884)

Common Name/Nom commun: roughscale grenadier, grenadier à écailles rudes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Pacific grenadier.

Coryphaenoides armatus
(Hector, 1875)

Common Name/Nom commun: russet grenadier, grenadier roux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include abyssal grenadier, smoothscale rattail and grenadier de profundeur. Placed in the genus Nematonurus by authors.

Coryphaenoides brevibarbis
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: shortbeard grenadier, grenadier à barbe courte.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Coryphaenoides carapinus
Goode & Bean, 1883

Common Name/Nom commun: carapine grenadier, grenadier à barbillon court.
Comments/Commentaires: Placed in the genus Lionurus by authors.

Coryphaenoides cinereus
(Gilbert, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: popeye, grenadier cendré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include popeye grenadier.

Coryphaenoides filifer
(Gilbert, 1895)

Common Name/Nom commun: filamented rattail, grenadier filamenté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include filamented grenadier and threadfin grenadier. Described from off the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.

Coryphaenoides guentheri
(Vaillant, 1888)

Common Name/Nom commun: Günther's grenadier, grenadier de Günther. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Coryphaenoides leptolepis
Günther, 1877

Common Name/Nom commun: ghostly grenadier, grenadier à écailles minces.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Coryphaenoides liocephalus
(Günther, 1887)

Common Name/Nom commun: bearded rattail, grenadier barbu.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Coryphaenoides rupestris
Gunnerus, 1765

Common Name/Nom commun: rock grenadier, grenadier de roche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include grenadier, rattail, roundnose grenadier and black grenadier.

Coryphaenoides yaquinae
Iwamoto & Stein, 1974

Common Name/Nom commun: rough abyssal grenadier, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Tentatively documented for B.C. by Peden (2003). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Macrourus berglax
Lacepède, 1801

Common Name/Nom commun: roughhead grenadier, grenadier berglax.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include smooth-spined rattail, onion-eye and ingminniset.

Malacocephalus occidentalis
Goode & Bean, 1885

Common Name/Nom commun: western softhead grenadier, ?queue-de-rat d'Amérique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include American straptail grenadier and grenadier scie. Placed in the genus Ventrifossa by authors.

Nezumia aequalis
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: smooth grenadier, grenadier lisse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common Atlantic grenadier.

Nezumia bairdii
(Goode & Bean, 1877)

Common Name/Nom commun: marlin-spike, grenadier du Grand Banc.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common grenadier and common rattail.

Nezumia stelgidolepis
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: California grenadier, ?grenadier-lampe.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lamp grenadier and California rattail.

Trachyrincus murrayi
Günther, 1887

Common Name/Nom commun: roughnose grenadier, grenadier-scie.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Murray's longsnout grenadier.

Trachyrincus scabrus
(Rafinesque, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: roughsnout grenadier, ?
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004). Other common names include roughnosed rattail.


Family/Famille Moridae (10)

The French common name for this family in the AFS list is "moros" (Nelson et al., 2004) but it may be a misspelling for mores. The English name for the family used to be moras.

Antimora microlepis
Bean 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific flatnose, antimore à petites écailles.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include longfin cod, finescale antimora and finescale codling. Described from off Cape St. James, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 51°23'N, 130°34'W.

Antimora rostrata
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: blue antimora, antimore bleu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blue hake, longfinned cod, flatnose cod and flatnose codling.

Brosmiculus imberbis
Vaillant, 1888

Common Name/Nom commun: smoothchin mora, more imberbe.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include beardless codling. Also placed in the genus Gadella.

Halargyreus johnsonii
Günther, 1862

Common Name/Nom commun: dainty mora, more délicat.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include slender codling.

Laemonema barbatulum
Goode & Bean, 1883

Common Name/Nom commun: shortbeard codling, ?more à petites écailles.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include smallscale mora

Laemonema goodebeanorum
Meléndez C. & Markle, 1998

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Laemonema melanurum
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Lepidion eques
(Günther, 1887)

Common Name/Nom commun: largeye lepidion, lépidion à grands yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include North Atlantic codling.

Physiculus fulvus
Bean, 1884

Common Name/Nom commun: metallic codling, ?physicule fauve.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include brown peeper.

Svetovidovia sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20.


Family/Famille Melanonidae (1)
(arrowtails/mores noirs)

Melanonus zugmayeri
Norman, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: arrowtail, more noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include coalfish.


Family/Famille Gadidae (13)

Arctogadus borisovi
Drjagin, 1932

Common Name/Nom Commun: toothed cod, saïda barbu.
Comments: Møller et al. (2002) consider this species to be a synonym of Arctogadus glacialis.

Arctogadus glacialis
(Peters, 1872)

Common Name/Nom commun: polar cod, saïda imberbe.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Arctic cod, Arctic Greenland cod and morue arctique. Møller et al. (2002) consider Arctogadus borisovi Drjagin, 1932 (toothed cod, saïda barbu) to be a synonym.

Boreogadus saida
(Lepechin, 1774)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic cod, saïda franc.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Arctic tomcod, polar cod, ogaq, equaluaq, itok, ôgark, ovac and morue polaire.

Eleginus gracilis
(Tilesius, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: saffron cod, navaga jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Far Eastern navaga, morue boréale, ogavik, ogak and siuryuktuuq.

Gadus macrocephalus
Tilesius, 1810

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific cod, morue du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include cod, morue, gray or grey cod, true cod, Alaska cod and whisker cod.

Gadus morhua
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic cod, morue franche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include cod, morue, codfish, rock cod, morue commune, scrod, northern cod, "fish", morue de l'Atlantique; cabillaud (cod products in France); ogac, ovak and uugak. Newfoundland and Labrador populations are Endangered, the Laurentian North population is Threatened and Arctic and Maritimes populations are of Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Gadus ogac
Richardson, 1836

Common Name/Nom commun: Greenland cod, ogac.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ogac (in English), rock cod, pilot, fjord cod, morue de roche and morue ogac. May be a synonym of G. macrocephalus according to authors.

Melanogrammus aeglefinus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: haddock, aiglefin.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include gibber, chat, pinger, jumbo, scrod, ping pong, snapper haddock, églefin and poisson de St. Pierre.

Microgadus proximus
(Girard, 1854)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific tomcod, poulamon du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tomcod and wachna.

Microgadus tomcod
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic tomcod, poulamon atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tomcod, tommycod, winter cod, snig, frostfish, poulamon, poisson de Noël, loche, petite morue and poisson des chenaux.

Micromesistius poutassou
(Risso, 1827)

Common Name/Nom commun: blue whiting, poutassou.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include whiting, Couch's whiting, merlan and merlan bleu.

Pollachius virens
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: pollock, goberge.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Boston bluefish, harbour pollock, merlan, merlan-noir, lieu noire, coley, colin, blister back, rock salmon and black cod (and pollack, a mispelling)(and coalfish, saithe and green cod in Great Britain)(and lieu in France).

Theragra chalcogramma
(Pallas, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: walleye pollock, goberge de l'Alaska.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pollock, whiting, bigeye, Pacific pollock, Alaska pollock, big-eye pollock, bugeye, scrapcod, goberge and lieu d'Alaska.

Trisopterus esmarkii
(Nilsson, 1855)

Common Name/Nom commun: Norway pout, mostelle de fond.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported in the “East Coast of North America Strategic Assessment Project” by the Northern Gulf Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Mont Joli, Québec. Other common names include tacaud norvégien. Common names from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Lotidae (8)

This family is included in the Gadidae in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Brosme brosme
(Ascanius, 1772)

Common Name/Nom commun: cusk, brosme.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tusk, torske, brismark and moonfish. Threatened (COSEWIC).

Brotula barbata
(Bloch and Schneider, 1801)

Common Name/Nom commun: bearded brotula, limace atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include Atlantic seasnail, deepwater soapfish and brotule barbée. Common names from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Enchelyopus cimbrius
(Linnaeus, 1766)

Common Name/Nom commun: fourbeard rockling, motelle à quatre barbillon.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Gaidropsarus argentatus
(Reinhardt, 1837)

Common Name/Nom commun: silver rockling, mustèle argentée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Arctic rockling.

Gaidropsarus ensis
(Reinhardt, 1837)

Common Name/Nom commun: threebeard rockling, mustèle arctique à trois barbillons.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Arctic threebeard rockling and threadfin rockling.

Lota lota
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: burbot, lotte.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ling, sand ling, eelpout, American burbot, freshwater cod, mother-of-eels, gudgeon, maria, methy, freshwater cusk, spineless cat, dogfish, lawyer, lush, loche, freshwater eel, lycode, lotte de rivière, titaliq, nätarrnaq, tiktabek, shulukpaoluk and nettârnak.

Molva dypterygia
(Pennant, 1784)

Common Name/Nom commun: blue ling, lingue bleue.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ling.

Molva molva
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: European ling, julienne.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include grande lingue.


Family/Famille Phycidae (4)
(phycid hakes/phycidés)

This family has been called merluches in French.

Phycis chesteri
(Goode & Bean, 1879)

Common Name/Nom commun: longfin hake, merluche à longues nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: Formerly placed in the genus Urophycis by authors.

Urophycis chuss
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: red hake, merluche écureuil.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include squirrel hake, ling and merluche rouge.

Urophycis regia
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: spotted hake, merluche tachetée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spotted codling, merluche blanche and phycis tacheté.

Urophycis tenuis
(Mitchill, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: white hake, merluche blanche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mud hake, ling, Boston hake, black hake, red hake, squirrel hake, codling, steakfish and ingue. Urophycis musicki Cohen & Lavenberg, 1984 used by McAllister (1990) and Coad et al. (1995) for this species is an error.


Family/Famille Merlucciidae (4)
(merlucciid hakes/merlus)

Lyconus brachycolus
Holt & Byrne, 1906

Common Name/Nom commun: winged hake, merlu ailé.
Comments/Commentaires: Placed in the genus Macruronus by authors.

Merluccius albidus
(Mitchill, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: offshore hake, merlu blanc.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include merlu argenté du large.

Merluccius bilinearis
(Mitchill, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: silver hake, merlu argenté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include whiting, hake, Atlantic whiting, southwest Atlantic hake, New England hake, frostfish, merlu, merlu de l'Atlantique and merlu de l'Atlantique sud-ouest.

Merluccius productus
(Ayres, 1855)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific hake, merlu du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include whiting, hake, Pacific whiting, California hake and merlu.


Order/Ordre Ophidiiformes (10)
Family/Famille Ophidiidae (7)

Bassogigas gillii
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Dicrolene introniger
Goode & Bean, 1883

Common Name/Nom commun: blackgut tendrilfin, nageoire-frangée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lepophidium profundorum
(Gill, 1863)

Common Name/Nom commun: fawn cusk-eel, donzelle fauve.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Monomitopus agassizii
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: Agassiz' cusk-eel, donzelle d'Agassiz.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Ophidion selenops
Robins & Böhlke, 1959

Common Name/Nom commun: mooneye cusk-eel, donzelle à grands yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Spectrunculus grandis
(Günther, 1877)

Common Name/Nom commun: giant cusk-eel, donzelle géante.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Typhlonus nasus
Günther, 1878

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Carapidae (1)

Echiodon dawsoni
Williams & Shipp, 1982

Common Name/Nom commun: chain pearlfish, aurin chaîne.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Bythitidae (2)
(viviparous brotulas/donzelles vivipares)

This family has been called livebearing brotulas.

Brosmophycis marginata
(Ayres, 1854)

Common Name/Nom commun: red brotula, donzelle rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include red brotulid.

Thalassobathia pelagica
Cohen, 1963

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Order/Ordre Batrachoidiformes (1)
Family/Famille Batrachoididae

This family has been called poissons-grenouilles in French.

Porichthys notatus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: plainfin midshipman, pilotin tacheté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include midshipman and singing fish.


Order/Ordre Lophiiformes (43)
Family/Famille Lophiidae

Lophius americanus
Valenciennes, 1837

Common Name/Nom commun: monkfish, baudroie d'Amérique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include goosefish, American angler, allmouth, fishing frog, greedigut, molligut, mud-fish, bellyfish, rape, sea devil, abbot, molykite, baudroie, diable de mer, poisson-pêcheur and lotte.


Family/Famille Antennariidae (2)

Antennarius ocellatus
(Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Common Name/Nom commun: ocellated frogfish, antennaire ocellé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Histrio histrio
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: sargassumfish, sargassier.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Chaunacidae (2)
(gapers/crapauds de mer)

This family has been called sea toads.

Bathychaunax roseus
(Barbour, 1941)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Chaunax stigmaeus
Fowler, 1946

Common Name/Nom commun: redeye gaper, bayeur rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Ogcocephalidae (1)
(batfishes/chauves-souris de mer)

This family has been called malthes in French.

Dibranchus atlanticus
Peters, 1876

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic batfish, malthe atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include chauve-souris atlantique.


Family/Famille Caulophrynidae (1)

Caulophryne jordani
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: fanfin, nageoire-éventail.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Melanocetidae (2)

Melanocetus johnsonii
Günther, 1864

Common Name/Nom commun: stout werewolf, gros loup-garou.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Johnson's black anglerfish and common blackdevil.

Melanocetus murrayi
Günther, 1887

Common Name/Nom commun: Murray's abyssal anglerfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Himantolophidae (3)

Himantolophus albinares
Maul, 1961

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Himantolophus groenlandicus
Reinhardt, 1837

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic footballfish, ?football fine-lampe.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lightlamp footballfish and football atlantique.

Himantolophus mauli
Bertelsen & Krefft, 1988

Common Name/Nom commun: Maul's footballfish, football de Maul.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Oneirodidae (17)

Chaenophryne draco
Beebe, 1932

Common Name/Nom commun: smooth dreamer, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Chaenophryne longiceps
Regan, 1925

Common Name/Nom commun: can-opener smoothdream, doux-rêve ouvre-boîte.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Chaenophryne melanorhabdus
Regan & Trewavas, 1932

Common Name/Nom commun: smooth dreamer, rêveur sombre.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Danaphryne nigrifilis
(Regan & Trewavas, 1932)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Dolopichthys allector
Garman, 1899

Common Name/Nom commun: shorthorn dreamer, rêveur à petites cornes.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Dolopichthys pullatus
Regan & Trewavas, 1932

Common Name/Nom commun: toothy dreamer, rêveur très-denté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include toothful dreamer.

Leptacanthichthys gracilispinis
(Regan, 1925)

Common Name/Nom commun: plainchin dreamarm, bras-de-rêve menton-uni.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lophodolus acanthognathus
Regan, 1925

Common Name/Nom commun: whalehead dreamer, faune rêveur fer-de-lance.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Microlophichthys microlophus
(Regan, 1925)

Common Name/Nom commun: dreamteeth, dents-de-rêve.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Oneirodes bulbosus
Chapman, 1939

Common Name/Nom commun: bulbous dreamer, queue-de-rêve bulbeuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bulb-fish. Described from about 25 miles west-southwest of Frederick Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, 53°50'N, 133°54'W.

Oneirodes carlsbergi
(Regan & Trewavas, 1932)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Oneirodes epithales
Orr, 1991

Common Name/Nom commun: nightmare dreamer, rêveur cauchemar.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from south of Newfoundland, 41°05'39"N, 56°25'33"W.

Oneirodes eschrichtii
Lütken, 1871

Common Name/Nom commun: cosmopolitan dreamtail, queue-de-rêve cosmopolite.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Oneirodes macrosteus
Pietsch, 1974

Common Name/Nom commun: westnorat dreamtail, queue-de-rêve atnorouest.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Oneirodes schmidti
(Regan & Trewavas, 1932)

Common Name/Nom commun: forefour dreamtail, queue-de-rêve quatravant.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Oneirodes thompsoni
(Schultz, 1934)

Common Name/Nom commun: spiny dreamer, queue-de-rêve épineuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Alaska dreamer.

Spiniphryne gladisfenae
(Beebe, 1932)

Common Name/Nom commun: pricklydreamer, rêveur piquant.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Thaumatichthyidae (2)

Lasiognathus beebei
Regan & Trewavas, 1932

Common Name/Nom commun: grapnel compleat-angler, parfait-pêcheur à grappin.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lasiognathus intermedius
Bertelsen and Pietsch, 1996

Common Name/Nom commun: ?, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on ROM 27288 from Pietsch (2009).


Family/Famille Ceratiidae (3)

Ceratias holboelli
Krøyer, 1845

Common Name/Nom commun: twoclub angler, pêcheur à deux massettes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern seadevil, giant seadevil and deepsea angler.

Ceratias uranoscopus
Murray, 1877

Common Name/Nom commun: stargazing seadevil, pêcheur uranoscope.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Cryptopsaras couesii
Gill, 1883

Common Name/Nom commun: triplewart seadevil, pêcheur à trèfle.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include warted seadevil.


Family/Famille Gigantactinidae (3)
(whipnoses/tacts géants)

Gigantactis macronema
Regan, 1925

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Gigantactis longicirra
Waterman, 1939

Common Name/Nom commun: longtail whipnose, tact géant à queue filamenteuse.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Gigantactis vanhoeffeni
Brauer, 1902

Common Name/Nom commun: Vanhoeffen's whipnose, tact géant de Vanhoeffen.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Linophrynidae (6)

Haplophryne mollis
(Brauer 1902)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Edriolychnus schmidti Regan, 1925 (Schmidt's leftvent, pore-gauche de Schmidt) is a synonym. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Linophryne algibarbata
Waterman, 1939

Common Name/Nom commun: fourbarbelthroat, gorge à quatre barbes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include fourbarbel netdevil.

Linophryne bicornis
Parr, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: twohorn barbelthroat, gorge bicornue à barbe.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Linophryne coronata
Parr, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: greatbarbelthroat, gorge à grande barbe.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blacktail netdevil.

Linophryne lucifer
Collett, 1886

Common Name/Nom commun: forkbarbelthroat, gorge à barbe fourchue.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include forkbarbel netdevil.

Linophryne macrodon
Regan, 1925

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Order/Ordre Gobiesociformes (2)
Family/Famille Gobiesocidae

Gobiesox maeandricus
(Girard, 1858)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern clingfish, crampon bariolé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common clingfish and flathead clingfish.

Rimicola muscarum
(Meek & Pierson, 1895)

Common Name/Nom commun: kelp clingfish, crampon de varech.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include slender clingfish.


Order/Ordre Atheriniformes (3)
Family/Famille Atherinopsidae
(New World silversides/poissons d'argent)

The family Atherinidae is split in two in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) but not in Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes" and the split is followed here. Atherinopsidae contains the Canadian species while the Atherinidae (Old World silversides, athérines) has no Canadian members. Formerly called silversides/capucettes.

Atherinops affinis
(Ayres, 1860)

Common Name/Nom commun: topsmelt, capucette barrée,
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include San Francisco topsmelt.

Labidesthes sicculus
(Cope, 1865)

Common Name/Nom commun: brook silverside, crayon d'argent.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include skipjack, topwater, friar and glassfish. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Menidia menidia
(Linnaeus, 1766)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic silverside, capucette.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silverside, sand smelt, whitebait, shiner, sperling, capelin. green smelt and capucette de l'Atlantique.


Order/Ordre Cyprinodontiformes (15)
Family/Famille Fundulidae

This family was formerly called killifishes.

Fundulus diaphanus
(Lesueur, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: banded killifish, fondule barré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include freshwater mummichog, freshwater killy, grayback, topminnow, eastern and western banded killifish, menona killifish, barred minnow and hardhead. The type subspecies or eastern banded killifish/?, is found from the Lake Ontario basin eastwards to Atlantic drainages. Fundulus diaphanus menona Jordan & Copeland, 1877(western banded killifish/?), is the subspecies in Canadian waters of the Great Lakes, intergrading with the eastern subspecies in Lake Ontario drainages. The Newfoundland population is of Special Concern and the mainland populations Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Fundulus heteroclitus
(Linnaeus, 1776)

Common Name/Nom commun: mummichog, choquemort.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common killifish, saltwater minnow, chub, barbel, mummy, gudgeon, mud dabbler and saltmarsh killifish. Fundulus heteroclitus macrolepidotus (Walbaum, 1792) is the Canadian subspecies.

Fundulus notatus
(Rafinesque, 1820)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackstripe topminnow, fondule rayé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackback minnow. Special Concern (COSEWIC).


Family/Famille Poeciliidae (4)

Gambusia affinis
(Baird & Girard, 1853)

Common Name/Nom commun: western mosquitofish, ?gambusie.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mosquitofish, silver gambusia, spotted gambusia and Texas gambusia. Introduced to the Cave and Basin Hotsprings, Banff, Alberta and still extant (personal observations, 2000) and also to Manitoba but no longer extant and possibly British Columbia (Crossman, 1984).

Poecilia latipinna
(Lesueur, 1821)

Common Name/Nom commun: sailfin molly, molliénésie à voilure.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to the Cave and Basin Hotsprings, Banff, Alberta and still extant (personal observations, 2000).

Poecilia reticulata
Peters, 1859

Common Name/Nom commun: guppy, queue de voile.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to the Cave and Basin Hotsprings, Banff, Alberta but not established (McAllister, 1990).

Xiphophorus hellerii
Heckel, 1848

Common Name/Nom commun: green swordtail, queue d’épée.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to the Cave and Basin Hotsprings, Banff, Alberta but not established (McAllister, 1990).


Family/Famille Scomberesocidae (2)

This family is included in the Order Beloniformes in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Scomberesox saurus
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic saury, balaou.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include billfish, saury, saurel, skipjack, needlefish, skipper, balaou de l'Atlantique and aiguille de mer.

Cololabis saira
(Brevoort, 1856)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific saury, balaou japonais.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include saury, balaou, balaou du japon, balaou du pacifique.


Family/Famille Exocoetidae (4)

This family is included in the Order Beloniformes in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Cheilopogon furcatus
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: spotfin flyingfish, exocet à nageoires tachetées.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Cheilopogon melanurus
(Valenciennes, 1847)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic flyingfish, exocet atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Hirundichthys affinis
(Günther, 1866)

Common Name/Nom commun: fourwing flyingfish, exocet à frange blanche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flying fish, exocet, poisson volant and exocet hirondelle.

Hirundichthys rondeletii
(Valenciennes, 1847)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackwing flyingfish, exocet à nageoires noires.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include exocet aile noire.


Family/Famille Hemiramphidae (2)

This family is included in the Order Beloniformes in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Hemiramphus brasiliensis
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: ballyhoo, demi-bec brésilien.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include balourou.

Hyporhamphus meeki
Banford and Collette, 1993

Common Name/Nom commun: false silverstripe halfbeak, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Also called Meek’s halfbeak and American halfbeak. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004). Other common names used for the taxon in Canadian waters are Atlantic siverstripe halfbeak, silverstripe halfbeak, demi-bec africain, common halfbeak, and skipjack but these refer to Hyporhamphus unifasciatus (Ranzani, 1841), a southern relative previously believed to be the species in the northwestern North Atlantic Ocean (Banford and Collette, 1993). Gibson and Myers (2002) confirm the presence of this species in Canada.


Order/Ordre Stephanoberyciformes (18)
Family/Famille Stephanoberycidae

Stephanoberyx monae
Gill, 1883

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: The type locality is at 41°09’40’N, 66°02’20”W in Georges Canyon off Nova Scotia (USNM 33445) (Moore et al., 2003). No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Melamphaidae (17)

Melamphaes eulepis
Ebeling, 1962

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Melamphaes leprus
Ebeling, 1962

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Melamphaes longivelis
Parr, 1933

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) other than the general name ridgehead.

Melamphaes lugubris
Gilbert, 1891

Common Name/Nom commun: highsnout ridgehead, heaume triste.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Melamphaes microps
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: numerous helmetfish, heaume nombreux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Melamphaes polylepis
Ebeling, 1962

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Melamphaes simus
Ebeling, 1962

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) other than the general name ridgehead.

Melamphaes suborbitalis
(Gill, 1883)

Common Name/Nom commun: shortspine helmetfish, heaume à épine courte.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Melamphaes typhlops
(Lowe, 1843)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) other than the general name ridgehead.

Poromitra capito
Goode & Bean, 1883

Common Name/Nom commun: bull rhinofish, rhino boeuf.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Poromitra crassiceps
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: crested ridgehead, heaume à crête.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include crested bigscale and rhino à petits yeux.

Poromitra megalops
(Lütken, 1877)

Common Name/Nom commun: largeye rhinofish, rhino à grands yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Scopeloberyx opisthopterus
(Parr, 1933)

Common Name/Nom commun: rearfin expatriate, expatrié rétropinne.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Scopeloberyx robustus
(Günther, 1887)

Common Name/Nom commun: longjaw bigscale, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Scopeloberyx rubriventer
(Koefoed, 1953)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Moore et al. (2003) based on MCZ 146484 at 40°49’N, 64°00’W off Nova Scotia. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) other than the general name ridgehead.

Scopelogadus beanii
(Günther, 1887)

Common Name/Nom commun: squarenose helmetfish, heaume à nez carré.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Scopelogadus mizolepis
(Günther, 1878)

Common Name/Nom commun: twospine bigscale, heaume à deux épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include soft melamphid and flabby ridgehead. Scopelogadus mizolepis bispinosus (Gilbert, 1915) is the subspecies in Pacific Canadian waters while Moore et al. (2003) have the type subspecies for Atlantic waters including the Grand Banks. The common names apply to the former as there are no common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004) for the latter.


Order/Ordre Beryciformes (9)
Family/Famille Trachichthyidae

This family was formerly called slimeheads.

Gephyroberyx darwinii
(Johnson, 1866)

Common Name/Nom commun: big roughy, ?hoplite de Darwin.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Darwin's roughy, Darwin's slimehead and big roughy.

Hoplostethus atlanticus
Collett, 1889

Common Name/Nom commun: orange roughy, hoplostète rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented for Atlantic Canada in Pohle et al. (1992), Moore et al. (2003) and Kulka et al. (2003). Other common names include deep sea perch, orange roughfish, red roughy, slimehead and hoplostète orange. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Hoplostethus mediterraneus
Cuvier, 1829

Common Name/Nom commun: rosy soldierfish, hoplostète argenté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silver roughy, Mediterranean slimehead, rough fish, black-mouthed alfonsin and poisson-montre. This species has no valid record from Canadian waters (see below) but is considered quite likely to extend into the Gulf of Maine and presumably adjacent Canadian waters (Collette and Klein-MacPhee, 2002; and see records in Moore et al. (2003)). Moore et al. (2003) give the subspecies of the western North Atlantic Ocean as Hoplostethus mediterraneus sonodae Kotlyar, 1986.

Hoplostethus occidentalis
Woods, 1973

Common Name/Nom commun: western roughy, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: The record of Hoplostethus mediterraneus above from Browns Bank off Nova Scotia (ROM 26228) is based on a misidentified member of this species (Moore in Collette and Klein-MacPhee, 2002). No French name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).


Family/Famille Diretmidae (1)

Diretmus argenteus
Johnson, 1864

Common Name/Nom commun: spinyfin, rayon épineux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Anoplogastridae (1)

Anoplogaster cornuta
(Valenciennes, 1833)

Common Name/Nom commun: fangtooth, ogre.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ogrefish, longhorn fangtooth and common sabretooth.


Family/Famille Berycidae (2)

Beryx decadactylus
Cuvier, 1829

Common Name/Nom commun: red bream, béryx large.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include alfonsino, wideside alfonsin, Alfonsin a Casta Larga. béryx, béryx commun and béryx rouge.

Beryx splendens
Lowe, 1834

Common Name/Nom commun: narrowside alfonsin, béryx allongé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Alfonsin a Casta, Alfonsin de Costa, Estreita, slender beryx and slender alphonsino.


Family/Famille Holocentridae (1)

Sargocentron bullisi
(Woods, 1955)

Common Name/Nom commun: deepwater squirrelfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).


Order/Ordre Cetomimiformes (5)
Family/Famille Mirapinnidae

Eutaeniophorus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Note that Mirapinnidae are now known to be larvae of Cetomimidae (Johhson et al., 2008) although relating larva to adult will be difficult.


Family/Famille Rondeletiidae (1)
(redmouth whalefishes/poissons-baleines diables)

Rondeletia loricata
Abe & Hotta, 1963

Common Name/Nom commun: redmouth whalefish, poisson-baleine diable.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Barbourisiidae (1)

Barbourisia rufa
Parr, 1945

Common Name/Nom commun: velvet whalefish, poisson-baleine velouté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include red velvet whalefish.


Family/Famille Cetomimidae (2)
(flabby whalefishes/poissons-baleines flasques)

Cetostoma regani
Zugmayer, 1914

Common Name/Nom commun: pink flabby whalefish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Gyrinomimus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: flabby whalefish, poisson-baleine flasque.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from Ocean Station Papa (Jean et al.,1981) and B.C. (Peden, 2003).


Order/Ordre Zeiformes (9)
Family/Famille Macrurocyttidae (1)

Zenion hololepis
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: red eyefish, mégalope rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Zeidae (2)

This family was formerly called zées in French.

Cyttopsis rosea
(Lowe, 1843)

Common Name/Nom commun: red dory, zée rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Zenopsis conchifera
(Lowe, 1852)

Common Name/Nom commun: buckler dory, zée bouclé d'Amérique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sailfin dory.


Family/Famille Oreosomatidae (3)

Allocytus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Possibly Allocyttus verrucosus (Gilchrist, 1906)(Jean et al., 1981) but Gillespie (1993) indicates that inclusion of this species on B.C. lists is erroneous.

Allocyttus folletti
Myers, 1960

Common Name/Nom commun: oxeye oreo, oréo occulé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Allocyttus verrucosus
(Gilchrist, 1906)

Common Name/Nom commun: warty dory, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Recorded from the Labrador Sea by Morris et al. (2011).


Family/Famille Grammicolepididae (2)
(diamond dories/poissons-palissades)

Grammicolepis brachiusculus
Poey, 1873

Common Name/Nom commun: thorny tinselfish, palissade à épines plates.
Comments/Commentaires: Recorded in Scott and Scott (1988) as Daramattus americanus (Nichols & Firth, 1939).

Xenolepidichthys dalgleishi
Gilchrist, 1922

Common Name/Nom commun: spotted tinselfish, ?palisade.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tinselfish. One specimen from Canadian waters recorded in Scott and Scott (1988) as Daramattus americanus (Nichols & Firth, 1939) was re-identified as this species by W. B. Scott (ARC 8600554; Moore and DeWitt in Collette and Klein-MacPhee, 2002).


Family/Famille Caproidae (2)

Antigonia capros
Lowe, 1843

Common Name/Nom commun: deepbody boarfish, sanglier chevrette.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include deep-bodied boarfish. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Antigonia combatia
Berry & Rathjen, 1959

Common Name/Nom commun: shortspine boarfish, sanglier à courtes épines.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Order/Ordre Gasterosteiformes (19)
Family/Famille Gasterosteidae

Apeltes quadracus
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: fourspine stickleback, épinoche à quatre épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pinfish, mud-perch, mud-pouch and bloody stickleback.

Culaea inconstans
(Kirtland, 1840)

Common Name/Nom commun: brook stickleback, épinoche à cinq épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include five-spined, black, variable, common, or six-spined stickleback and pinfish.

Gasterosteus aculeatus
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: threespine stickleback, épinoche à trois épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include twospine, common, eastern, European or New York stickleback; banstickle, panstickle, pinfish, tiddler, kakilusuk, kakilaychok, katilautik and kakilishek. The Charlotte unarmoured sticklebacks are regarded as a subspecies in Peden (2002).

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Enos Lake benthic stickleback, épinoche benthique du lac Enos.
Comments/Commentaires: Found in Enos Lake, Vancouver Island (Peden, 2002) and see below under Texada stickleback. Endangered (COSEWIC). For all benthic and limnetic sticklebacks, the adjectives in English may appear in some publications before the locality name, e.g. benthic Enos Lake stickleback. Limnetic/benthic species pairs like those in in Enos Lake are also found in Spectacle Lake on Texada Island and Hadley Lake on Lesqueti Island in B.C. (both forms of this latter Extinct (COSEWIC)), and possibly others (Gillespie, 1993; Peden, 2002), and are not all listed separately here. The species pair is reported as collapsing into a hybrid swarm (Taylor et al., 2006).

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Enos Lake limnetic stickleback, épinoche limnétique du lac Enos.
Comments/Commentaires: Found in Enos Lake, Vancouver Island (Peden, 2002) and see below under Texada stickleback. Endangered (COSEWIC).

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Little Quarry Lake stickleback, lake (benthic) form, épinoche benthique du lac Little Quarry.
Comments/Commentaires: Found in the Little Quarry Lake system, Nelson Island, B.C. and documented in Gow et al. (2008).

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Little Quarry Lake stickleback, lake (limnetic) form, épinoche limnétique du lac Little Quarry.
Comments/Commentaires: Found in the Little Quarry Lake system, Nelson Island, B.C. and documented in Gow et al. (2008).

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Misty Lake stickleback, lake (lentic) form, épinoche lentique du lac Misty.
Comments/Commentaires: Found in the Misty Lake system, Vancouver Island, B.C. and documented in Hendry et al. (2002) and Peden (2003).

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Misty Lake stickleback, stream (lotic) form, épinoche lotique du lac Misty.
Comments/Commentaires: Found in the Misty Lake system, Vancouver Island, B.C. and documented in Hendry et al. (2002) and Peden (2003).

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: benthic Texada stickleback, épinoche de Texada.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include benthic Paxton Lake stickleback. Found in Texada Lake, Texada Island, Strait of Georgia.

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: limnetic Texada stickleback, épinoche de Texada.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include limnetic Paxton Lake stickleback. Found in Texada Lake, Texada Island, Strait of Georgia. Endangered (COSEWIC).

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Vananada Creek benthic stickleback, épinoche benthique du ruisseau Vananda.
Comments/Commentaires: Found in Balkwill, Emily and Priest lakes, in the Vananda Creek watershed of Texada Island, B.C. ( Endangered (COSEWIC).

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Vananada Creek limnetic stickleback, épinoche limnétique du ruisseau Vananda.
Comments/Commentaires: Found in Balkwill, Emily and Priest lakes, in the Vananda Creek watershed of Texada Island, B.C. ( Endangered (COSEWIC).

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: white stickleback, épinoche blanche.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: giant black stickleback, épinoche géante.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include giant stickleback. Found in Mayer Lake, Queen Charlotte Islands, in Drizzle Lake, Graham Island and Misty Lake, northern Vancouver Island (Gillespie, 1993; Peden, 2002). Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Gasterosteus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: unarmoured stickleback, épinoche ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Found in Boulton, Rouge and Serendipity lakes, Queen Charlotte Islands. Regarded as a subspecies of G. aculeatus in Peden (2002). Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Gasterosteus wheatlandi
Putnam, 1867

Common Name/Nom commun: blackspotted stickleback, épinoche tachetée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include twospined stickleback.

Pungitius pungitius
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: ninespine stickleback, épinoche à neuf épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tenspine stickleback, pinfish, tiny burnstickle, many-spined stickleback, kakilahaq, kakiva, kakilasak, kakidlautidlik, kakilusuk and kakilishek. Pungitius occidentalis (Cuvier, 1829) described from Newfoundland has been used for the species (Haglund et al., 1992) or the subspecies (Keivany and Nelson, 2000) in Canadian waters but this name is preoccupied by Gasterosteus occidentalis Linnaeus 1758 which may be unidentifiable and not even a stickleback.


Family/Famille Aulorhynchidae (1)

Aulorhynchus flavidus
Gill, 1861

Common Name/Nom commun: tubesnout, trompe.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tubenose and needlefish.


Order/Ordre Syngnathiformes (10)
Family/Famille Fistulariidae

Fistularia petimba
Lacepède, 1803

Common Name/Nom commun: red cornetfish, cornette rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include cornetfish, flutemouth, Lacepede's cornetfish, pipefish, rough flutemouth, serrate flutemouth, poisson flûte, poisson trompette and trompette. Common names from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Fistularia tabacaria
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: bluespotted cornetfish, fistulaire tabac.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tobacco pipefish.


Family/Famille Centriscidae (1)

Macroramphosus scolopax
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: longspine snipefish, bécasse de mer.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include trumpet fish. This species is placed in a separate family, Macroramphosidae (snipefishes/bécasses de mer), in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).


Family/Famille Syngnathidae (7)

Acentronura dendritica
(Barbour, 1905)

Common Name/Nom commun: pipehorse, syngnathe dendritique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include seahorse pipefish.

Bryx dunckeri
(Metzelaar, 1919)

Common Name/Nom commun: pugnose pipefish, syngnathe camus.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Hippocampus erectus
Perry, 1810

Common Name/Nom commun: lined seahorse, hippocampe rayé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Syngnathus fuscus
Storer, 1839

Common Name/Nom commun: northern pipefish, syngnathe brun.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common pipefish.

Syngnathus leptorhynchus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: bay pipefish, syngnathe à lignes grises.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern bay pipefish and hippocampe (erroneously).

Syngnathus pelagicus
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: sargassum pipefish, syngnathe sargassier.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Syngnathus springeri
Herald, 1942

Common Name/Nom commun: bull pipefish, syngnathe bouledogue.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Order/Ordre Scorpaeniformes (219)
Family/Famille Sebastidae

Members of this family are included in the Scorpaenidae in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Helicolenus dactylopterus
(Delaroche, 1809)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackbelly rosefish, chèvre impériale.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include red bream, blue mouth and sébaste chèvre. Helicolenus dactylopterus maderensis Goode & Bean, 1896 is the subspecies in Canadian waters according to Barsukov (1979) although Klein-MacPhee and Collette in Collette and Klein-MacPhee (2002) follow earlier work and assign western Atlantic Ocean fish to the type subspecies.

Sebastes aleutianus
(Jordan & Evermann, 1898)

Common Name/Nom commun: rougheye rockfish, sébaste à oeil épineux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackthroated rockfish, blacktip rockfish and buoy keg.

Sebastes alutus
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific ocean perch, sébaste à longue mâchoire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include redfish, rockfish, rosefish, ocean perch, longjaw rockfish, pop and sébaste.

Sebastes auriculatus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: brown rockfish, sébaste brun.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bolina and brown rockcod.

Sebastes aurora
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: aurora rockfish, sébaste aurora.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Sebastes babcocki
(Thompson, 1915)

Common Name/Nom commun: redbanded rockfish, sébaste à bandes rouges.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, bandit, Pacific snapper and barber pole.

Sebastes borealis
Barsukov, 1970

Common Name/Nom commun: shortraker rockfish, sébaste boreal.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include buoy keg, Pacific snapper, rockfish and poisson rose.

Sebastes brevispinis
(Bean, 1884)

Common Name/Nom commun: silvergray rockfish, sébaste argenté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, shortspine rockfish, Pacific snapper and rock salmon.

Sebastes caurinus
Richardson, 1844

Common Name/Nom commun: copper rockfish, sébaste cuivré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, yellow-backed rockfish, Pacific snapper and white rock cod.

Sebastes chlorostictus
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: greenspotted rockfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Peden (2003) for B.C. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Sebastes ciliatus
(Tilesius, 1813)

Common Name/Nom commun: dark rockfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: This species was called dusky rockfish (as it still is in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004)) or sébaste cilié until S. variabilis (q.v.) was separated as a distinct species. The English common name is now applied to that species, as is presumably the French name. Other common names include dark dusky rockfish and rock cod and these also may apply to S. variabilis.

Sebastes crameri
(Jordan, 1897)

Common Name/Nom commun: darkblotched rockfish, sébaste tacheté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, Pacific snapper, blackblotched rockfish and blackmouth rockfish.

Sebastes diploproa
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: splitnose rockfish, gueule-de-loup.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rosefish, lobe-jawed rockfish, small red rockcod, red snapper, bec-de-lièvre.

Sebastes elongatus
Ayres, 1859

Common Name/Nom commun: greenstriped rockfish, sébaste à bandes vertes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include strawberry rockfish, striped rockfish and poinsettia.

Sebastes emphaeus
(Starks, 1911)

Common Name/Nom commun: Puget Sound rockfish, sébaste paradeur.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rock cod.

Sebastes entomelas
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: widow rockfish, veuve.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, Pacific snapper, brown bomber, soft brown, brownie, widow rockcod, buda, beccafico, viuva, belinda bass.

Sebastes fasciatus
Storer, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: Acadian redfish, sébaste d'Acadie.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Labrador redfish, rosefish, Atlantic rosefish, ocean perch, Atlantic ocean perch, redfish, beaked redfish, sharp-beaked redfish, sébaste, sébaste acadien, sébaste atlantique, poisson rouge, poisson rose and perche rose atlantique.

Sebastes flavidus
(Ayres, 1862)

Common Name/Nom commun: yellowtail rockfish, sébaste à queue jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, Pacific snapper, green snapper, green rockfish, greenie, yellowtail, yellowtail rockcod, real yellowtail, brown bomber, cherne, giola, gialoto and johnny bass.

Sebastes goodei
(Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: chilipepper, sébaste de Goode.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include chili, johnnies, johnny cod and red snapper.

Sebastes helvomaculatus
Ayres, 1859

Common Name/Nom commun: rosethorn rockfish, sébaste rosacé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include deep-water scratchtail, rosies, deepwater scacciatale and orange-red rockfish.

Sebastes jordani
(Gilbert, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: shortbelly rockfish, sébaste à ventre court.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include slim rockfish, slender rockfish, steamer rockfish and steamer rockcod.

Sebastes maliger
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: quillback rockfish, sébaste à dos épineux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, Pacific snapper, orange-spotted rockfish, yellow-backed rockfish, brown rockfish, speckled rockfish, frecklebelly, rockcod, gophers and gopher rock cod.

Sebastes melanops
Girard, 1856

Common Name/Nom commun: black rockfish, sébaste noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black bass, black rockcod, black rockfish, black snapper, black sea bass, coastal black rockfish, sea bass, pesce pretre, cherna, nero, bass rockfish, bluefish, Columbia River rockfish, gray rockfish, Pacific snapper, Sitka black bass and spotted black rockfish.

Sebastes melanostictus
(Matsubara, 1934)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackspotted rockfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Recorded from Canada on La Perouse Bank, off Vancouver Island by Orr and Hawkins (2008).

Sebastes melanostomus
(Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackgill rockfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackmouth rockfish and deepsea rockfish. Recorded in Love et al. (2000) and Peden (2002). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Sebastes mentella
Travin, 1951

Common Name/Nom commun: deepwater redfish, sébaste atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ocean perch, Atlantic ocean perch, redfish, rosefish, Atlantic rosefish, beaked redfish, sharp-beaked redfish, sébaste, poisson rouge, poisson rose, perche rose, perche rose atlantique. Parentheses around the author and date in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) is in contradiction to Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes". ?check this

Sebastes miniatus
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: vermilion rockfish, sébaste vermillon.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include red snapper, red rock cod, red rock fish, rasher, rasciera, borracho, borrachon and genuine red.

Sebastes mystinus
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1881)

Common Name/Nom commun: blue rockfish, sébaste bleu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include priest-fish, peche pretre, neri, nervi, reef perch, bluefish, blue perch, blue rockcod, black bass, black rockfish, black snapper and black rockcod.

Sebastes nebulosus
Ayres, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: China rockfish, sébaste à bandes jaunes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include yellow-striped rockfish, yellow-spotted rockfish, black rockcod, yellow rockcod, yellow rockfish, black-and-yellow rockfish, cerod, China cod, Chinafish, Chinese rockfish, garrupa, speckled garrupa, gopher, cefalutano and pelican.

Sebastes nigrocinctus
Ayres, 1859

Common Name/Nom commun: tiger rockfish, sébaste-tigre.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black-banded rockfish, banded rockfish, barred rockfish, candystripe rockfish, striped bass and red rock cod.

Sebastes norvegicus
(Ascanius, 1772)

Common Name/Nom commun: golden redfish, sébaste orangé
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include redfish, ocean perch and rosefish. This name replaces Sebastes marinus (Linnaeus, 1758) which was based on a serranid but was a name often used in Canadian literature.

Sebastes paucispinis
Ayres, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: bocaccio, bocaccio.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, Pacific snapper, boccac, bocaccio rockfish, grouper, salmon grouper, brown bomber, rock salmon, salmon rockfish, sewer salmon, merou, jack, jackfish, jack grouper, red snapper, tomcod, andygumps, longjaw, slimy and wormbag. Threatened (COSEWIC).

Sebastes pinniger
(Gill, 1864)

Common Name/Nom commun: canary rockfish, sébaste canari.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, Pacific snapper, orange rockfish, snapper, yellow snapper, red snapper, red rock cod, swallowtail, fliaum, filione, flioma, codalarge, fantail and moondog.

Sebastes polyspinis
(Taranetz & Moiseev, 1933)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern rockfish, sébaste à quatorze épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black perch.

Sebastes proriger
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: redstripe rockfish, sébaste à raie rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, rock cod, chilipepper, brownstriped redfish and sidestripe rockfish.

Sebastes reedi
(Westrheim & Tsuyuki, 1967)

Common Name/Nom commun: yellowmouth rockfish, sébaste à bouche jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names are rockfish, rosefish, Pacific red snapper, reedi, redeye and poisson rose. Described from 10 miles west of Cape Palmerston off northwest Vancouver Island, 50°37.1'N, 128°34'W, British Columbia.

Sebastes ruberrimus
(Cramer, 1895)

Common Name/Nom commun: yelloweye rockfish, sébaste aux yeux jaunes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, rosefish, snapper, red snapper, Pacific red snapper, red cod, red rock cod, red rockfish, scarlet rockfish, turkey rock, turkey-red rockfish, turkey-red rockfish, pot belly, rasphead, goldeneye rockfish, tambor, drum, vecchia, cowfish, yellowbelly and poisson rose.

Sebastes rufus
(Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: bank rockfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include red widow, widow, bank perch, Florida, Florida red, Louisiana ridge runner and lucky fish. Recorded in Love et al. (2000) and Peden (2002). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Sebastes saxicola
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: stripetail rockfish, sébaste à queue rayée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include olive-backed rockfish, popeye rockfish, occhio-grande and bigeye rockfish.

Sebastes variabilis
(Pallas, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: dusky rockfish, sébaste cilié.
Comments/Commentaires: The validity of this species and its occurrence in British Columbian waters has been established by Orr and Blackburn (2004). Note that the common names were applied to S. ciliatus in the past.

Sebastes variegatus
Quast, 1971

Common Name/Nom commun: harlequin rockfish, sébaste arlequin.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Sebastes wilsoni
(Gilbert, 1915)

Common Name/Nom commun: pygmy rockfish, sébaste pygmée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Wilson's rockfish, bigeye rockfish, dwarf rockfish and slender rockfish.

Sebastes zacentrus
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: sharpchin rockfish, sébaste à menton pointu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include big-eyed rockfish.

Sebastolobus alascanus
Bean, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: shortspine thornyhead, sébastolobe à courtes épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shortspine thornyhead rockfish, Pacific snapper, rockfish, rosefish, spinycheek rockfish, shortspine channel rockfish, idiotfish, channel rockcod, hooligan, gurnard and poisson rose.

Sebastolobus altivelis
Gilbert, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: longspine thornyhead, sébastolobe à longues épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include longspine thornyhead rockfish, Pacific snapper, rockfish, rosefish, longspine channel rockfish, idiotfish and poisson rose.

Trachyscorpia cristulata
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic thornyhead, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).


Family/Famille Setarchidae (1)

Ectreposebastes imus
Garman, 1899

Common Name/Nom commun: scaly hedgehogfish, sébaste hérisson.
Comments/Commentaires: Also placed in the family Scorpaenidae.


Family/Famille Scorpaenidae (2)

Pontinus rathbuni
Goode and Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: highfin scorpionfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Scorpaena calcarata
Goode & Bean, 1882

Common Name/Nom commun: smoothhead scorpionfish, rascasse denude.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Dactylopteridae (1)
(flying gurnards/grondins volant)

Placed in its own order, Dactylopterifornmes, in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004). Also called dactyloptères in French.

Dactylopterus volitans
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: flying gurnard, ?dactyloptère.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include poule de mer.


Family/Famille Triglidae (2)

This family is also called trigles in French.

Prionotus carolinus
(Linnaeus, 1771)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern searobin, prionote du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include green-eye, common gurnard, common searobin, cuckoo fish, pigfish, flying toad, grunter, web-fingered searobin and grondin carolin.

Prionotus evolans
(Linnaeus, 1766)

Common Name/Nom commun: striped searobin, prionote strié.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern striped gurnard, brown-winged searobin and grondin volant.


Family/Famille Peristediidae (2)
(armoured searobins/malarmats)

Members of this family are also called armored gurnards.

Peristedion gracile
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: slender searobin, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Peristedion miniatum
Goode, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: armored searobin, malarmat à dix aiguillons.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Anoplopomatidae (2)
(sablefishes/morues noires)

Anoplopoma fimbria
(Pallas, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: sablefish, morue charbonnière.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackcod, Alaska blackcod, coalfish, blue cod, candlefish and skilfish.

Erilepis zonifer
(Lockington, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: skilfish, morue bariolée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include fat-priest fish, marine monk, priestfish and giant seabass.


Family/Famille Hexagrammidae (8)

Hexagrammos decagrammus
(Pallas, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: kelp greenling, sourcil de varech.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include greenling sea trout, chirus, bodieron, boregat, bluefish, tommy cod, rock trout and speckled sea trout.

Hexagrammos lagocephalus
(Pallas, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: rock greenling, sourcil de roche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include fringed greenling and red rock trout.

Hexagrammos octogrammus
(Pallas, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: masked greenling, sourcil masque.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Hexagrammos stelleri
Tilesius, 1810

Common Name/Nom commun: whitespotted greenling, sourcil à taches blanches.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rock trout, tommy cod and kelp cod.

Ophiodon elongatus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: lingcod, morue-lingue.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include cultus cod, buffalo cod, blue cod, green cod, leopard cod and cuttus cod.

Oxylebius pictus
Gill, 1862

Common Name/Nom commun: painted greenling, sourcil à tête pointue.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include convictfish.

Pleurogrammus monopterygius
(Pallas, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atka mackerel, maquereau d'Atka.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include forktail greenling.

Zaniolepis latipinnis
Girard, 1858

Common Name/Nom commun: longspine combfish, sourcil à longues épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include longspine greenling.


Family/Famille Rhamphocottidae (1)
(grunt sculpins/chabots grogneurs)

Rhamphocottus richardsonii
Günther, 1874

Common Name/Nom commun: grunt sculpin, chabot grogneur.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include grunt-fish, pugfish, Richardson's sculpin and northern sea horse.


Family/Famille Cottidae (60)

Artediellus atlanticus
Jordan & Evermann, 1898

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic hookear sculpin, hameçon atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include hookear.

Artediellus scaber
Knipowitsch, 1907

Common Name/Nom commun: hamecon, hameçon rude.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rough hookear.

Artediellus uncinatus
(Reinhardt, 1835)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic hookear sculpin, hameçon neigeux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include snowflake hookear, Arctic sculpin and crochet arctique.

Artedius fenestralis
Jordan & Gilbert, 1883

Common Name/Nom commun: padded sculpin, chabot rembourré.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Artedius harringtoni
(Starks, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: scalyhead sculpin, chabot à tête écailleuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include plumose sculpin and white-spotted sculpin.

Artedius lateralis
(Girard, 1854)

Common Name/Nom commun: smoothhead sculpin, chabot à tête lisse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include round-nosed sculpin and flathead sculpin.

Ascelichthys rhodorus
Jordan & Gilbert, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: rosylip sculpin, chabot à lèvres roses.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Chitonotus pugetensis
(Steindachner, 1876)

Common Name/Nom commun: roughback sculpin, chabot à dos rugueux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Clinocottus acuticeps
(Gilbert, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: sharpnose sculpin, chabot à nez pointu.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Clinocottus embryum
(Jordan & Starks, 1895)

Common Name/Nom commun: calico sculpin, chabot calico.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mossy sculpin.

Clinocottus globiceps
(Girard, 1858)

Common Name/Nom commun: mosshead sculpin, chabot à tête moussue.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include globe-headed sculpin and round-headed sculpin.

Cottus aleuticus
Gilbert, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: coastrange sculpin, chabot côtier.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Cottus asper
Richardson, 1836

Common Name/Nom commun: prickly sculpin, chabot piquant.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include prickly bullhead. Cottus asper parvus (Girard, 1854) is a possible subspecies, usually synonymised with this species.

Cottus bairdii
Girard, 1850

Common Name/Nom commun: mottled sculpin, chabot tacheté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Miller's thumb, Columbia sculpin, muffle-jaw, spoonhead, blob, gudgeon, freshwater sculpin, muddler, springfish and lake sculpin. Cottus bairdii punctulatus (Gill, 1861) is a Canadian subspecies sometimes referred to as the St. Mary sculpin (, downloaded 8 October 2004). C. b. bairdii (northern mottled sculpin/?) is found in the Great Lakes drainage (western Lake Erie and southwards into the U.S.A.) and C. b. kumlieni (Hoy in Nelson, 1876) (Great Lakes mottled sculpin/?) is found in the northern Great Lakes drainage and Canada (Hubbs et al., 2004).

Cottus cognatus
Richardson, 1836

Common Name/Nom commun: slimy sculpin, chabot visqueux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include slimy muddler, Miller's thumb, northern sculpin, stargazer, big fin, cockatouch, Bear Lake bullhead and kanaiyok. Described from Great Bear Lake, 64.5°N. The subspecies in Canadian waters is C. cognatus gracilis Heckel, 1837.

Cottus confusus
Bailey & Bond, 1963

Common Name/Nom commun: shorthead sculpin, chabot à tête courte.
Comments/Commentaires: Threatened (COSEWIC).

Cottus hubbsi
Bailey & Dimick, 1949

Common Name/Nom commun: Columbia sculpin, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Columbia mottled sculpin. May be present in British Columbia but confused with C. bairdii (Gillespie, 1993; Peden, 2002). Listed as a subspecies of bairdii in COSEWIC. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004). Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Cottus punctulatus
(Gill, 1861)

Common Name/Nom commun: Rocky Mountain sculpin, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Listed in Peden (2002) from B.C. as both a distinct species and as a subspecies of C. bairdii. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Cottus rhotheus
(Smith, 1882)

Common Name/Nom commun: torrent sculpin, chabot de torrent.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Cottus ricei
(Nelson, 1876)

Common Name/Nom commun: spoonhead sculpin, chabot à tête plate.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Rice's sculpin, spoonhead muddler and cow-faced sculpin. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Cottus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: Cultus pygmy sculpin, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: A population of C. aleuticus found in Cultus Lake, B.C. and possibly a distinct taxon (Gillespie, 1993; Peden, 2002). Threatened (COSEWIC).

Enophrys bison
(Girard, 1854)

Common Name/Nom commun: buffalo sculpin, chabot-bison.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Enophrys diceraus
(Pallas, 1788)

Common Name/Nom commun: antlered sculpin, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Enophrys lucasi may be a synonym (see Mecklenburg et al., 2002). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Enophrys lucasi
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1898)

Common Name/Nom commun: leister sculpin, chabot de leister.
Comments/Commentaires: May be a synonym of E. diceraus.

Gymnocanthus galeatus
Bean, 1881

Common Name/Nom commun: armorhead sculpin, chabot casqué.
Comments/Commentaires: The AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) has parentheses around the author and date in contrast to Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes". Originally described in the genus Gymnacanthus, which should have been Gymnocanthus, and which my account for this discrepancy.

Gymnocanthus tricuspis
(Reinhardt, 1830)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic staghorn sculpin, tricorne arctique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus
(Tilesius, 1811)

Common Name/Nom commun: red Irish lord, chabot trilobé rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spotted Irish lord and red sculpin.

Hemilepidotus spinosus
Ayres, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: brown Irish lord, chabot trilobé brun.
Comments/Commentaires: The AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) has parentheses around the author and date in contrast to Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes".

Icelinus borealis
Gilbert, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: northern sculpin, icéline boréale.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include comb sculpin.

Icelinus burchami
Evermann & Goldsborough, 1907

Common Name/Nom commun: dusky sculpin, icéline obscure.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Icelinus filamentosus
Gilbert, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: threadfin sculpin, icéline filamenteuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include filamented sculpin and long-rayed sculpin.

Icelinus fimbriatus
Gilbert, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: fringed sculpin, icéline à grandes yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Icelinus tenuis
Gilbert, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: spotfin sculpin, icéline à nageoires tachetées.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lesser filamented sculpin.

Icelus bicornis
(Reinhardt, 1840)

Common Name/Nom commun: twohorn sculpin, icèle à deux cornes.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Icelus spatula
Gilbert & Burke, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: spatulate sculpin, icèle spatulée.
Comments/Commentaires: Icelus spatula subsp.?

Icelus spiniger
Gilbert, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: thorny sculpin, icéline épineuse.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Jordania zonope
Starks, 1895

Common Name/Nom commun: longfin sculpin, chabot à longues nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bandeye sculpin.

Leptocottus armatus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific staghorn sculpin, chabot armé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include staghorn sculpin and cabezon.

Myoxocephalus aenaeus
(Mitchill, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: grubby, chaboisseau bronzé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include little sculpin.

Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus
(Mitchill, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: longhorn sculpin, chaboisseau à dix-huit épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include long-spined sculpin, toadfish, bullhead, hacklehead, common sculpin and gray sculpin.

Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus
(Pallas, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: great sculpin, grand chaboisseau.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Myoxocephalus quadricornis
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: fourhorn sculpin, chaboisseau à quatre cornes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include four-spined sculpin, four-horned sea scorpion and kanayuk. May be placed in the genus Triglopsis by authors. The saltwater form is Not at Risk and the freshwater form is Data Deficient (COSEWIC).

Myoxocephalus scorpioides
(Fabricius, 1780)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic sculpin, chaboisseau arctique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include false seascorpion, northern sculpin, kanayuk and tivaqiq. The correct spelling of the trivial name may be scorpoides.

Myoxocephalus scorpius
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: shorthorn sculpin, chaboisseau à épines courtes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Greenland sculpin, daddy sculpin, black sculpin, bull-rout, crapaud de mer à courtes épines and qanirkuutuk. Myoxoxcephalus scorpius groenlandicus (Cuvier, 1829) is a subspecies recognised by some authors in Canadian waters.

Myoxocephalus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: stellate sculpin, chabot étoilé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. ? Hart

Myoxocephalus thompsonii
(Girard, 1851)

Common Name/Nom commun: deepwater sculpin, chabot de profondeur.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lake sculpin, deepwater blob, Great Lakes fourhorn sculpin and scorpionfish. Regarded as a synonym or subspecies of Myoxocephalus quadricornis by authors. Great Lakes populations are Threatened (COSEWIC).

Myoxocephalus verrucosus
(Bean, 1881)

Common Name/Nom commun: warty sculpin, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Regarded as a synonym of M. scorpius by authors but listed by Peden (2002) for B.C. and in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Oligocottus maculosus
Girard, 1856

Common Name/Nom commun: tidepool sculpin, chabot de bâche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tidepool johnny.

Oligocottus rimensis
(Greeley, 1899)

Common Name/Nom commun: saddleback sculpin, chabot mantelé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include prickly sculpin.

Oligocottus snyderi
Greeley, 1898

Common Name/Nom commun: fluffy sculpin, chabot pelucheux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include cirriated sculpin.

Paricelinus hopliticus
Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889

Common Name/Nom commun: thornback sculpin, chabot à dos épineux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Radulinus asprellus
Gilbert, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: slim sculpin, chabot élancé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include darter sculpin.

Radulinus boleoides
Gilbert, 1898

Common Name/Nom commun: darter sculpin, chabot-dart.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Radulinus taylori
(Gilbert, 1912)

Common Name/Nom commun: spinynose sculpin, chabot à museau épineux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Taylor's sculpin. Formerly in the genus Ascemichthys and retained there by the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) in contrast to Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes". Described from Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Data Deficient (COSEWIC).

Ruscarius meanyi
Jordan & Starks, 1895

Common Name/Nom commun: Puget Sound sculpin, chabot à joue écailleuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Also placed in Artedius by authors.

Scorpaenichthys marmoratus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: cabezon, chabot marbré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include giant marbled sculpin and blue garnet. The AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) has (Ayres, 1854) as the author in contrast to Eschmeyer's "Catalog of FIshes".

Synchirus gilli
Bean, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: manacled sculpin, chabot emmenoté.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from Barclay Sound, British Columbia.

Triglops macellus
(Bean, 1884)

Common Name/Nom commun: roughspine sculpin, faux-trigle épineux.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from Carter Bay, British Columbia.

Triglops murrayi
Günther, 1888

Common Name/Nom commun: moustache sculpin, faux-trigle armé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mailed sculpin.

Triglops nybelini
Jensen, 1944

Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye sculpin, faux-trigle aux grands yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mailed sculpin, Nybelin's sculpin and ribbed sculpin.

Triglops pingelii
Reinhardt, 1837

Common Name/Nom commun: ribbed sculpin, faux-trigle bardé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Hemitripteridae (6)

Blepsias bilobus
Cuvier, 1829

Common Name/Nom commun: crested sculpin, chabot bilobé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Blepsias cirrhosus
(Pallas, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: silverspotted sculpin, chabot à taches argentées.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silver spot and little dragon sculpin.

Hemitripterus americanus
(Gmelin, 1789)

Common Name/Nom commun: sea raven, hémitriptère atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include toad sculpin, whip sculpin, red sculpin, sea sculpin, gurnet, puff- belly, scratch belly and sea hen.

Hemitripterus bolini
(Myers, 1934)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigmouth sculpin, hémitriptère à grande bouche.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Nautichthys oculofasciatus
(Girard, 1858)

Common Name/Nom commun: sailfin sculpin, chabot à grande voile.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sailor-fish.

Nautichthys robustus
Peden, 1970

Common Name/Nom commun: shortmast sculpin, ?chabot à petite voile.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include smallsail sculpin.


Family/Famille Psychrolutidae (9)
(fathead sculpins/chabots veloutés)

This family is also called soft sculpins.

Cottunculus microps
Collett, 1875

Common Name/Nom commun: polar sculpin, cotte polaire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include cotte arctique, crapaud de mer and Arctic sculpin.

Cottunculus sadko
Essipov, 1937

Common Name/Nom commun: ?.
Comments/Commentaires: May be present in the Canadian Arctic but this genus needs revision. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004).

Cottunculus thomsonii
(Günther, 1882)

Common Name/Nom commun: pallid sculpin, cotte blame.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Dasycottus setiger
Bean, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: spinyhead sculpin, chabot à tête épineuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include wooly sculpin and bullhead.

Malacocottus kincaidi
Gilbert & Thompson, 1905

Common Name/Nom commun: blackfin sculpin, chabot à nageoires noires.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bullhead.

Malacocottus zonurus
Bean, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: darkfin sculpin, chabot à queue barrée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bartail sculpin.

Psychrolutes paradoxus
Günther, 1861

Common Name/Nom commun: tadpole sculpin, chabot-têtard.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from the Gulf of Georgia, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Psychrolutes phrictus
Stein & Bond, 1978

Common Name/Nom commun: blob sculpin, chabot maculé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include giant blobsculpin.

Psychrolutes sigalutes
(Jordan & Starks, 1895)

Common Name/Nom commun: soft sculpin, chabot velouté.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Agonidae (21)

This family is also called agones in French.

Agonopsis vulsa
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern spearnose poacher, agone foncé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include windowtail poacher.

Anoplagonus inermis
(Günther, 1860)

Common Name/Nom commun: smooth alligatorfish, poisson-alligator lisse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include smooth poacher. Described from Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Aspidophoroides monopterygius
(Bloch, 1786)

Common Name/Nom commun: alligatorfish, poisson-alligator atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic alligatorfish, sea poacher and aspidophore.

Bathyagonus alascanus
(Gilbert, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: gray starsnout, astérothèque gris.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Bathyagonus infraspinatus
(Gilbert, 1904)

Common Name/Nom commun: spinycheek starsnout, astérothèque épineux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Bathyagonus nigripinnis
Gilbert, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: blackfin poacher, astérothèque à nageoires noires.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackfin starsnout.

Bathyagonus pentacanthus
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye poacher, astérothèque à cinq épines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bigeye starsnout.

Bothragonus swanii
(Steindachner, 1876)

Common Name/Nom commun: rockhead, tête-de-roche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include deep-pitted sea-poacher and pithead poacher.

Chesnonia verrucosa
(Lockington, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: warty poacher, agone verruqueux.
Comments/Commentaires: Formerly placed in the the genus Occella.

Hypsagonus mozinoi
(Wilimovsky & Wilson, 1979)

Common Name/Nom commun: kelp poacher, agone de varech.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from Little Beach, Ucluelet Inlet, 48°51'N, 125°37'W, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Also placed in the genus Agonomalus.

Hypsagonus quadricornis
(Cuvier, 1829)

Common Name/Nom commun: fourhorn poacher, agone à quatre cornes.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Leptagonus decagonus
(Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic poacher, agone atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic sea poacher and northern alligatorfish.

Leptagonus frenatus
(Gilbert, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: sawback poacher, agone à dos denté.
Comments/Commentaires: Formerly in the genus Sarritor.

Occella impi
Gruchy, 1970

Common Name/Nom commun: pixie poacher, lutin.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from the mouth of the Skonun River, McIntyre Bay, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 54°02'N, 132°00"W. Now regarded as a synonym of Stellerina xyosterna (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880). Not included in the count of species for this family.

Odontopyxis trispinosa
Lockington, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: pygmy poacher, agone pygmée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Pallasina aix
Starks, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: tubenose poacher, agone barbu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tubesnout poacher. Formerly called Pallasina barbata aix Starks, 1896 in Canadian waters. Common names are for this latter taxon; no common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004). The AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) does not recognise this taxon as a species distinct from barbata.

Podothecus accipenserinus
(Tilesius, 1813)

Common Name/Nom commun: sturgeon poacher, agone-esturgeon.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Stellerina xyosterna
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: pricklebreast poacher, agone à poitrine épineuse.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Ulcina olrikii
(Lütken, 1876)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic alligatorfish, poisson-alligator arctique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include armed bullhead and Arctic sea poacher.

Xeneretmus latifrons
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: blacktip poacher, agone à dorsale noire.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Xeneretmus leiops
Gilbert, 1915

Common Name/Nom commun: smootheye poacher, agone à nageoire coupée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Xeneretmus triacanthus
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: bluespotted poacher, agone à trois épines.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Cyclopteridae (58)
(lumpfishes/poules de mer)

The genera Acantholiparis, Careproctus, Liparis, Lipariscus, Nectoliparis, Osteodiscus, Paraliparis, Rhinoliparis and Rhodichthys are often included in a separate family Liparidae (and are so assigned in Eschmeyer’s (1998) on-line species catalog) but are included in Cyclopteridae in his higher classification. The AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) has Liparidae (snailfishes/limaces de mer) as a separate family.

Acantholiparis caecus
Grinols, 1969

Common Name/Nom commun: fanged snailfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented for B.C. by Peden (2003). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Acantholiparis opercularis
Gilbert & Burke, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: spiny snailfish, limace à joue épineuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spinycheek liparid.

Aptocyclus ventricosus
(Pallas, 1769)

Common Name/Nom commun: smooth lumpsucker, poule de mer venture.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Careproctus cypselurus
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1898)

Common Name/Nom commun: falcate snailfish, ?
Comments/Commentaires: Documented in Mecklenburg et al. (2002) and Peden (2002) for west of Vancouver Island based on an unpublished manuscript by A. E. Peden. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Careproctus gilberti
Burke, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: smalldisk snailfish, limace à petite ventouse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include small-disked liparid.

Careproctus kidoi
Knudsen and Møller, 2008

Common Name/Nom commun: Kido's snailfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from Baffin Bay between Greenland and Canada (Knudsen and Møller, 2008).

Careproctus longipinnis
Burke, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: longfin snailfish, limace à longues nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: Regarded as a synonym of Careproctus reinhardti (Krøyer, 1862) by some authors.

Careproctus melanurus
Gilbert, 1892

Common Name/Nom commun: blacktail snailfish, limace à queue noire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black-tailed liparid.

Careproctus oregonensis
Stein, 1978

Common Name/Nom commun: smallfin snailfish, limace à petites nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Careproctus ovigerus
(Gilbert, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: abyssal snailfish, limace de profondeur.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include abyssal liparid. Described from off the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 52°39'30"N, 132°38'00"W.

Careproctus ranulus
(Goode & Bean, 1879)

Common Name/Nom commun: Scotian snailfish, limace acadienne.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Scotian tadpole and petite limace écossaisse. Described from off the mouth of Halifax Harbor, Nova Scotia. Eschmeyer (1998) has C. ranula but Careproctus is masculine.

Careproctus reinhardti
(Krøyer, 1862)

Common Name/Nom commun: sea tadpole, petite limace de mer.
Comments/Commentaires: The trivial name was spelled reinhardi in the original but the above is in common usage.

Careproctus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: obscure snailfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Peden (2000) for west of Vancouver Island, B.C. but not yet described.

Cyclopteropsis jordani
Soldatov, 1929

Common Name/Nom commun: smooth lumpfish, petite poule de mer douce.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Cyclopteropsis mcalpini
(Fowler, 1914)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic lumpsucker, petite poule de mer de MacAlpine.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Cyclopterus lumpus
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: lumpfish, grosse poule de mer.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sea cock, sea hen, henfish, lumpsucker, sea owl, paddle-cock, red lump, blue lump, lompe, poule de l'eau, nipisa and lepisuk.

Elassodiscus caudatus
(Gilbert, 1915)

Common Name/Nom commun: humpback snailfish, ?
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Peden (2003). Other common names include blackbelly snailfish. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Eumicrotremus derjugini
Popov, 1926

Common Name/Nom commun: leatherfin lumpsucker, petite poule de mer arctique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Eumicrotremus eggvinii
Koefoed, 1956

Common Name/Nom commun: Eggvin lumpsucker, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Ocurrence in Saglek Bay, Labrador documented in Mecklenburg et al. (2002). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Eumicrotremus orbis
(Günther, 1861)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific spiny lumpsucker, petite poule de mer ronde.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from Esquimault Harbor, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Eumicrotremus spinosus
(Fabricius, 1776)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic spiny lumpsucker, petite poule de mer atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include man-iktoe.

Eumicrotremus terraenovae
Myers & Böhlke, 1950

Common Name/Nom commun: Newfoundland spiny lumpsucker, petite poule de Terre-Neuve.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from off Newfoundland, 46°09'30"N, 49°48'30"W.

Liparis adiastolus
Stein, Bond & Misitano, 2003

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Coments/Commentaires: Found "Off northern California, Oregon, and Washington, and probably north into southeastern Alaska" and so presumably in British Columbia (Stein, Bond and Misitano, 2003). This new species has been confused with L. rutteri. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Liparis atlanticus
(Jordan & Evermann, 1898)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic seasnail, limace atlantique.
Coments/Commentaires: Other common names include seasnail, Atlantic snailfish and limace. Described from Godbout, Québec.

Liparis callyodon
(Pallas, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: spotted snailfish, limace tachetée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Pallas's liparid.

Liparis coheni
Able, 1976

Common Name/Nom commun: Gulf snailfish, limace de Cohen.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Cohen's snailfish. Described from the western North Atlantic, 44°37.5'N, 66°30.5'W off Nova Scotia.

Liparis cyclopus
Günther, 1861

Common Name/Nom commun: ribbon snailfish, limace-ruban.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Günther's liparid. Described from Esquimault Harbor, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Liparis dennyi
Jordan & Starks, 1895

Common Name/Nom commun: marbled snailfish, limace à petits yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Denny's liparid.

Liparis fabricii
Krøyer, 1847

Common Name/Nom commun: gelatinous snailfish, limace gélatineuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include gelatinous seasnail.

Liparis florae
(Jordan & Starks, 1895)

Common Name/Nom commun: tidepool snailfish, limace de bâche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shore liparid.

Liparis fucensis
Gilbert, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: slipskin snailfish, limace de varech.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Juan de Fuca liparid.

Liparis gibbus
Bean, 1881

Common Name/Nom commun: variegated snailfish, limace marbrée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include polka-dot snailfish and dusky snailfish.

Liparis greeni
(Jordan & Starks, 1895)

Common Name/Nom commun: lobefin snailfish, limace à nageoire lobe.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Green's liparid. Described from Victoria Harbor, British Columbia. Also placed in the genus Polypera.

Liparis inquilinus
Able, 1973

Common Name/Nom commun: inquiline snailfish, limace des pétoncles.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include scallop snailfish.

Liparis mucosus
Ayres, 1855

Common Name/Nom commun: slimy snailfish, limace visqueuse.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Liparis pulchellus
Ayres, 1855

Common Name/Nom commun: showy snailfish, limace prétentieuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shorttail snailfish and continuous-finned liparid.

Liparis rutteri
(Gilbert & Snyder, 1898)

Common Name/Nom commun: ringtail snailfish, limace annelée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ring-tailed liparid.

Liparis tunicatus
Reinhardt, 1837

Common Name/Nom commun: kelp snailfish, limace des laminaires.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Greenland snailfish, nipishah, nee- fitz-shak and nipi-sak.

Lipariscus nanus
Gilbert, 1915

Common Name/Nom commun: pygmy snailfish, limace naine.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Nectoliparis pelagicus
Gilbert & Burke, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: tadpole snailfish, limace-têtard.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tadpole liparid.

Osteodiscus cascadiae
Stein, 1978

Common Name/Nom commun: bigtail snailfish, limace à tête trouée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Paraliparis bathybius
(Collett, 1879)

Common Name/Nom commun: black seasnail, limace noire.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Paraliparis calidus
Cohen, 1968

Common Name/Nom commun: lowfin snailfish, limace ardente.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Paraliparis cephalus
Gilbert, 1892

Common Name/Nom commun: swellhead snailfish, limace à grosse tête.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Paraliparis copei
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: blacksnout snailfish, limace à museau noir.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Paraliparis deani
Burke, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: prickly snailfish, limace épineuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include prickly liparid.

Paraliparis garmani
Burke, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: pouty snailfish, limace pote.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pouty seasnail.

Paraliparis hystrix
Merrett, 1983

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Identification and locality (Atlantic Canada) are tentative. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Paraliparis latifrons
Garman, 1899

Common Name/Nom commun: bigpored snailfish, limace à front large.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Paraliparis melanobranchus
Gilbert & Burke, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: phantom snailfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented in Peden (2002). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Paraliparis mento
Gilbert, 1892

Common Name/Nom commun: ?, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from British Columbia by Chernova et al. (2004) without details. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Paraliparis paucidens
Stein, 1978

Common Name/Nom commun: toothless snailfish, limace édentée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Paraliparis pectoralis
Stein, 1978

Common Name/Nom commun: pectoral snailfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented in Mecklenburg et al. (2002) for B.C. at 53°04'N, 132°59'W (BCPM991-332) based on an unpublished manuscript by A. E. Peden. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Paraliparis rosaceus
Gilbert, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: pink snailfish, limace rosâtre.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rosy snailfish.

Paraliparis vaillanti
Chernova, 2004

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from the Laurentian Channel between Newfoundland and Cape Breton at 46°39'N, 58°51'E by Chernova (2004). No common names in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Psednos harteli
Chernova, 2001

Common Name/Nom commun: Hartel's dwarf snailfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from south of Browns Bank, Nova Scotia at 40°45’N, 65°03’W (Chernova, 2001). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Rhinoliparis attenuatus
Burke, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: slim snailfish, limace svelte.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Rhodichthys regina
Collett, 1879

Common Name/Nom commun: threadfin snailfish, limace à filaments.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Order/Ordre Perciformes (317)
Family/Famille Percichthyidae (2)

Howella brodiei
Ogilby, 1899

Common Name/Nom commun: recto, recto.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pelagic basslet.

Howella sherborni
(Norman, 1930)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Acropomatidae (3)

Synagrops bellus
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackmouth bass, beau gueulard.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackmouth widejaw.

Synagrops serratospinosus
Smith & Radcliffe, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Synagrops spinosus
Schultz, 1940

Common Name/Nom commun: keelcheek bass, ?gueulard épineux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spiny widejaw.


Family/Famille Moronidae (3)
(temperate basses/bars)

Morone americana
(Gmelin, 1789)

Common Name/Nom commun: white perch, baret.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sea perch, silver perch, narrow-mouthed bass, bluenose perch, gray perch, perche blanche, bar-perche and bar blanc d'Amérique.

Morone chrysops
(Rafinesque, 1820)

Common Name/Nom commun: white bass, bar blanc.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silver bass, white lake bass, striper, streaker, sand bass, barfish, gray bass, striped lake bass and black-striped bass.

Morone saxatilis
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: striped bass, bar rayé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, linesides, striper, sewer trout, greenhead, squid hound and bar d'Amérique. Recorded as strays from the U.S.A. off British Columbia. Hybrids with Morone chrysops are introduced in the Great Lakes.


Family/Famille Polyprionidae (1)

Polyprion americanus
(Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Common Name/Nom commun: wreckfish, cernier.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shern, sherny, stone bass and wreck bass.


Family/Famille Serranidae (6)
(sea basses/serrans)

Anthias nicholsi
Firth, 1933

Common Name/Nom commun: yellowfin bass, barbier ligne-en-palier.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include saffron bass.

Centropristis striata
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: black sea bass, mérou noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackfish, tally-wag, black bass, hannahill, black-will, black-Harry, black perch, bluefish, rock bass, humpback and fanfre noir.

Epinephelus niveatus
(Valenciennes, 1828)

Common Name/Nom commun: snowy grouper, mérou neigeux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Hemanthias aureorubens
(Longley, 1935)

Common Name/Nom commun: streamer bass, coné dorée.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Appeared as Pronotogrammus aureorubens. French common names from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Hemanthias vivanus
(Jordan & Swain, 1885)

Common Name/Nom commun: red barbier, barbier rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Serranus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Appeared as Pronotogrammus aureorubens.


Family/Famille Symphysanodontidae (1)

Symphysanodon sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Moore et al. (2003) note that postlarvae from south of Browns Bank are probably Symphysanodon berryi Anderson, 1970 (slope bass, ?).


Family/Famille Centrarchidae (12)
(sunfishes/achigans et crapets)

The expanded French common name for the family is from the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Ambloplites rupestris
(Rafinesque, 1817)

Common Name/Nom commun: rock bass, crapet de roche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include redeye, goggle eye and garguncle. Described in part from lakes of Canada.

Lepomis auritus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: redbreast sunfish, crapet rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include yellowbelly sunfish, red perch, longear bream, tobacco box, red brim, sunperch, red-bellied bream, red-headed bream, robin, leather ear and blackeared pondfish. Possibly introduced rather than native to Canada (Nelson et al., 2004). Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Lepomis cyanellus
Rafinesque, 1819

Common Name/Nom commun: green sunfish, crapet vert.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include green perch, black perch, logfish, blue-spotted sunfish, little redeye, blue bass, sand bass, creek sunfish, rubbertail, bream, sunperch, goggle-eye, branch perch, rock bass, pond perch, shade perch, ricefield slick, blue and green sunfish and buffalo sunfish. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Lepomis gibbosus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: pumpkinseed, crapet-soleil.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sunfish, yellow sunfish, common sunfish, round sunfish, sunny, punky, sun bass, pond perch, bream, flatfish, kivvy, yellow belly, tobacco box, quiver and roach. An exotic in British Columbia presumed to be from dispersal of introductions in neighbouring Washington (Crossman, 1984).

Lepomis gulosus
(Cuvier, 1829)

Common Name/Nom commun: warmouth, crapet sac-à-lait.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include goggle-eye, black sunfish, wide-mouthed sunfish, stump-knocker, mud bass, wood bass, weed bass, bigmouth, perch-mouth bream, yawnmouth perch, jugmouth and Indian fish. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Lepomis humilis
(Girard, 1858)

Common Name/Nom commun: orangespotted sunfish, crapet menu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include orangespot, redspotted sunfish, dwarf sunfish and pygmy sunfish. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Lepomis macrochirus
Rafinesque, 1819

Common Name/Nom commun: bluegill, crapet arlequin.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sunfish, northern bluegill sunfish, common bluegill, blue sunfish, sun perch, bream, blue bream, coppernosed bream, pale sunfish, bluegill bream, bluemouth sunfish, roach, blackear bream, chain-sided sunfish, dollardee and strawberry bass.

Lepomis megalotis
(Rafinesque, 1820)

Common Name/Nom commun: longear sunfish, crapet à longues oreilles.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern longear, Great Lakes longear, big-eared sunfish, red-bellied bream, blue and orange sunfish, cherry bream, bloody sunfish, red perch, blackears, creek sunfish, redeyed sunfish, brilliant sunfish and tobaccobox. Lepomis megalotis peltastes Cope, 1870 (northern longear sunfish/?) is regarded as a synonym or as a distinct species. The AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) awaits further evidence before recognising it. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Micropterus dolomieu
Lacepède, 1802

Common Name/Nom commun: smallmouth bass, achigan à petite bouche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern smallmouth, black, brown, gold, green or Oswego bass; white, green or mountain trout; bronzeback, redeye, smallie and jumper. Trivial name often spelled dolomieui.

Micropterus salmoides
(Lacepède, 1802)

Common Name/Nom commun: largemouth bass, achigan à grande bouche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern largemouth, black, green, bigmouth, jumper, mossback, Oswego, cow, lake, straw, river and mud bass; line side and green trout. An exotic in British Columbia presumed to be from dispersal of introductions in neighbouring Washington (Crossman, 1984).

Pomoxis annularis
Rafinesque, 1818

Common Name/Nom commun: white crappie, marigane blanche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include crappie; silver, white, strawberry or calico bass; silver, pale, timber, ringed crappie; newlight, bachelor, campbellite, tinmouth, papermouth; bridge, speckled, or white perch; shad, John Demon, goggle-eye, slab, gold ring, sac-à-lait, crapet calico and crapet.

Pomoxis nigromaculatus
(Lesueur, 1829)

Common Name/Nom commun: black crappie, marigane noire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include crappie; calico, strawberry, speckled, silver, banklick, butter, straw, grass or Oswego bass; shiner, moonfish, lamplighter, papermouth, bitterhead, razorback, bachelor perch, tinmouth, barfish, specks, slab and Mason perch. An exotic in British Columbia presumed to be from dispersal of introductions in neighbouring Washington (Crossman, 1984).


Family/Famille Percidae (16)
(perches/perches et dards)

The expanded French common name for the family is from the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Ammocrypta pellucida
(Agassiz, 1863)

Common Name/Nom commun: eastern sand darter, dard de sable.
Comments/Commentaires: Threatened (COSEWIC).

Etheostoma blennioides
Rafinesque, 1819

Common Name/Nom commun: greenside darter, dard vert.
Comments/Commentaires: Ethestoma blennioides pholidotum Miller,1968 (northern greenside darter/?) is the subspecies in Ontario. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Etheostoma caeruleum
Storer, 1845

Common Name/Nom commun: rainbow darter, dard arc-en-ciel.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blue darter, banded darter and soldier darter.

Etheostoma exile
(Girard, 1859)

Common Name/Nom commun: Iowa darter, dard à ventre jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include yellowbelly, red-sided darter, weed darter and dard d'herbe.

Etheostoma flabellare
Rafinesque, 1819

Common Name/Nom commun: fantail darter, dard barré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include striped fantail darter and barred fantail darter.

Etheostoma microperca
Jordan & Gilbert, 1888

Common Name/Nom commun: least darter, petit dard.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern least darter. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Etheostoma nigrum
Rafinesque, 1820

Common Name/Nom commun: johnny darter, raseux-de-terre noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include central johnny darter and raseux-de-terre. The type subspecies (central johhny darter/?) is widely distributed in Canada; E. n. eulepis (Hubbs and Greene, 1935)(scaly johnny darter/?) is found in the Great Lakes drainage in Canada.

Etheostoma olmstedi
Storer, 1842

Common Name/Nom commun: tessellated darter, raseux-de-terre gris.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include dard tesselé. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Gymnocephalus cernuus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: ruffe, grémille.
Comments/Commentaires:Other common names include pope and ruff. Introduced to Ontario.

Perca flavescens
(Mitchill, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: yellow perch, perchaude.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lake, American, raccoon, striped, redfin, ring and jack perch; perch, coontail, convict, and yellow ned. An exotic in British Columbia presumed to be from dispersal of introductions in neighbouring Washington (Crossman, 1984).

Percina caprodes
(Rafinesque, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: logperch, fouille-roche zébré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include zebra fish, jackfish, Manitou darter, rockfish, hogmolly, hogfish, dard-perche and fouille-roche. Percina caprodes semifasciata (DeKay, 1842)(northern logperch/?) is the subspecies in Canadian waters.

Percina copelandi
(Jordan, 1877)

Common Name/Nom commun: channel darter, fouille-roche gris.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Copeland's darter and dard gris. Threatened (COSEWIC).

Percina maculata
(Girard, 1859)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackside darter, dard noir.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Percina shumardi
(Girard, 1859)

Common Name/Nom commun: river darter, dard de rivière.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include big-headed darter. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Sander canadensis
(Griffith & Smith, 1834)

Common Name/Nom commun: sauger, doré noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sand, blue, baby or grey pickerel; pike or pike-perch, river pike, spotfin pike, pickering, jack salmon, horsefish, spotted trout, sauger pike and rattlesnake pike. Also placed in the genus Stizostedion. Described from Canada.

Sander vitreus
(Mitchill, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: walleye, doré jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include various combinations of yellow, walleye, pickerel and pike; dory, gray pike, green pike, jack salmon, glass eye, marble eye and doré. Formerly placed in the genus Stizostedion. Sander vitreus glaucus Hubbs, 1926 (blue walleye, blue pike/?) is recognised by some authors an Extinct subspecies or species formerly in lakes Erie and Ontario (COSEWIC).


Family/Famille Priacanthidae (4)

The family is also known as priacanthes in French.

Cookeolus japonicus
(Cuvier, 1829)

Common Name/Nom commun: bulleye, priacanthe oeil-de-taureau.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Heteropriacanthus cruentatus
(Lacepède, 1801)

Common Name/Nom commun: glasseye snapper, beau claire de roche.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Coad and Gilhen (2003). Other common names include balaton, bigeye, blotched bigeye, bullseye, catalufa, dusky-finned bullseye, glass bigeye, glasseye, moonshine conga, moonshine snapper, beau-clair du large, gros oeil sanglant and laqué noir. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Priacanthus arenatus
Cuvier, 1829

Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye, priacanthe sable.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic bigeye, beauclaire soleil and catalufa.

Pristigenys alta
(Gill, 1862)

Common Name/Nom commun: short bigeye, priacanthe-crapet.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Apogonidae (2)

This family is also known as apogons in French.

Apogon maculatus
(Poey, 1860)

Common Name/Nom commun: flamefish, apogon flamboyant.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Apogon pseudomaculatus
Longley, 1932

Common Name/Nom commun: twospot cardinalfish, apogon à deux taches.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Epigonidae (3)
(greateyes/grands yeux)

Epigonus denticulatus
Dieuzeide, 1950

Common Name/Nom commun: greateye, grands-yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pencil cardinal.

Epigonus pandionis
(Goode & Bean, 1881)

Common Name/Nom commun: black mullet, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Epigonus telescopus
(Risso, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: bullseye, sonneur commun.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include bigeye, black cardinal fish, cardinal fish, deepsea cardinalfish and telescope cardinal. Common names from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Malacanthidae (2)

Caulolatilus princeps
(Jenyns, 1840)

Common Name/Nom commun: ocean whitefish, tile océanique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tilefish, tile and tile fin.

Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps
Goode & Bean, 1879

Common Name/Nom commun: tilefish, tile.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include great northern tilefish, blanquillo, golden tilefish, rainbow tilefish and tile chameau.


Family/Famille Pomatomidae (1)

Pomatomus saltatrix
(Linnaeus, 1766)

Common Name/Nom commun: bluefish, tassergal.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tailor, elf, snapper (young), rock salmon, snapper blue, Hatteras blue, roach, bream, sunfish, blue sunfish, snapping mackerel, chopper, balarin and marine piranha.


Family/Famille Rachycentridae (1)

Rachycentron canadum
(Linnaeus, 1766)

Common Name/Nom commun: cobia, cobilo.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sergeant fish, runner, crabeater, mafou, ling, lemonfish, black salmon and cabio.


Family/Famille Echeneidae (5)

Echeneis naucrates
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: sharksucker, naucrate.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pilot sucker, white-tailed sucker and suckerfish.

Remora australis
(Bennett, 1840)

Common Name/Nom commun: whalesucker, rémora austral.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Remora brachyptera
(Lowe, 1839)

Common Name/Nom commun: spearfish remora, rémora brun.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include swordfish sucker and grey marlinsucker.

Remora osteochir
(Cuvier, 1829)

Common Name/Nom commun: marlinsucker, poisson pilote.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include hardfin marlinsucker, sailfishsucker, poisson rémora and rémora des marlins. Common names from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Remora remora
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: remora, ?rémora noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black remora and common remora.


Family/Famille Carangidae (17)

Caranx crysos
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: blue runner, carangue jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include hardtail, jack, yellow jack, yellow mackerel and carangue coubali.

Caranx hippos
(Linnaeus, 1776)

Common Name/Nom commun: crevalle jack, carangue crevallée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common jack, toro, horse crevalle, trevally, cavally and carangue crevalle.

Decapterus macarellus
(Cuvier, 1833)

Common Name/Nom commun: mackerel scad, décaptère faux-maquereau.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include comète maquereau.

Decapterus punctatus
(Cuvier, 1829)

Common Name/Nom commun: round scad, comète quiaquia.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Decapterus tabl
Berry, 1968

Common Name/Nom commun: redtail scad, comète queue rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Naucrates ductor
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: pilotfish, fanfre.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shark pilot and poisson pilote.

Selar boops
(Cuvier, 1833)

Common Name/Nom commun: oxeye scad, selar oeil de boeuf.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. other common names include yellowband scad. Common names from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Selar crumenophthalmus
(Bloch, 1793)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye scad, sélar à grandes paupières.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include goggle eye jack, google-eyed scad and selar coulisou.

Selene setapinnis
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic moonfish, assiette atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include shiner, horsefish, bluntnose, dollarfish and musso atlantique.

Selene vomer
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: lookdown, sélène.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include horsehead, moonfish and musso panache.

Seriola dumerili
(Risso, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: greater amberjack, grande sériole.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include amberjack, rudderfish, yellowtail jack and greater yellowtail, sériole, sériole couronnée and sériole à ceintures.

Seriola lalandi
Valenciennes, 1833

Common Name/Nom commun: yellowtail jack, sériole à queue jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include yellowtail, California yellowtail, yellowtail amberjack and giant yellowtail. Seriola lalandi dorsalis (Gill, 1863) is the subspecies in Canadian waters.

Seriola zonata
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: banded rudderfish, sériole à ceintures.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include amberjack, rudderfish, pilotfish, sériole and sériole guaimeque.

Trachinotus carolinus
(Linnaeus 1766)

Common Name/Nom commun: Florida pompano, carangue.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported in the “East Coast of North America Strategic Assessment Project” by the Scotia-Fundy Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. other common names include butterfish, Carolina pompano, cobbler, cobblerfish, common pompano, pompano, carangue france, pompaneau sole and tanche grise. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Trachinotus falcatus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: permit, carangue à plumes.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include cobbler, permitfish, carnague plume and pompaneau plume. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Trachurus lathami
Nichols, 1920

Common Name/Nom commun: rough scad, saurel maxécus.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include chinchard frappeur.

Trachurus symmetricus
(Ayres, 1855)

Common Name/Nom commun: jack mackerel, carangue symétrique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Pacific jack mackerel, mackereljack, horse mackerel, saurel, scad, rough scad and chinchard.


Family/Famille Coryphaenidae (2)

Coryphaena equiselis
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: pompano dolphinfish, coryphène dauphin.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pompano dolphin.

Coryphaena hippurus
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: dolphinfish, ?coryphène commune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common dolphin, dorade, dorado, mahi mahi and coryphène.


Family/Famille Bramidae (5)

Brama brama
(Bonnaterre, 1788)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic pomfret, grande castagnole.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pomfret and Ray's bream.

Brama japonica
Hilgendorf, 1878

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific pomfret, castagnole mince.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pomfret and castagnole du pacifique.

Pterycombus brama
Fries, 1837

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic fanfish, poisson-éventail atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Taractes asper
Lowe, 1843

Common Name/Nom commun: rough pomfret, castagnole rugueuse.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Taractichthys longipinnis
(Lowe, 1843)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigscale pomfret, castagnole fauchoir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include long-finned bream.


Family/Famille Caristiidae (4)

Caristius fasciatus
(Borodin, 1930)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Caristius groenlandicus Jensen, 1941 is most probably a synonym.

Caristius japonicus
Gill & Smith, 1905

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented for off Nova Scotia in Moore et al. (2003) based on MCZ 55244 at 41°18’N, 60°00’W. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Caristius macropus
(Bellotti, 1903)

Common Name/Nom commun: manefish, cariste.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include veilfin and bigmouth manefish.

Paracaristius maderensis
(Maul, 1949)

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?
Comments/Commentaires: Reported from Canada at 42°05'N, 63°35'E off Nova Scotia by Trunov and Kukuev (2004). No common names in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).


Family/Famille Lutjanidae (3)

Lutjanus cyanopterus
(Cuvier, 1828)

Common Name/Nom commun: cubera snapper, vivaneau cubéra.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Cuban snapper.

Pristipomoides aquilonaris
(Goode & Bean, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: wenchman, colas vorace.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Rhomboplites aurorubens
(Cuvier, 1829)

Common Name/Nom commun: vermilion snapper, catalufa.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include bastard snapper, B-liner, beeliner, chub head snapper, golden-red snapper, mingo snapper, plumhead, plump head, small red snapper, ti-yeux, vivaneau vermillon and vivaneau ti-yeux.


Family/Famille Lobotidae (1)

This family has also been called croupias roches in French.

Lobotes surinamensis
(Bloch, 1790)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic tripletail, croupia roche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tripletail and jumping cod.


Family/Famille Sparidae (2)

This family is also called spares in French.

Archosargus probatocephalus
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: sheepshead, spare tête-de-mouton.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sheepshead porgy, porgy, seabream and rondeau mouton.

Stenotomus chrysops
(Linnaeus, 1766)

Common Name/Nom commun: scup, spare doré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include porgy, northern porgy, sea bream, ironsides, maiden and fair maid.


Family/Famille Sciaenidae (7)
(drums and croakers/tambours)

The expanded English common name for the family is from the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Aplodinotus grunniens
Rafinesque, 1819

Common Name/Nom commun: freshwater drum, malachigan.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include drum, sheepshead, silver bass, grunter, Red River bass, thunder-pumper, white perch, goo, gray perch, lake drum, river drum, jewel-head, bubbler, grinder, crocus and gaspergou.

Atractoscion nobilis
(Ayres, 1860)

Common Name/Nom commun: white seabass, acoupa blanc.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include croaker.

Cynoscion regalis
(Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Common Name/Nom commun: weakfish, acoupa royal.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sea trout, gray trout, gray weakfish and squeteague.

Genyonemus lineatus
(Ayres, 1855)

Common Name/Nom commun: white croaker, tambour rayé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include croaker, king-fish and courbine blanche.

Micropogonias undulatus
(Linnaeus, 1766)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic croaker, tambour brésilien.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include croaker, crocus, hardhead and roncadina. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Pogonias cromis
(Linnaeus, 1766)

Common Name/Nom commun: black drum, grand tambour.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sea drum and common drum.

Seriphus politus
Ayres, 1860

Common Name/Nom commun: queenfish, tambour royal.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Mullidae (1)

Mullus auratus
Jordan & Gilbert, 1882

Common Name/Nom commun: red goatfish, rouget doré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include surmullet.


Family/Famille Bathyclupeidae (1)
(deepherrings/harengs de profundeur)

Bathyclupea argentea
Goode & Bean, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: silver deepherring, hareng de profondeur argenté.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Kyphosidae (2)
(sea chubs/kyphoses)

Kyphosus sectator
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: Bermuda chub, kyphose des Bermudes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include calicagère blanche. The AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) has sectatrix but Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes" reviews this name and gives the one cited here.

Medialuna californiensis
(Steindachner, 1876)

Common Name/Nom commun: halfmoon, demi-lune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include calicagère demi-lune.


Family/Famille Chaetodontidae (1)

This family is also called palhalas in French.

Chaetodon ocellatus
Bloch, 1787

Common Name/Nom commun: spotfin butterflyfish, palhala.
Comments/Commentaires: None/ Aucune.


Family/Famille Pomacanthidae (2)

Holacanthus bermudensis
Goode, 1876

Common Name/Nom commun: blue angelfish, demoiselle bleu.
Comments/Commentaires: Othee common nmaes include angelfish. Reported in the “East Coast of North America Strategic Assessment Project” by the Northern Gulf Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Mont Joli, Québec. Other common names include angelfish, blue angel and corn sugar. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004). French common name from Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

Holacanthus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20.


Family/Famille Pentacerotidae (1)
(armorheads/têtes casquées)

Pseudopentaceros wheeleri
Hardy, 1983

Common Name/Nom commun: North Pacific armorhead, ?tête-casquée à longues nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include longfin armorhead and North Pacific pelagic armorhead. Pseudopentaceros pectoralis Hardy, 1983 is a synonym according to some authors and P. richardsoni (Smith, 1844) a name used by earlier authors is a southern hemisphere species misidentified for Canadian waters.


Family/Famille Mugilidae (2)

Placed in its own order Mugiliformes in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Mugil cephalus
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: striped mullet, mulet cabot.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include grey, jumping, flathead, sea and river mullet.

Mugil curema
Valenciennes, 1836

Common Name/Nom commun: white mullet, muge curema.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silver mullet and mulet blanc.


Family/Famille Cichlidae (5)

Archocentrus nigrofasciatus
(Günther, 1867)

Common Name/Nom commun: convict cichlid, cichlide à bande.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to the Cave and Basin Hotsprings, Banff, Alberta but not established (McAllister, 1990). Literature records have this species in the genus Cichlasoma.

Astronotus ocellatus
(Agassiz, 1831)

Common Name/Nom commun: oscar, astronotus.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Ontario but not established.

Hemichromis bimaculatus
Gill, 1862

Common Name/Nom commun: jewelfish, cichlide à deux taches.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include jewel cichlid, red cichlid and African jewelfish. Introduced to the Cave and Basin Hotsprings, Banff, Alberta and still extant (personal observations, 2000).

Nandopsis managuensis
(Günther, 1867)

Common Name/Nom commun: jaguar guapote, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Ontario but not established. Formerly reported as Cichlasoma managuense. Other common names include Aztec cichlid, guapote tigre, jaguar cichlid, spotted guapote and tiger guapote. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Pterophyllum scalare
(Lichtenstein, 1823)

Common Name/Nom commun: freshwater angelfish, scalaire.
Comments/Commentaires: Rumoured to be introduced to Cave and Basin Hotsprings, Banff, Alberta but not confirmed (Crossman, 1984).


Family/Famille Embiotocidae (9)
(surfperches/perches vivipares)

This family is also called ditrèmes in French.

Amphistichus koelzi
(Hubbs, 1933)

Common Name/Nom commun: calico surfperch, ditrème calico.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported by Hart (1973) for British Columbia based on specimens from 32 km south of Canadian waters but not confirmed by specimens in Canada.

Amphistichus rhodoterus
(Agassiz, 1854)

Common Name/Nom commun: redtail surfperch, ditrème rosé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include porgy, redtail seaperch.

Brachyistius frenatus
Gill, 1862

Common Name/Nom commun: kelp perch, perche de varech.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include kelp sea-perch and brown sea-perch.

Cymatogaster aggregata
Gibbons, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: shiner perch, perche-méné.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include yellow shiner, shiner seaperch and seven-eleven perch.

Embiotoca lateralis
Agassiz, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: striped seaperch, ditrème rayé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blue sea-perch and striped surfperch.

Hyperprosopon argenteum
Gibbons, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: walleye surfperch, ditrème-vairon.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Hyperprosopon ellipticum
(Gibbons, 1854)

Common Name/Nom commun: silver surfperch, ditrème argenté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include porgy.

Phanerodon furcatus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: white seaperch, ditrème fourchu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include white surfperch.

Rhacochilus vacca
(Girard, 1855)

Common Name/Nom commun: pile perch, perche de pilotis.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include dusky sea-perch, pile surfperch, splittail perch, forktail perch, silver perch and porgy.


Family/Famille Pomacentridae (2)

This family is also called demoiselles in French.

Abudefduf saxatilis
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: sergeant major, sergent-major.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include coralfish, five-banded damselfish and chauffet soleil.

Stegastes leucostictus
(Müller and Troschel, 1848)

Common Name/Nom commun: beaugregory, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include yellow-belly. English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Labridae (5)

Halichoeres sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20.

Tautoga onitis
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: tautog, tautogue noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackfish, whitechin, black porgy, tog, Molly George and oyster-fish.

Tautogolabrus adspersus
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: cunner, tanche-tautogue.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sea perch, chogset, bergall, bengal, nipper, blue perch, bluefish, chogy, baitstealer, conner, achigan de mer, tanche and vieille.

Thalassoma bifasciatum
(Bloch, 1791)

Common Name/Nom commun: bluehead, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include blue mah, bluehead wrasse, doctor fish, parrotfish and tikitiki. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Xyrichtys sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20.


Family/Famille Bathymasteridae (3)

Bathymaster caeruleofasciatus
Gilbert & Burke, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: Alaskan ronquil, ?ronquille à nageoires bleues.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bluefin searcher.

Bathymaster signatus
Cope, 1873

Common Name/Nom commun: searcher, ?chercheur aux yeux bleus.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blue-eyed searcher.

Ronquilus jordani
(Gilbert, 1889)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern ronquil, ronquille du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Zoarcidae (52)

Bothrocara brunneum
(Bean, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: twoline eelpout, lycode à deux lignes.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Bothrocara molle
Bean, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: soft eelpout, lycode molle.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from off Cape St. James, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 51°23'N, 130°34'W. Bothrocara remigera Gilbert, 1915 (longsnout eelpout, lycode à long nez) is a synonym. Bothrocara mollis is the original spelling.

Bothrocara pusillum
(Bean, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: Alaska eelpout, lycode à oeil ovale.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Derepodichthys alepidotus
Gilbert, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: cuskpout, lycode-donzelle.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from off the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 52°39'30"N, 132°38'W.

Gymnelus hemifasciatus
Andriashev, 1937

Common Name/Nom commun: halfbarred pout, ?unernak à grands yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bigeye unernak.

Gymnelus retrodorsalis
Le Danois, 1913

Common Name/Nom commun: aurora pout, ?unernak aurora.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include aurora unernak.

Gymnelus viridis
(Fabricius, 1780)

Common Name/Nom commun: fish doctor, unernak caméléon.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include green ocean pout, coogjannernak, koupjhaun-ohuk, kugsaunak and unernak.

Lycenchelys camchatica
(Gilbert and Burke, 1912)

Common Name/Nom commun: Kamchatka eelpout, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented in Peden (2002) from B.C. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Lycenchelys crotalina
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: snakehead eelpout, lycode-crotale.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include no-tooth eelpout. Eschmeyer (1998) has the trivial name as crotalinus although Lycenchelys is feminine.

Lycenchelys jordani
(Evermann & Goldsborough, 1907)

Common Name/Nom commun: shortjaw eelpout, lycode de Jordan.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lycenchelys kolthoffi
Jensen, 1904

Common Name/Nom commun: checkered wolf eel, lycode quadrille.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lycenchelys labradorensis
Geistdoerfer, Hureau & Rannou, 1970

Common Name/Nom commun: Labrador wolf eel, lycode du Labrador.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from the Labrador Sea at 58°51.6'N, 53°04.3'W.

Lycenchelys micropora
Andriashev, 1955

Common Name/Nom commun: manytoothed eelpout, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pale eelpout. Documented off B.C. at 48°07'N, 127°04'W by Mecklenburg et al. (2002) and Peden (2002) based on material in the RBCM. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Lycenchelys paxillus
(Goode & Bean, 1879)

Common Name/Nom commun: common wolf eel, lycode commune.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from between Le Have and Sable Island Banks, 42°48'N, 63°07'W off Atlantic Canada.

Lycenchelys sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Found off southern British Columbia but not yet described (Coad et al., 1995).

Lycenchelys verrillii
(Goode & Bean, 1877)

Common Name/Nom commun: wolf eelpout, lycode à tête longue.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from 30 miles south of Cape Negro, Nova Scotia and 27 miles south of Chebucto Head, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Lycodapus dermatinus
Gilbert, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Present in British Columbia (Peden, 2003). No common names in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Lycodapus endemoscotus
Peden & Anderson, 1978

Common Name/Nom commun: deepwater slipskin, lycode abyssale.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. see anderson and peden pubs? in Canada

Lycodapus fierasfer
Gilbert, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: blackmouth eelpout, lycode nacre.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackmouth slipskin.

Lycodapus mandibularis
Gilbert, 1915

Common Name/Nom commun: pallid eelpout, lycode à longues branchiospines.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pale eelpout and pallid slipskin.

Lycodapus pachysoma
Peden & Anderson, 1978

Common Name/Nom commun: stout slipskin, lycode trapue.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from the north Pacific at 43°23'00"N, 125°18'30"W, ?Canada

Lycodapus parviceps
Gilbert, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: smallhead eelpout, lycode à petite tête.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include stubraker slipskin.

Lycodapus psarostomatus
Peden & Anderson 1981

Common Name/Nom commun: specklemouth eelpout, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Present in B.C. (Peden, 2003). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Lycodes adolfi
Nielsen & Fosså, 1993

Common Name/Nom commun: Adolf' s eelpout, lycode d'Adolf.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lycodes beringi
Andriashev, 1935

Common Name/Nom commun: Bering eelpout, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Recognised as a species distinct from L. diapterus on the Pacific coast of Canada by Stevenson and Sheiko (2009).

Lycodes brevipes
Bean, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: shortfin eelpout, lycode à courtes nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lycodes cortezianus
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigfin eelpout, lycode à grandes nageoires.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include big-finned eel-pout.

Lycodes diapterus
Gilbert, 1892

Common Name/Nom commun: black eelpout, lycode noire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackmouth eelpout and black-finned eelpout.

Lycodes esmarkii
Collett, 1875

Common Name/Nom commun: greater eelpout, lycode d'Esmark.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Esmark's eelpout and grande lycode.

Lycodes frigidus
Collett, 1879

Common Name/Nom commun: glacial eelpout, lycode glaciale.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include cold water eelpout.

Lycodes jugoricus
Knipowitsch, 1906

Common Name/Nom commun: shulupaoluk, lycode plume.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lycodes lavalaei
Vladykov & Tremblay, 1936

Common Name/Nom commun: Newfoundland eelpout, lycode du Labrador.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Laval eelpout and lycode de Laval. Described from the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and Newfoundland. French and English common names are somewhat contradictory and the other common names listed here make more sense; see Lycodes terraenovae below for further comments. Common names from AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Lycodes mcallisteri
Møller, 2001

Common Name/Nom commun: McAllister’s eelpout, lycode de McAllister.
comments/Commentaires: Described from western Baffin Bay, 70°02'N, 65°32'W, in eastern Arctic Canada.

Lycodes mucosus
Richardson, 1855

Common Name/Nom commun: saddled eelpout, lycode à selles.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lightcheek eelpout. Described from Northumberland Sound, Perry Island, Arctic Canada.

Lycodes pacificus
Collett, 1879

Common Name/Nom commun: blackbelly eelpout, lycode à ventre noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black-bellied eel-pout. Also placed in the genus Lycodopsis, now regarded as a synonym.

Lycodes palearis
Gilbert, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: wattled eelpout, lycode tressée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lycodes pallidus
Collett, 1879

Common Name/Nom commun: pale eelpout, lycode pâle.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lycodes polaris
(Sabine, 1824)

Common Name/Nom commun: Canadian eelpout, lycode polaire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include polar eelpout. Described from North Georgia, Boothia Peninsula, Northwest Territories.

Lycodes reticulatus
Reinhardt, 1835

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic eelpout, lycode arctique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sulupavak. Lycodes perspicillum Krøyer, 1845 (eyebrow eelpout, lycode sourcillier) is a synonym.

Lycodes rossii
Malmgren, 1865

Common Name/Nom commun: threespot eelpout, lycode à trois taches.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lycodes sagittarius
McAllister, 1976

Common Name/Nom commun: archer eelpout, lycode à arc.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. No confirmed Canadian locality but suspected to occur in the eastern Beaufort Sea.

Lycodes seminudus
Reinhardt, 1837

Common Name/Nom commun: longear eelpout, lycode à oreilles.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lycodes terraenovae
Collett, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic eelpout, lycode de Terre-Neuve.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Newfoundland eelpout. Logically this species should be called Newfoundland eelpout but this name is used for Lycodes lavalaei. Lycodes atlanticus Jensen, 1902 (Atlantic eelpout, lycode atlantique) is a synonym. Described from the Newfoundland Banks, northwest Atlantic, 46°04'40"N, 49°02'30"W.

Lycodes vahlii
Reinhardt, 1831

Common Name/Nom commun: checker eelpout, lycode à carreaux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Vahl's eelpout and lycode de Vahl.

Lycodonus mirabilis
Goode & Bean, 1883

Common Name/Nom commun: chevron scutepout, lycaspine à chevrons.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Melanostigma atlanticum
Koefoed, 1952

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic soft pout, mollasse atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Melanostigma pammelas
Gilbert, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: midwater eelpout, mollasse noire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Pacific soft pout.

Pachycara bulbiceps
(Garman, 1899)

Common Name/Nom commun: snubnose eelpout, lycode camuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include abyssal eelpout.

Pachycara gymninium
Anderson & Peden, 1988

Common Name/Nom commun: naked-nape eelpout, lycode à nuque nue.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from West of Tasu Sound, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 52°38.0'N, 132°05.8'W.

Pachycara lepinium
Anderson & Peden, 1988

Common Name/Nom commun: scaled-nape eelpout, lycode à nuque écaillée.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from West of Tasu Sound, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 52°38.0'N, 132°05.8'W.

Taranetzella lyoderma
Andriashev, 1952

Common Name/Nom commun: looseskin eelpout, lycode flasque.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ghostly eelpout.

Zoarces americanus
(Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Common Name/Nom commun: ocean pout, loquette d'Amérique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include muttonfish, mother-of-eels, eelpout, congo eel and laughing jack. Formerly placed in the genus Macrozoarces.


Family/Famille Stichaeidae (23)

This family is also called shannies in English.

Acantholumpenus mackayi
(Gilbert, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackline prickleback, terrassier à six lignes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pighead prickleback and spiny eelblenny. Data Deficient (COSEWIC).

Allolumpenus hypochromus
Hubbs & Schultz, 1932

Common Name/Nom commun: Y-prickleback, stichée-Y.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Y-blenny and lompénie i-grec. Described from off Newcastle Island, near Nanaimo, east coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).

Anisarchus medius
(Reinhardt, 1837)

Common Name/Nom commun: stout eelblenny, lompénie naine.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include snake blenny and shalup-pau-gah.

Anoplarchus insignis
Gilbert & Burke, 1912

Common Name/Nom commun: slender cockscomb, crête-de-coq mince.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Anoplarchus purpurescens
Gill, 1861

Common Name/Nom commun: high cockscomb, crête-de-coq pourpre.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include crested blenny and cockscomb prickleback.

Bryozoichthys marjorius
McPhail, 1970

Common Name/Nom commun: pearly prickleback, stichée perlée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Chirolophis ascanii
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic warbonnet, toupet marbré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Yarrell's blenny.

Chirolophis decoratus
(Jordan & Snyder, 1902)

Common Name/Nom commun: decorated warbonnet, toupet décoré.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include decorated blenny and decorated prickleback.

Chirolophis nugator
(Jordan & Williams, 1895)

Common Name/Nom commun: mosshead warbonnet, toupet elegant.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include ornamented blenny and mosshead prickleback.

Chirolophis tarsodes
(Jordan & Snyder, 1902)

Common Name/Nom commun: matcheek warbonnet, bonnet à joues touffues.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Eumesogrammus praecisus
(Krøyer, 1837)

Common Name/Nom commun: fourline snakeblenny, quatre-lignes atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include snakeblenny and Atlantic fourline.

Leptoclinus maculatus
(Fries, 1837)

Common Name/Nom commun: daubed shanny, lompénie tachetée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include daubed blenny. Leptoclinus maculatus diaphanocarus (Schmidt, 1904) is the subspecies in Canadian waters.

Lumpenella longirostris
(Evermann & Goldsborough, 1907)

Common Name/Nom commun: longsnout prickleback, stichée à long nez.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include long-snouted blenny.

Lumpenus fabricii
Reinhardt, 1836

Common Name/Nom commun: slender eelblenny, lompénie élancée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lompénie de Fabricius.

Lumpenus lampretaeformis
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: snakeblenny, lompénie-serpent.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include serpent blenny, rock-eel and blennie-serpent. Three subspecies have been recorded as occurring in Canada. Lumpenus lumpretaeformis serpentinus (Storer, 1867) is a subspecies described from Massachusetts and may occur in Canada, L. s. americanus Vladykov, 1935, described from the Gulf of St.Lawrence, is the subspecies in that Gulf, and L. s. terraenovae Vladykov, 1935, described from off St. John's, 45°14'N, 53°27'W, Newfoundland, is the subspecies in Newfoundland waters. These nominal subspecies have not been re-investigated recently.

Lumpenus sagitta
Wilimovsky, 1956

Common Name/Nom commun: snake prickleback, lompénie élancée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Pacific snake prickleback and eel blenny.

Phytichthys chirus
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: ribbon prickleback, lompénie ruban.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include belted blenny.

Plectobranchus evides
Gilbert, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: bluebarred prickleback, lompénie à barres bleues.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black-and-white prickleback.

Poroclinus rothrocki
Bean, 1890

Common Name/Nom commun: whitebarred prickleback, lompénie à barres blanches.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include white-barred blenny.

Stichaeus punctatus
(Fabricius, 1780)

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic shanny, stichée arctique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spotted snakeblenny.

Ulvaria subbifurcata
(Storer, 1839)

Common Name/Nom commun: radiated shanny, ulvaire deux-lignes.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Xiphister atropurpureus
(Kittlitz, 1858)

Common Name/Nom commun: black prickleback, lompénie noire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include black blenny.

Xiphister mucosus
(Girard, 1858)

Common Name/Nom commun: rock prickleback, lompénie de roche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rock blenny, rock eel and black eel.


Family/Famille Cryptacanthodidae (3)

Cryptacanthodes aleutensis
(Gilbert, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: dwarf wrymouth, terrassier nain.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include red devil.

Cryptacanthodes giganteus
(Kittlitz, 1858)

Common Name/Nom commun: giant wrymouth, terrassier géant.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Cryptacanthodes maculatus
Storer, 1839

Common Name/Nom commun: wrymouth, terrassier tacheté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spotted wrymouth, ghostfish, bastard cusk and congo eel.


Family/Famille Pholidae (8)

Apodichthys flavidus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: penpoint gunnel, sigouine jaunâtre.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pen-point blenny and band-shaped blenny.

Apodichthys fucorum
Jordan & Gilbert, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: rockweed gunnel, sigouine de varech.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockweed blenny and fucus blenny.

Pholis clemensi
Rosenblatt, 1964

Common Name/Nom commun: longfin gunnel, sigouine à longue nageoire.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from the southeast side of Bowyer Island, Howe Sound, British Columbia.

Pholis fasciata
(Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Common Name/Nom commun: banded gunnel, sigouine rubanée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mottled gunnel, tissy, tansy and kugsaunak.

Pholis gunnellus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: rock gunnel, sigouine de roche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include butterfish, tansy, tissy and rock eel.

Pholis laeta
(Cope, 1873)

Common Name/Nom commun: crescent gunnel, sigouine lunée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bracketed blenny.

Pholis ornata
(Girard, 1854)

Common Name/Nom commun: saddleback gunnel, sigouine mantelée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include saddled blenny.

Pholis schultzi
(Schultz, 1931)

Common Name/Nom commun: red gunnel, sigouine rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Also placed in the genus Allopholis.


Family/Famille Anarhichadidae (5)

Anarhichas denticulatus
Krøyer, 1845

Common Name/Nom commun: northern wolfish, loup à tête large.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bull-headed catfish, broad-headed catfish, Arctic wolfish and jelly-cat. Threatened (COSEWIC).

Anarhichas lupus
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic wolfish, loup atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include striped wolffish, ocean wolffish, ocean catfish, catfish, Atlantic catfish, sea catfish, ocean whitefish, seacat and rock salmon. Special Concern (COSEWIC).

Anarhichas minor
Olafsen, 1772

Common Name/Nom commun: spotted wolfish, loup tacheté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include wolffish, leopardfish, spotted sea cat and spotted catfish. Threatened (COSEWIC).

Anarhichas orientalis
Pallas, 1814

Common Name/Nom commun: Bering wolfish, loup de Béring.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include aaqaksaaq. Data Deficient (COSEWIC).

Anarrhichthys ocellatus
Ayres, 1855

Common Name/Nom commun: wolf-eel, loup ocellé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Pacific wolf-eel. Not at Risk (COSEWIC).


Family/Famille Ptilichthyidae (1)

Ptilichthys goodei
Bean, 1881

Common Name/Nom commun: quillfish, fouette-queue.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Zaproridae (1)

Zaprora silenus
Jordan, 1896

Common Name/Nom commun: prowfish, zaprora.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.


Family/Famille Scytalinidae (1)
(graveldivers/blennies fouisseuses)

Scytalina cerdale
Jordan and Gilbert, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: graveldiver, blennie fouisseuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include burrowing blenny.


Family/Famille Chiasmodontidae (5)
(blackswallowers/grands avaleurs)

Chiasmodon harteli
Melo, 2009

Common Name/Nom commun: Hartel's swallower, Avaleur d'Hartel.
Comments/Commentaires: Arctic Canadian records are now believed to be this species (Melo, 2009). 

Chiasmodon niger
Johnson, 1864

Common Name/Nom commun: black swallower, grand avaleur.
Comments/Commentaires: Chiasmodon bolangeri Osório, 1909 is a synonym (Melo, 2009; Prokofiev and Kukuev, 2009). 

Pseudoscopelus altipinnis
Parr, 1933

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Pseudoscopelus astronesthidens
Prokofiev and Kukuev, 2006

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Recorded off Nova Scotia at several localities by Prokofiev and Kukuev (2006).

Pseudoscopelus scriptus
Lütken, 1892

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Trichodontidae (1)

Trichodon trichodon
(Tilesius, 1813)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific sandfish, trichodonte.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tobiefish.


Family/Famille Ammodytidae (4)
(sand lances/lançons)

Ammodytes americanus
DeKay, 1842

Common Name/Nom commun: American sand lance, lançon d'Amérique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Ammodytes dubius
Reinhardt, 1837

Common Name/Nom commun: northern sand lance, lançon du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Greenland sand lance, Arctic sand lance and offshore sand lance.

Ammodytes hexapterus
Pallas, 1814

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific sand lance, lançon gourdeau.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include stout sand lance, Arctic sand lance, inshore sand lance, lant, needlefish, lançon d'Amérique and equille.

Ammodytes personatus
Girard, 1856

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific sandeel, lançon du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Described form Cape Flattery, Washington and presumably in Canadian waters. Also called Japanese sand lance. Common names from FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).


Family/Famille Clinidae (3)
(kelp blennies/clinies)

The family is also called clinids.

Gibbonsia metzi
Hubbs, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: striped kelpfish, clinide rayé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Gibbonsia montereyensis
Hubbs, 1927

Common Name/Nom commun: crevice kelpfish, clinide de crevasse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spotted kelpfish.

Heterostichus rostratus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: giant kelpfish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Occurrence in British Columbia disputed (Eschmeyer and Herald, 1983). No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).


Family/Famille Blenniidae (2)
(combtooth blennies/blennies à dents de peigne)

The family may simply be called blennies in French.

Hypsoblennius hentz
(Lesueur, 1825)

Common Name/Nom commun: feather blenny, blennie plume.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include spotted seaweed blenny.

Parablennius marmoreus
(Poey, 1876)

Common Name/Nom commun: seaweed blenny, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. No French name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).


Family/Famille Icosteidae (1)

This family is also called torchons in French.

Icosteus aenigmaticus
Lockington, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: ragfish, torchon mou.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include fan-tailed ragfish and spotted ragfish.


Family/Famille Callionymidae (3)

Diplogrammus pauciradiatus
(Gill, 1865)

Common Name/Nom commun: spotted dragonet, dragonnet à trois épines.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Foetorepus agassizii
(Goode & Bean, 1888)

Common Name/Nom commun: spotfin dragonet, callionyme à nageoire tachetée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Paradiplogrammus bairdi
(Jordan, 1888)

Common Name/Nom commun: lancer dragonet, dragonnet de Baird.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include coral dragonet.


Family/Famille Draconettidae (1)

Centrodraco acanthopoma
(Regan, 1904)

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20.


Family/Famille Gobiidae (6)

Clevelandia ios
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1882)

Common Name/Nom commun: arrow goby, gobie-flèche.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from Saanich Arm, east shore of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Gobionellus hastatus
Girard, 1858

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Regarded as a synonym of Gobionellus oceanicus (Pallas 1770) by authors and not in AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004).

Lepidogobius lepidus
(Girard, 1858)

Common Name/Nom commun: bay goby, gobie de baie.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include finescale goby.

Neogobius melanostomus
(Pallas, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: round goby, gobie à taches noires.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Caspian round goby and gobie arrondie. Introduced to Ontario and Québec (Pelletier et al., 2012).

Proterorhinus marmoratus
(Pallas, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: tubenose goby, gobie à nez tubulaire.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mottled Black Sea goby. Introduced to Ontario. The identity of this species in Canada is questioned in the AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) but the species mentioned there (Gobius rubromaculatus Kriesch, 1873 is regarded as a synonym of P. marmoratus in Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes".

Rhinogobiops nicholsii
(Bean, 1882)

Common Name/Nom commun: blackeye goby, gobie aux yeux noirs.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include crested goby and bluespot goby. Also placed in the genus Coryphopterus by authors. Described from Departure Bay, British Columbia.


Family/Famille Luvaridae (1)

Luvarus imperialis
Rafinesque, 1810

Common Name/Nom commun: louvar, louvereau.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Acanthuridae (1)

Acanthurus sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20.


Family/Famille Scombrolabracidae (1)
(black mackerels/?)

Scombrolabrax heterolepis
Roule, 1921

Common Name/Nom commun: black mackerel, escolier aile longue.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include longfin escolar. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Sphyraenidae (3)

Sphyraena argentea
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific barracuda, barracuda argenté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include California barracuda.

Sphyraena barracuda
(Edwards, 1771)

Common Name/Nom commun: great barracuda, barracouda.
Comments/Commentaires: Documented by Balkwill et al. (in press?). Other common names include barra, barracuda, Commerson's sea pike, short barracuda, barracouta, béchine, bécune, brisure, brochet de mer and grande béchine. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Sphyraena borealis
DeKay, 1842

Common Name/Nom commun: northern sennet, barracuda du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Gempylidae (8)
(snake mackerels/escolars)

Diplospinus multistriatus
Maul, 1948

Common Name/Nom commun: striped escolar, escolier rayé.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include lined cutlassfish. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Gempylus serpens
Cuvier, 1829

Common Name/Nom commun: snake mackerel, escolier serpent.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Lepidocybium flavobrunneum
(Smith, 1843)

Common Name/Nom commun: escolar, escolar.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include snake mackerel and escolier noir.

Nealotus tripes
Johnson, 1865

Common Name/Nom commun: black snake mackerel, coelho tripode.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Neoepinnula orientalis
(Gilchrist & von Bonde, 1924)

Common Name/Nom commun: sackfish, escolier oriental.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Common names from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Nesiarchus nasutus
Johnson, 1862

Common Name/Nom commun: black gemfish, ?menton-pointu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include cone-chin and escolier long nez.

Promethichthys prometheus
(Cuvier, 1832)

Common Name/Nom commun: roudi escolar, escolier clair.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include Bermuda catfish, conejo, night serpent, promethean escolar, rabbit fish, roudi, sarpon, single-line gemfish and snake mackerel. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Ruvettus pretiosus
Cocco, 1833

Common Name/Nom commun: oilfish, rouvet.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include castor oil fish, escolar, snake mackerel, scourfish, plaintail and escolier.


Family/Famille Trichiuridae (10)
(cutlassfishes/sabres de mer)

The family is also called trichiures in French.

Aphanopus arigato
Parin, 1995

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: Parin (1995) indicates that records of A. carbo from British Columbia are this species. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Aphanopus carbo
Lowe, 1839

Common Name/Nom commun: black scabbardfish, aphanope charbon.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sabre noir. See above.

Aphanopus intermedius
Parin, 1983

Common Name/Nom commun: intermediate scabbardfish, poisson sabre tachuo.
Comments/Commentaires: Parin (1995) records this species from Nova Scotia. Other common names include black scabbardfish. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Benthodesmus elongatus
(Clarke, 1879)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye frostfish, sabre d'argent à grands yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Benthodesmus pacificus
Parin & Becker, 1970

Common Name/Nom commun: North Pacific frostfish, poisson sabre nord-pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Benthodesmus simonyi
(Steindachner, 1891)

Common Name/Nom commun: North Atlantic frostfish, ?poisson sabre ganse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Simony's frostfish.

Benthodesmus tenuis
(Günther, 1877)

Common Name/Nom commun: smalleye frostfish, sabre d'argent à petits yeux.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include javelinfish, slender frostfish and sabre fleuret.

Evoxymetopon taeniatus
Gill, 1863

Common Name/Nom commun: channel scabbardfish, poisson sabre canal.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include tyranfish and tyrantfish. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Lepidopus altifrons
Parin & Collette, 1993

Common Name/Nom commun: crested scabbardfish, poisson sabre crénelé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Lepidopus caudatus
(Euphrasen, 1788)

Common Name/Nom commun: silver frostfish, sabre.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include buttersnoek, frostfish, ribbonfish, cutlassfish, hairtail, scabbardfish, silver scabbardfish, southern frostfish and sabre argenté. Common names from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Xiphiidae (1)

Xiphias gladius
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: swordfish, espadon.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include broadbill, albacore and billfish.


Family/Famille Istiophoridae (2)

Makaira nigricans
Lacepède, 1802

Common Name/Nom commun: blue marlin, makaire bleu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include marlin, Atlantic blue marlin, billfish, Cuban black marlin, espadon, makaire bleu de l'Atlantique, marlin, ocean gar, ocean guard and marlin bleu. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Tetrapterus albidus
Poey, 1860

Common Name/Nom commun: white marlin, makaire blanc.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Scombridae (14)

Auxis rochei
(Risso, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: bullet mackerel, bonitou
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bullet tuna and auxide.

Euthynnus alletteratus
(Rafinesque, 1810)

Common Name/Nom commun: little tunny, thonine commune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tuna, little tuna, little tunny tuna, Atlantic little tunny, Atlantic black skipjack and thon.

Katsuwonus pelamis
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: skipjack tuna, thonine à ventre rayé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tuna, skipjack, oceanic bonito, striped bonito, listao, thon and bonite à ventre rayé.

Sarda chiliensis
(Cuvier, 1832)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific bonito, bonite du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tuna, California bonito, eastern Pacific bonito, Pacific bonito tuna, bonito tuna, skipjack, belted bonito, shortfinned tunny, bonite de Pacifique oriental and thon. Sarda chiliensis lineolata (Girard, 1858) is the subspecies in Canadian waters.

Sarda sarda
(Bloch, 1793)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic bonito, bonite à dos rayé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include common bonito, Atlantic bonito tuna, belted bonito, horse mackerel, bloater, bone jack, Boston mackerel, skipjack, thon and pélamide.

Scomber colias
Gmelin, 1789

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic chub mackerel, maquereau blanc.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include hardhead, bulleye, Pacific mackerel, Spanish mackerel and maquereau espanol. Scomber japonicus Houttuyn, 1782 used in the literature for western North Atlantic Ocean specimens is now restricted to Indo-Pacific populations.

Scomber scombrus
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic mackerel, maquereau bleu.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mackerel, common mackerel, tinker, tacks, Boston mackerel and maquereau.

Scomberomorus cavalla
(Cuvier, 1829)

Common Name/Nom commun: king mackerel, tassard royal.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include kingfish, Spanish mackerel, maquereau bonite and thazard barré.

Scomberomorus maculatus
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: Spanish mackerel, thazard atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Atlantic Spanish mackerel and thazard tacheté.

Thunnus alalunga
(Bonnaterre, 1788)

Common Name/Nom commun: albacore, germon.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tuna, albacore tuna, long-finned tuna, thon and thon germon blanc.

Thunnus albacares
(Bonnaterre, 1788)

Common Name/Nom commun: yellowfin tuna, albacore à nageoires jaunes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include yellowfin, tuna, Allison's tunny, autumn albacore, albacore, thon and thon albacore.

Thunnus obesus
(Lowe, 1839)

Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye tuna, thon ventru.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include thon, thon obèse and patudo.

Thunnus orientalis
(Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific bluefin tuna, thon rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Once regarded as a subspecies of Thunnus thynnus, the Pacific populations of bluefin tuna are now considered to be a distinct species by authors. Other common names include tuna, oriental bluefin tuna, oriental tuna, bluefin tuna and thon. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Thunnus thynnus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: bluefin tuna, thon rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tuna, Atlantic bluefin tuna, northern bluefin tuna, tunny, common tunny, short-finned tuna, horse mackerel, great albacore, giant tuna, thon rouge du nord and thon.


Family/Famille Centrolophidae (4)

This family is also called ruffs.

Centrolophus niger
(Gmelin, 1789)

Common Name/Nom commun: black ruff, pompile noir.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackfish, rudder fish and black pilotfish.

Hyperoglyphe perciformis
(Mitchill, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: barrelfish, pompile d'Amérique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include logfish, rudderfish and black pilot.

Icichthys lockingtoni
Jordan & Gilbert, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: medusafish, stromatée-méduse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include brown rudderfish.

Schedophilus medusophagus
(Cocco, 1839)

Common Name/Nom commun: Cornish blackfish, pompile brun.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include brown ruff, barrelfish and saw-cheeked fish. May be placed in the genus Centrolophus.


Family/Famille Nomeidae (6)

Cubiceps capensis
(Smith, 1845)

Common Name/Nom commun: Cape cigarfish, pompile du Cap.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Cape fathead.

Cubiceps gracilis
(Lowe, 1843)

Common Name/Nom commun: slender fathead, pompile élancé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Cubiceps pauciradiatus
Günther, 1872

Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye cigarfish, pompile paucirayonné.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include fewray fathead.

Nomeus gronovii
(Gmelin, 1789)

Common Name/Nom commun: man-of-war fish, physalier.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bluebottle fish.

Psenes maculatus
Lütken, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: silver driftfish, psène maculé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Psenes pellucidus
Lütken, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: bluefin driftfish, pompile à nageoires bleues.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackrag and flotsamfish.


Family/Famille Ariommatidae (2)
(ariommatids/poissons pailletés)

The family is also called sequinfishes in English.

Ariomma bondi
Fowler, 1930

Common Name/Nom commun: silver-rag, semble-coulirou.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silver-rag driftfish and ariomme grise.

Ariomma melanum
(Ginsburg, 1954)

Common Name/Nom commun: brown driftfish, ariomme brune.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).


Family/Famille Tetragonuridae (2)

Tetragonurus atlanticus
Lowe, 1839

Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye squaretail, tétragonure gris.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Tetragonurus cuvieri
Risso, 1810

Common Name/Nom commun: smalleye squaretail, tétragonure lilas.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include tétragonure à petits yeux.


Family/Famille Stromateidae (2)

Peprilus simillimus
(Ayres, 1860)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific pompano, pompano du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include butterfish, Pacific butterfish, California pompano and stromaté.

Peprilus triacanthus
(Peck, 1804)

Common Name/Nom commun: butterfish, stromatée à fossettes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include dollarfish, shiner, sheepshead, harvestfish, skipjack, starfish, pumpkinseed, Lafayette and cryptous broad shiner.


Family/Famille Osphronemidae (2)
(gouramies, ?)

Betta splendens
Regan, 1910

Common Name/Nom commun: Siamese fightingfish, combattant.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported Cave and Basin Hotsprings, Banff, Alberta but not confirmed (Crossman, 1984).

Trichogaster trichopterus
(Pallas, 1770)

Common Name/Nom commun: threespot gourami, gourami bleu.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Cave and Basin Hotsprings, Banff, Alberta but not established (Crossman, 1984).


Family/Famille Channidae (1)
(snakeheads/poissons tête de serpent)

Channa sp.

Common Name/Nom commun: northern snakehead, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to Central Park lagoon in Burnaby, B.C. and named as a northern snakehead in newspaper reports in June 2012.
The identity needs confirmation. Presumed to be a release from an Asian market where these fish are available live.


Order/Ordre Pleuronectiformes (54)
Family/Famille Scophthalmidae

Scophthalmus aquosus
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: windowpane, turbot de sable.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sand flounder, brill, spotted flounder, sand dab, turbsundial and New York plaice.


Family/Famille Paralichthyidae (12)
(sand flounders/flétans de sable)

Citharichthys arctifrons
Goode, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: Gulf Stream flounder, plie du Gulf Stream.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Citharichthys cornutus
(Günther, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: horned whiff, limande cornée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Citharichthys gymnorhinus
Gutherz & Blackman, 1970

Common Name/Nom commun: anglefin whiff, plie carrelée.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Citharichthys sordidus
(Girard, 1854)

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific sanddab, limande sordide.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mottled sanddab, soft flounder and melgrim.

Citharichthys spilopterus
Günther, 1862

Common Name/Nom commun: bay whiff, rombou de plage.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include flounder. French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004).

Citharichthys stigmaeus
Jordan & Gilbert, 1882

Common Name/Nom commun: speckled sanddab, limande tachetée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Catalina sand dab.

Cyclopsetta fimbriata
(Goode & Bean, 1885)

Common Name/Nom commun: spotfin flounder, turbot à nageoires tachetées.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Etropus crossotus
Jordan & Gilbert, 1882

Common Name/Nom commun: fringed flounder, cardeau frangé.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Etropus microstomus
(Gill, 1864)

Common Name/Nom commun: smallmouth flounder, cardeau à petite bouche.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Paralichthys dentatus
(Linnaeus, 1766)

Common Name/Nom commun: summer flounder, cardeau d'été.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include fluke, flounder and plie.

Paralichthys oblongus
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: fourspot flounder, cardeau à quatre ocelles.
Comments/Commentaires: Also placed in the genus Hippoglossina by authors. The AFS list has it in the genus above (Nelson et al., 2004).

Syacium micrurum
Ranzani, 1842

Common Name/Nom commun: channel flounder, fausse limande pâté.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Bothidae (6)
(lefteye flounders/turbots)

Bothus ocellatus
(Agassiz, 1831)

Common Name/Nom commun: eyed flounder, plie coulee.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Engyophrys senta
Ginsburg, 1933

Common Name/Nom commun: spiny flounder, cardeau épineux.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Monolene antillarum
Norman, 1933

Common Name/Nom commun: slim flounder, cardeau svelte.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Monolene sessilicauda
Goode, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: deepwater flounder, cardeau de profondeurs.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported by Scott and Scott (1988) from south of Newfoundland but not in Canadian waters. Probably a synonym of M. antillarum Norman, 1933 (Moore et al., 2003).

Trichopsetta orbisulcus
Anderson & Gutherz, 1967

Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?.
Comments/Commentaires: FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004) presumably based on McAllister (1990) give the common names sash flounder and plie à nageoire frangée for this species. These names should apply to the older species below.

Trichopsetta ventralis
(Goode & Bean, 1885)

Common Name/Nom commun: sash flounder, plie à nageoire frangée.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20.


Family/Famille Pleuronectidae (31)
(righteye flounders/plies)

Atheresthes evermanni
Jordan & Starks, 1904

Common Name/Nom commun: Kamchatka flounder, ?plie asiatique à dents crochues.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Asiatic arrowtooth flounder.

Atheresthes stomias
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: arrowtooth flounder, plie à grande bouche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include long-jaw flounder, turbot, arrowtooth halibut, needle-tooth halibut, bastard halibut and French sole.

Clidoderma asperrimum
(Temminck & Schlegel, 1846)

Common Name/Nom commun: roughscale sole, plie rugueuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, sole and plie.

Embassichthys bathybius
(Gilbert, 1890)

Common Name/Nom commun: deepsea sole, plie de profondeur.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, sole and plie.

Eopsetta exilis
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: slender sole, plie mince.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sole, flounder, slender flounder, petrale sole, rough sole, plie, carlotin pétrale and plie de Californie. Also placed in the genus Lyopsetta.

Eopsetta jordani
(Lockington, 1879)

Common Name/Nom commun: petrale sole, plie de Californie.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include brill, sole, flounder, round-nosed sole, Cape sole, English sole, slender sole, plie, plie de Californie and carlotin pétrale.

Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: witch flounder, plie grise.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include witch, flounder, sole, greysole, graysole, Craig fluke, pole flounder, pale flounder, white sole, plie, plie cynoglosse and flet.

Glytocephalus zachirus
Lockington, 1879

Common Name/Nom commun: rex sole, sole américaine.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, sole, longfin sole, witch, plie and plie royale. Also placed in the genus Errex.

Hippoglossoides elassodon
Jordan & Gilbert, 1880

Common Name/Nom commun: flathead sole, plie à tête plate.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, sole, cigarette paper, plie and sole.

Hippoglossoides platessoides
(Fabricius, 1780)

Common Name/Nom commun: American plaice, plie canadienne.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sole, flounder, plaice, Canadian plaice (in Canada!), sand dab, blackback, rough dab, long rough dab, plie and faux flétan.

Hippoglossoides robustus
Gill & Townsend, 1897

Common Name/Nom commun: Bering flounder, plie de Béring.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.

Hippoglossus hippoglossus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic halibut, flétan atlantique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include halibut, greys, cherry bellies, giant halibut, common halibut and flétan.

Hippoglossus stenolepis
Schmidt, 1904

Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific halibut, flétan du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include halibut, common halibut and whitesided paltus.

Inopsetta ischyra
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom Commun: hybrid sole, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: A hybrid, apparently of Platichthys stellatus x Parophrys vetulus. Not included in the count of species for this family.

Isopsetta isolepis
(Lockington, 1880)

Common Name/Nom commun: butter sole, plie à écailles régulières.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, sole, scalyfin sole, Bellingham sole, Skidegate sole and plie. Also placed in the genera Pleuronectes and Lepidosetta.

Lepidopsetta bilineata
(Ayres, 1855)

Common Name/Nom commun: rock sole, ?sole du Pacifique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, sole, rock sole, rock flounder, roughback sole, broadfin sole, white-bellied sole, two-lined dab, ihémek'we (Salish), plie, fausse limande and fausse limande du Pacifique.

Lepidopsetta polyxystra
Orr & Matarese, 2000

Common Name/Nom commun: northern rock sole, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Orr and Mataerese (2000) separate this species from L. bilineata in the North Pacific Ocean. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Limanda aspera
(Pallas, 1814)

Common Name/Nom commun: yellowfin sole, limande à nageoires jaunes.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include founder, sole, muddab and plie. Also placed in the genus Pleuronectes by authors and originally described with the trivial name asper.

Limanda ferruginea
(Storer, 1839)

Common Name/Nom commun: yellowtail flounder, limande à queue jaune.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include yellowtail, dab, flounder, sole, rusty dab, rusty flounder, sole, mud dab, sand dab, plie and sériole. Also placed in the genus Pleuronectes by authors.

Microstomus pacificus
(Lockington, 1879)

Common Name/Nom commun: Dover sole, sole à petite bouche.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sole, flounder, slime sole, slippery flounder, shortfinned sole, rubber sole, Chinese sole, limande sole, limande sole du Pacifique and plie.

Parophrys vetulus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: English sole, sole anglaise.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, sole, lemon sole, pointed-nose sole, common sole, California sole, plie and carlotin anglais. Also placed in the genus Pleuronectes by authors.

Platichthys flesus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: European flounder, flet d'Europe.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include North Atlantic flounder. Introduced to lakes Erie and Superior (Crossman, 1984).

Platichthys stellatus
(Pallas, 1788)

Common Name/Nom commun: starry flounder, flet étoilé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, northern starry flounder, grindstone, leatherjacket, emerywheel and nataaznak.

Pleuronectes glacialis
Pallas, 1776

Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic flounder, plie arctique.
Comments/Commentaires: Also placed in the genus Lyopsetta by authors.

Pleuronectes proboscidea
(Gilbert, 1896)

Common Name/Nom commun: longhead dab, limande carline.
Comments/Commentaires: Also placed in the genus Limanda by authors.

Pleuronectes putnami
(Gill, 1864)

Common Name/Nom commun: smooth flounder, plie lisse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackback, eelback, foolfish, Christmas flounder and plaice. Also placed in the genus Lyopsetta by authors.

Pleuronichthys coenosus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: C-O sole, plie vaseuse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, sole, C-O turbot, spot flounder, popeye sole, muddy flounder, mottled turbot, stinker and plie.

Pleuronichthys decurrens
Jordan & Gilbert, 1881

Common Name/Nom commun: curlfin sole, plie à nageoires frisées.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sole, curlfin turbot, California turbot and plie.

Poecilopsetta beanii
(Goode, 1881)

Common Name/Nom commun: deepwater dab, ?.
Comments/Commentaires:Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20 and documented by Moore et al. (2003) based on MCZ 78492 from off LaHave Bank, Nova Scotia at 41°05’N, 63°33’W. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Psettichthys melanostictus
Girard, 1854

Common Name/Nom commun: sand sole, plie à points noirs.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, sole, fringe sole, sand flounder, Pacific sand sole, spotted flounder and plie.

Pseudopleuronectes americanus
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: winter flounder, plie rouge.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackback, flounder, blackback flounder, sole, mud dab, rough flounder, black flounder, dab, lemon sole, Georges Bank flounder, carrelet and limande plie rouge. Formerly in the genus Pleuronectes.

Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: Greenland halibut, flétan du Groenland.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Greenland turbot, turbot, Newfoundland turbot, American turbot, black halibut, black turbot, blue halibut, lesser halibut, mock halibut, bastard halibut, flétan noir, turbot de Terre-Neuve, nat-ah-nuh and natarnak.


Family/Famille Cynoglossidae (4)

This family is also known by the French name cynoglosses.

Symphurus billykrietei
Munroe, 1998

Common Name/Nom commun: chocolatebanded tonguefish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include Kriete's tonguefish. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Symphurus diomedeanus
(Goode & Bean, 1885)

Common Name/Nom commun: spottedfin tonguefish, sole tachetée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include daubed tonguefish. Symphurus pterospilotus Ginsburg, 1951 is a synonym according to some authors.

Symphurus marginatus
(Goode & Bean, 1886)

Common Name/Nom commun: margined tonguefish, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported in the “East Coast of North America Strategic Assessment Project” by the Northern Gulf Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Mont Joli, Québec. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004).

Symphurus minor
Ginsburg, 1951

Common Name/Nom commun: largescale tonguefish, sole à grandes écailles.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Order/Ordre Tetraodontiformes (16)
Family/Famille Balistidae

This family is also known as leatherjackets.

Balistes capriscus
Gmelin, 1789

Common Name/Nom commun: gray triggerfish, baliste capri.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include baliste gris.

Balistes vetula
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: queen triggerfish, baliste royal.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include old wench, old wife and baliste vieille.

Canthidermis sufflamen
(Mitchill, 1815)

Common Name/Nom commun: ocean triggerfish, baliste océanique.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sobaco.


Family/Famille Monacanthidae (4)

This family is also known as limes in French.

Aluterus schoepfii
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: orange filefish, bourse orange.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include alutère orangé, turbot, hogfish, sunfish and unicornfish.

Aluterus scriptus
(Osbeck, 1765)

Common Name/Nom commun: scrawled filefish, alutère écrit.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include scribbled leatherjacket.

Monacanthus ciliatus
(Mitchill, 1818)

Common Name/Nom commun: fringed filefish, lime frangée.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bourse emery.

Stephanolepis hispidus
(Linnaeus, 1766)

Common Name/Nom commun: planehead filefish, lime à grande tête.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Ostraciidae (2)

Lactophrys trigonus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: trunkfish, coffre tuberculé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rough trunkfish and buffalo trunkfish.

Lactophrys triqueter
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: smooth trunkfish, coffre lisse.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include coffre baquette. Also placed in the genus Rhineosomus.


Family/Famille Tetraodontidae (3)

Lagocephalus lagocephalus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name/Nom commun: oceanic puffer, orbe étoilé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include toby.

Sphoeroides maculatus
(Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Common Name/Nom commun: northern puffer, sphéroïde du nord.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sea squab, swellfish, swelltoad, bellowsfish, sugar toad, globefish, balloonfish and compère bigarré.

Sphoeroides pachygaster
(Müller & Troschel, 1848)

Common Name/Nom commun: blunthead puffer, sphéroïde trogne.
Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune.


Family/Famille Diodontidae (2)
(porcupinefishes/poissons porc-épics)

This family is also known as atingas in French.

Chilomycterus schoepfii
(Walbaum, 1792)

Common Name/Nom commun: striped burrfish, atinga bariolé.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include swellfish, porcupinefish, rabbitfish, oysterfish.

Diodon holocanthus
Linnaeus, 1758

Common Name/Nom commun: balloonfish, diodon tacheté.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Spiny Puffer.


Family/Famille Molidae (2)

This family is also known as môles in French.

Masturus lanceolatus
(Liénard, 1840)

Common Name/Nom commun: sharptail mola, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sharptail sunfish and sharpfin sunfish. No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 7 Octobe r2004). Recorded from Nova Scotia by Collette and Klein-MacPhee (2002). The AFS list (Nelson et al., 2004) has this species in the genus Mola in contrast to Eschmeyer's "Catalog of Fishes".

Mola mola
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Names/Nom commun: ocean sunfish, môle commun.
Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include headfish, moonfish, trunkfish, millstone and môle.


Rejected Records

This section lists taxa that are rejected as records for Canadian waters. "Canadian waters" are defined in the Introduction. These taxa are all included in the Checklist as a complete treatment of records for this ichthyofauna but are extracted here for a more ready survey. Note that this is not meant to be a complete taxonomic synonymy but lists rejected records that appear in major synoptic works such as Scott and Crossman (1973), Hart (1973), Scott and Scott (1988), McAllister (1990), and Coad et al. (1995). Synonyms and varying placement of species in genera are not given here; some more common ones are mentioned in the Checklist but any taxa not found there can be checked for validity in Eschmeyer(1998) or in the on-line version at

Rejected records include synonyms (described species which are another, earlier described species), named hybrids, and extralimital records including species "expected" to occur in Canadian waters but without confirmation.


 Arctogadus borisovi
Drjagin, 1932

Common Name/Nom Commun: toothed cod, saïda barbu.
Comments: Møller et al. (2002) consider this species to be a synonym of Arctogadus glacialis.

Occella impi
Gruchy, 1970

Common Name/Nom commun: pixie poacher, lutin.
Comments/Commentaires: Described from the mouth of the Skonun River, McIntyre Bay, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 54°02'N, 132°00"W. Now regarded as a synonym of Stellerina xyosterna (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880).


Inopsetta ischyra
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Common Name/Nom Commun: hybrid sole, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: A hybrid, apparently of Platichthys stellatus x Parophrys vetulus.

Extralimital Records

Alosa chrysochloris
(Rafinesque, 1820)

Common Name/Nom commun: skipjack herring, ?.
Comments/Commentaires: Reported as an introduction to the Great Lakes (Michigan, Erie) and potentially in Canadian waters from the latter record. However not thought to be reproducing and not thought to be a valid record for Lake Erie (Trautman, 1981; Holeck et al., 2004).


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Prokofiev, A. M. and Kukuev, E. I. 2006. Two new species of linebellies (genus Pseudoscopelus) with a revised key of species (Perciformes: Chiasmodontidae). Journal of Ichthyology, 46(supplement 1):S21-S37.

Prokofiev, A. M., and Kukuev, E. I. 2009. Systematics and distribution of black swallowers of the genus Chiasmodon (Perciformes: Chiasmodontide). Journal of Ichthyology, 49(10):899-939.

Renaud, C. B. 2011. Lampreys of the World. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of the Lamprey Species Known to Date. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes, 5:vi + 109 pp.

Robins, C. R. and Ray, G. C. 1986. A Field Guide to the Atlantic Coast Fishes of North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston (Peterson Field Guide Series 32). xi + 354 pp.

Rubec, P. J. and B. W. Coad. 1974. First record of the margined madtom (Noturus insignis) from Canada. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 31(8):1430-1431.

Scott, W. B. and Crossman, E. J. Freshwater Fishes of Canada. Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 184:xi + 966 pp. (1979 reprint with supplements).

Scott, W. B. and Scott, M. G. Atlantic Fishes of Canada. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 219:xxx + 731 pp.

Stein, D. L., Bond, C. E. and Misitano, D. 2003. Liparis adiastolus (Teleostei, Liparidae): a new snailfish species from the littoral zone of the northeastern Pacific, and redescription of Liparis rutteri (Gilbert and Snyder, 1898). Copeia, 2003(4):818-823.

Stevenson, D. E. and Sheiko, B. A,. 2009. Clarification of Lyodes diapterus species complex (Perciformes: Zoarcidae), with comments on the subgenus Furcimanus. Copeia, 2009(1):125-137.

Sylvester, R. M., Freeling, S. E. and Berry, C. R. 2006. First record of the plains minnow, Hybognathus placitus, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 119(2)(2005):219-223.

Taylor, E. B., Boughman, J. W., Groenenboom, M., Sniatynski, M., Schluter, D. and Gow, J. L. 2006. Speciation in reverse: morphological and genetic evidence of the collapse of a three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) species pair. Molecular Biology, 15(2):343-355.

Themelis, D. E. 1996. Variations in the abundance and distribution of mesopelagic fishes in the Slope Sea off Atlantic Canada. Ph.D. Thesis, Dalhousie University, Halifax. xii + 203 pp.

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Trunov, I. A. and Kukuev, E. I. 2004. The first finding of Caristius maderensis (Caristiidae) in Nova Scotia (northwestern Atlantic). Journal of Ichthyology, 44(2):180-181.

Wisner, R. L. and McMillan, C. B. 1995. Review of new world hagfishes of the genus Myxine (Agnatha, Myxinidae) with descriptions of nine new species. Fishery Bulletin, 93:530-550.

Wood, R. M., Mayden, R. L., Matson, R. H., Kuhajda, B. R. and Layman, S. R. 2002. Systematics and biogeography of the Notropis rubellus species group (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Bulletin of the Alabama Museum of Natural History, 22:37-80.

© Brian W. Coad (


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada